What's the best song on this
What's the best song on this
Tie between End of the Summer and Victoria
Those look dangerously close to a feminist and a nu-male on the cover. Hopefully I'm wrong.
They aren't
Victoria, Shley or The Jerk
This band is honestly great.
>"they aren't"
>that pic
>i dont know what numales look like
catalina fight song
Cum On My Jubblies
Catalina Fight Song or End of the Summer
fucking saved lmao this is great
they absolutely are nu male feminists user
Nice edit numale
victoria and heart tattoo
they're members of an indie band called hop along.
Are they really? I had no idea
the girl is from hop along
the guy is from joyce manor
Its an overrated Pop punk record that teenagers lable as 'emo' and 'relateable'