Why does Sup Forums have the most intelligent posters out of all Sup Forums boards?

Why does Sup Forums have the most intelligent posters out of all Sup Forums boards?


Sup Forums is a fucking hivemind. WHat do you mean "intelligent posters"?

Is that really impressive though?

Most posters can express their opinions in a very well way. Debating on this board is just on another level. Also many Sup Forums users are really good at sciences.

We all eventually migrate here after seeing what a cesspool the rest of Sup Forums is


If you're the most intelligent in a room of retards, most intelligent doesn't necessarily mean intelligent.

There's a range of people here but when we want to debate I usually see a high quality of discourse.

you joking right, this board is the cancer of Sup Forums leaking everywhere

Memejerking and bandwagoning... Yeah, sure. That's what intelligent people do.

>Pic related
>My shitpost got famous on the interwebs

>Why does Sup Forums have the most intelligent posters out of all Sup Forums boards?

>I usually see a high quality of discourse
You'll have to show me some time. I've yet to see it.

I come for the memes. And stay for the banter.

It's in a very good way or very well, Franz

Fuck off Ayush
Nobody fucking cares

Lol, stop. This board is bad, and has been since area flags were introduced. You're just slightly above furry posters on Sup Forums, don't flatter yourself.

Also this

It's not that we're leaking out, it's that the rest of the world is leaking in, and coming back out completely broken as a human being; which is not really our fault.

Ayyy! Nice to see you here, half-burger.

Try browsing for more than a day.

we are the oldest. most of us are grown up Sup Forumstards

Anyone looks smart after browsing /x/.


You don't know me, friend ;^)

kek, we're anything but smart.
We're just the least retarded and least cucked board.

Sup Forums is full of idiots, it's almost Sup Forums level

Hey! We are Anomalous here! Don't forget! Expecto Patronum!

And you're either the weedman or the weedman's friend. I know I shared the picture with him.

No you fucking mongoloid
You don't know me

pol can't solve simple 2nd year calculus problems.

the problem with pol is that it's severely anti-intellectual and supplements that impulse with a dosage of infowars and the like type of bs. it isn't even edgy anymore too. stormcucks ruin the fuck of doing shocking racist shit because they are dumb.

>Being this cunty
I'm curious. Need hints.

That would be Sup Forums or Sup Forums

Like I said before
I've been following your posts for a while

>when your countrymen got the shitposting covered before you even arrive

> pol

Sup Forums used to be good before cunts like you who can't even spell or use proper grammar started relentlessly shitposting.

Sup Forums is the only board on this site that's unique to the chan experience. Only double chan Sup Forums is similar. But all the other boards? Is Sup Forums the only place on the internet you can discuss sports? Is Sup Forums the only place you can discuss movies and shows? Of course not.

It takes a special level of weirdo to be a heavy Sup Forums user, but not use Sup Forums. That's why all the other boards are just a combination of Sup Forumsacks pursuing other interests, and freaks.

Uh huh. And how'd you know my name?

Yes it does, that's the founding principle of academia

It's not intelligence, it's taking things seriously, posters on other boards aren't putting actual effort into posting

Why you would want to take this website seriously or direct any effort into it, I don't know.

Everybody on Sup Forums is retarded

Yeah well you're gay


Most kids don't give two shits about politics.

From those videos you posted a few weeks back ;^)

Eh ho ra? Ani Asare Mahinama kasto lagyo ni? Jazz/bebop style

It was ok.


Um hello? I'm not paying you to talk. Carry my tourist shit up this mountain

Are you trying to stroke our egos Germany?

>very well way


Because the only other boards you visited are Sup Forums and /x/,

I'm only ever really on Sup Forums, only came here to see what you neckbeards thought of ze plane crash.

>Carry my tourist ship up this mountain


It's not brutal this way.

Brutal, like your ancestors in the fires of Mount fuhrer?

>very well way

Watch out!

Do I even need to say anything....

For the lulz

Deus kek


also among the oldest too

>why take this website seriously

You haven't posed a reason why anyone shouldn't, like so many people you're using false association with other boards or/b/'s reputation to deride the quality of the board.

Sup Forums is what you make of it, and I haven't seen a poster from Canada post anything insightful or intelligent in a long time. You shitposters rely on people who provide content like parasites, because without the content posters this board is just Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /s4s/ 2.0.

You're the flavorless crap that clogs this board.

Stupid people aren't interested in politics

oh you

If you only browse Sup Forums and /r9k/ you're not going to find the smartest of people

this, really

>Implying old farts are smart

Try to say the same thing in another language without google and then talk.

We are elite.


>speaking fewer than one language
How does this work?