Name one youtuber smarter than Molyneux.
Name one youtuber smarter than Molyneux
Other urls found in this thread:
Hu Kars
the guy who hunts emus with his bare hands
people doing the cinnamon challenge
dogs and monkeys living in harmony
the white guy who gets into the fight at QT with the hood from NY
Doug Benson 30 minutes into an episode of getting Doug with High
TJ the Amazing Atheist.
amazing atheist pwns ur faggot french guy
redpilled romanian named Zooc dropping redpills on parasitic gypsies. english isnt even his main language and he is a great speaker.
Oh dear lawd
>Pooloo weeabo posting
I can smell you from here, Pajeet. Your wagon wheel flag triggers my olfactory nerve and I start retching.
yup, richer, better looking, and whiter than this sad sack of shit. also he takes things easy and looks like less of a buffoon on camera (only one of them pretends too)
that emu guy is Andrew Ucles I believe, and he is unironically smart af
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fuck your gay shit
My recent favorites: yuri bezmenov, william luther pierce and lana lokteff. They arent really youtubers but whatever.
>guy who hunts emus with his bare hands
seconded. this is what i think of when i think of australian people
Yeah this may be the only guy on his level
I never know how ironic these threads are
This guy is literally an idiot
Like seriously
Mike Matei. He beat Dr.Jekyll.
I honestly can't
Sargon if Cuckkad
Christopher Cantwell
Ryan Faulk (fringeelements)
No, not ironically.
not an argument
Actually, beating Dr.Jekyll as being proof of higher intellect is very much an argument, Steve.
Have you ever played Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde?
What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?
Is he red pilled?
TJ aka The Amazing Atheist
"we did you make me like this"
"why do hate me so, God"
Shill Whittle cucks for Israel and the establishment. Used to be based.
isn't Nepal just a little bit Pooloo itself though?
is this shit your job? every fucking molythread
I didn't like his Detroit video that much or the fact that he's a Cruz missile. He also found the one Jew who can't keep control of the media and is thus constantly on failing shows. He's a very intelligent man, but he just can't seem to find his own way.
>47 replies
>0 arguments
God I hate this place
Argumento Ergo NOT
Come on Steve. Show us how philosophical you really are.
Ryan Dawson
James Corbett
Mike Rivera
Syrian girl
Stefan is moron has absolutely dick all knowledge of what is going on in the ME right now and is only riding the "muh refugees" train for attention from the contrarian "alt right" and on his shows he deliberately only interviews retards that disagree with him and decently intelligence people that agree with him so he doesn't look like the fool he is.
For example this video on Syria made in 2012 by Ryan Dawson(he had been saying that this is what's coming for at least two years prior as well) has been vindicated by Hilary's email leaks just a few days ago.
Hilary's email confirming Syria is about Israeli interest not America's
No one here needs to make an argument as no case was put forth.
Also theocracy is best form of government Grey Jedi style of Taoism or "Zen" Buddhism.
I'll make an argument if anyone gives a damn to ask.
>It's another ' not an argument' episode
he's amazing at shoving bananas up his butt
Listening to anything regarding foreign policy he goes full neocon which is the most brain dead retarded stance out there well except for "lol nurk dem all glass purking lert" but that is ideocracy levels of stupid so it isn't fair to legitimately recognize them.
He even pushes the "Iran is 30 days away from nukes for the last 30 years" propaganda.
Never mind that every intelligence agency out there including the Israeli mossad all agree that Iran hasn't even made the decision to start to pursue nuclear weapons let alone have any semblance of a nuclear weapons program.
He is however fairly good on domestic issues but takes a deliberate partisan stance against anything "the left" takes even when they're right for the wrong reasons.
Ron Paul
Bill Still
This guy.
>he deliberately only interviews retards that disagree with him
So much this. I don't think he's a retard, I think he's intelligent, though not NEARLY as intelligent as he thinks. His problem is the same as Dawkins was on his TV interviews, he find dumb people who disagree with him and then fallacy fallacy's all over the place.
>you're an retard
>you believe x
>you explain it retardedly
>therefore I am right
>never makes his own argument
>Syrian girl
>you're an retard
>>you believe x
>>you explain it retardedly
>>therefore I am right
>>never makes his own argument
The worst was that 9/11 "discussion" and Stefan's response to his fans when they called him out.
It isn't like the flat earth or the creationist earth people where even the most articulate people are saying absolute nonsense 9/11 has a clear cut group of people that absolutely know what they're talking about and have a shit load of hard evidence to back up their claims and then you have the "buildings fell to fast there were no planes only holograms a missile hit the Pentagon and the towers were taken down by space lasers".
Unsurprisingly he picked the later and when his audience demanded he have an actual discussion with people like James Corbett and Ryan Dawson he deleted a few comments from the first days(like most all YouTubers he only stays around an individual videos comment sectiona couple of days) the video was posted including one personally posted by Ryan Dawson saying he'd be happy to have an open discussion.
He also outright hung up on a woman that was making him look like a fool but I can't remember what video it was.
She has been right about everything going on in Syria.
Mimi is one of the best sources of information on what is going on over there
So relaying news going on in her country makes her a genius now? How many times have you whacked off to her?
Who is she ?
>So relaying news going on in her country makes her a genius now
That isn't all she does user.
She breaks down what is going on and more importantly why
While calling out propaganda
>He also outright hung up on a woman that was making him look like a fool but I can't remember what video it was.
Ouch, I can almost feel his ego tear in two.
If anyone can find any links of Molyneux getting molyblew that would make my day
Plz answer who is she?
What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?
Is he red pilled?
I hear he has 200 IQ.
>the white guy who gets into the fight at QT with the hood from NY
Anyone got a link to this?
Filthy Degenerate, Finland shame on you!
does your olfactory nerve retch when your people beg for food from here?
Rich piana
Filthy Frank,
Anybody really...
Can someone filter out shitposts ITT?
Based Japanese girl who likes Trump and speaks rearry good Engrish.
rob ager
dude legit looks unhealthy, looks like one of those dudes who pumps their self full of performance enhancers then gets found dead in the gym due to a heart attack
cute CUTE!
Alright Bahadur, we will increase your wage by 10% so that you can buy that mask.
Now back to duty guarding the loo.
Rich Piana doesnt do steroid moron. He's 100% natty
The amazing atheist debunks that fag all the time on his show the drunken peasants
Not an argument
Noam Chomsky
My cat
>name one YouTube person who is more shilled than this guy
I would literally suck sargons dick
>take incredibly shitty quality mic
>add some shitty counter strike gameplay
How that faggot has so many subscribers i'll never know.
Oh wait, I do know. It's because children have access to the internet.
Sargon of Akkad
Isn't Thunderf00t an actual genius? I'm sure he's one of the only people on the planet qualified to do his job too.