What are some good careers you can grt without a college education?

What are some good careers you can grt without a college education?

I don't want to be a wagecuck all my life pls help

I'm M/19/USA and healthy

Other urls found in this thread:

accenture.com/us-en/careers/jobdetails?id=00488430_en&title=Agility Services - Content Review Associate (Menlo Park, CA)


Go to college, faggot.

What state u in

I'd rather not live my entire life paying back students loans no thanks

Welding or even ROAD construction. Both pay really good.

You could also work as a port-o-potty cleaner and make about 100k


truck drivers are making bank right now, but you'd be betting against autonomous vehicles succeeding.

Fuck that. Any other ideas?

Programmer. IT. Systems Administration, the usual



Retard Porn Producer. Not you being a retard. Find retards and make porn of them fucking.

tfw no nothing about tech...

would i be taught? pls no judge

KNOW* fuck maybe i do need to go to college

Learn to daytrade on the stock market.

I started doing that, I out-earn all of my shit-ass pasty faggot friends who have multiple degrees. Your degree will more than likely not land you a job anyways unless you form some nice fucking connections in college and intern like a slave which still doesn't guarantee you anything. You won't do that as easily these days.

Or learn a trade, plumber, welder, carpenter, etc.

Military, Entrepreneur (if you're not braindead but you couldn't even get into college so I doubt it) other options... oh truck driver like trips dude said and for um... not educations... military.

go to trade school they'll foot the bill for you, while you make loot.

Garbage company or waste management. Good money but shitty job

I can go to college but I'm choosing not to

Daytrade on the stock market? Could you explain how one would get into that sort of thing and how it works please?

tfw gonna end up having to join the military and die a young man in a pointless war

Well judging (ha!) by your hold on english, i'm gonna guess you're probably not gonna make it in IT. I mean, forget about Know, that whole sentence was godawful.

You don't have to be taught though. Every single resource is out there free online. Just google "how to start in IT" or whatever.

But I was serious about the retard porn. Theres like, none. Kiddy porn is more prevalent than retard porn. Probably looked down upon even more. But for that one brave soul, there's a fortune to be made.

Sorry, I'm so angry all the time. :(

specialized trades: underwater welding, oil pipeline maintenance, even normal trades pay quite well especially if your the business owner.

diesel mechanic, heavy equipment mechanic, crane operator pays unusually well.

being a generally talented salesmen can get you 60,000+ in even the more shit tier rural regions.

id say business owner but you have to learn advertising and whatnot.

machinists maje decent money.

all those things pay better with a degree

this is retarded, in my country u get each year for free, total of 5 years (for masters degree)

if u do not pass single year in the first try then u need to pay 1200$ to repeat the year, but the moment u pass the repeated year the next one is for free again,

Damn. Selling mortgage insurance as an uncaptive agent doesn't require a degree but you can't loose in some states. No sales exp needed if you get in with the IMO Equis financial. You could uber/lyft until you make enough to buy an AirBNB. Donate plasma. At 19 there are many hospitals that will treat you like a guinea pig for a new drug. Sounds dicey but a close friend of mine made almost $10K doing this When he 19 and this was circa 2007. Nevada is BEGGING for work in the pot industry

Any of that help

Most hospitals will pay for most of your college. Become some sort of medical professional.

> asks for ideas
> shuts them down

Faggot confirmed.

spelling isnt important in 98% of jobs. i have seen no correlation between competency at spelling and financial success in life.

false college is not free there, they just added 10 percent to all the employed peoples taxes so someone else is paying for it. Dont be a bum. give the money back.

that correlation obviously exists, intelligence is highly correlated with both ability to spell and financial success

You may be correct, but if you can't write a proper sentence then i'm fairly certain your linguistic skills aren't the greatest either.

pick whatever job you want. go to employment websites. type in entry level "job title here" if it says it requires college just go there any way.

become a professional whore, prostitute, or hooker. lots of options.

Fuck off with that cuck shit. How about you quit being a bum and stop driving on all those roads that I paid for?

you really just have to communicate well after this point.

I went to college and didn't have to pay back student loans forever after.

You fail at life, op.

exactly, so that even those extremely poor can afford college for free

pissdrinker, cocksmoker, ass prolapser, nigger salad tosser ... take pick OP

"fairly certain" as if to imply you literally are just assuming things and personally feel as though your assumptions are accurate because you feel they are.

Get in a training program for a skill. No college for a weak degree is dumb this day and age. Just decide what you really want to do.

also he can have part-time jobs for sure, there are many ppl both working and studying

yes poor people and people that dont pay taxes get it for free. everyone else pays for them. call me old fashioned but maybe people need to learn to teach themselves to be competent and intelligent.

smuggle marijuana to non-rec/legal states


If you're poor and dumb, no. You don't pass the entrance exam, sat's. Nope. Unless you're talking about community college.

its called socialism. after that you just give the government all your stuff and they divide it amongst people that think they need it because someone complained.

Many types of construction.
Pest management, getting pest eradication certs (company will help you).
IT doesn't require a degree, just certifications (you'll have to get on your own).
AS400 administration (company will help you cert)
Truck driver (some companies will help you cert, some will help you buy a truck)
Believe it or not elevator inspection is super hot and in a large city can break 6 figures. Need the certs but its not that hard to cert.

Lets see, without certs the military is an option.
Waste management
Toll booth operator, the pay starts low but thanks to bureaucracy the pay increases steadily more or less forever, so you can make 70-80k eventually.

yeah, fuck anybody that doesn't have inter-generational wealth on their side.

kids are not to be blame for they are poor cuz their fucktard parents do not want to work and they have right to go educate themselves

Open a brokerage account, deposit money in it, find stocks that are going to move or currently moving, and buy them then sell them in one day. If you don't have 25k in your account you get 4 intraday trades per 5 trading day period. I did swing trading till I had 25k in my account to daytrade with. You need to read a lot, and learn about charts and find good entry/exit strategies.

it doesn't work. you either go get an economics/business degree and learn how that culture works for yourself, or stay the fuck out of it.

sharks are everywhere and just want to steal your money.

How long did it take, what did you start with, etc.

Community college is the way to go. What you do is take most of your credits and hard classes at a CC that has a partnership program with a real college. Then you take the bare minimum that you have to take from thhe big boy college. Then on top of that you can sometimes tranfer all credits from a real college to a Prestigious University. A knew a guy who got his GED, went to a shitstain community college in texas, upgraded to a as--backwards texas college, then graduated from Rutgers only attending 2 semesters at age 19.

truthy truths are the most truer

Also if you are young you can join the peace corp. See the world. You don't make a lot of money, but they can sometimes teach you skills, plus they pay for everything (travel, food) and you can save up a nest egg.

Its something like a 2 year commitment, but it WILL change you and your outlook on life.

>remember... D's get degrees

national socialism is the only way for humanity to move forward as a whole. its the only way for people to get a fair chance at being educated, healthy, and stable.

you might like the idea of being on top in a capitalist system, but the deck has been stacked against you for over a hundred years.

imagine the USA like a rust server thats been running for 100 years. everything is owned by people who've been there longer than you, and if you want a piece of it you have to skulk in the shadows for scraps or devote your life to an old fag who pays you 1/1000000th of what he earns per day.

Learn to sell. If you can sell you can build relationships with people quickly which allows you to make connections. Then make your own product or service and sell that

And nobody gives a single flying fuck about your GPA in the real word.

Aerospace. But you gotta start low.

I don't have a college education, but I got a job at a place that does repairs on gas turbine engines for commercial jets, military aircrafts, and large power plants.
The cool thing about it is even though I started off powerwashing parts for $11/hr, the company will pay for my tuition if I go to college for job-related classes. I could go into engineering, welding, business, industrial radiology, you name it and they'll pay for it so that I can build a career there.

Not OP, just curious about day trading.

truthiest truthed

I dunno man. I've worked in IT a long time. If anyone ever said "dud u need 2 rebot teh server" in an email more than a couple times we'd be rethinking our hiring decision pretty hard.

But there's tons of jobs for stupid people. i think there is, anyways. I mean how else do they pay for tickets to The Fast & The Furious movies and stereo systems for their hondas?

People act like it is not true, but the poor are a billion times better off today then in the past. Except for drug addicts or the mentally ill, poor people have cell phones, clothes, food, and shelter in America. Even when not in America you know what happened to the poor 100 years ago? They died.

But yes, as robots take more jobs there will need to be a universal basic guaranteed income for humanity to move forward.

yeah your GPA only matters if you want to go for honors or masters degrees. and they're only useful if you want to become an academic or business executive. and if you want to be a business executive and have no connections/family then you're relegated to startups until you either hit a winner and get bought out by a big dog, or die old and bitter with a fuckload of debt.

Yeah, it worked out great for russia, china, north korea, etc..

water or wastewater treatment operator. Only requires some cheap and easy to aquire state certifications. I work at a wastewater treatment plant, started as a trainee at 13/hr. One year later, I have my state cert. and make 20/hr, have a GREAT benefits package, and hardly do any work. I work 8 hour days, Monday through Friday, and usually get 6-8 hours overtime every week. (less if I don't want it that week for whatever reason) Where I live (AL) 20/hr is pretty good; the cost of living is extremely low here.

Also, look into:

Truck Driver, esp. Hazardous Materials

Garbage Truck driver

UPS/Fedex driver



HVAC technician

those countries are not national socialists. those countries are communist/totalitarian states.

why are you so bitter that you hate the idea of giving an extra 5% in taxes so that the rest of your countrymen can have access to free health and education? its moronic that you can be that selfish.

generational wealth is gone 90% of the time bu the third gen and 70% by the 2nd gen. I hate prvilileged people too. i just dont think socialism is an acceptable solution.

Many content review jobs in tech don't require a degree and pay okay. Google pays around $15/hr to review apps for policy compliance.

-24/7 operations so u may be stuck working nightshift
-normally contracted out to 3rd party companies
-contract may only be for 6 - 12 months

some people make a living making YouTube vids and twitch streams

Because I hate black people.

I call BS on this stat unless you're counting loss of wealth as going from billionaire to mere millionaire.

also, there is a serious deficit of labor in the water treatment industry, therefore, there are jobs everywhere all the time, and nobody wants to fire the guy who's position they have been trying to fill for 6 months.

I see you people are talking about being skilled in tech i'm decently skilled and feel like i'm better than most IT (at least the ones i met)haven't gone to college and practically the same age as this guy where could i start?

Become a youtube sensation.
Learn a trade.
When I was your age I was mowing lawns for 50 cents a yard, until I saved up for a new bike. Got a job in a landscaping union. Biked till I got a car. Then kept working up till I became senior manager. Currently making 42/hour

false, lots of executives dont have masters. in fact most company executives dont have the title executive.

Recruitment is a pretty healthy career and estate agents. Both are sort of jobs mostly birds do but I know a few guys in these fields and they all drive audis and beamers, have mortgages always flush with cash always got a few grams of good flake on them. This is in the UK but I supoose you wouldn't need a degree either in the US? Might be different you guys are pretty strict when it comes to criteria I hear. Only thing about these jobs are if you want to succeed you have to be good at sales and general customer service and ambitous otherwise you wont get the commission that makes the job worth it. Hope that helps OP.

how much money should i start off with

air traffic controller

six figures.

Also sell drugs on the side if you've got the balls. Good way to pay for cash based items, free's up your legit money to spend on holidays and your missus

College is a complete scam unless you're going to medical school or are naturally talented in buissness. I would have said engineering 10 years ago but not now. Lawyers are a dime dozen and most end up working for the state making 40k. Always follow your gut feeling if something doesn't feel right. I did, walked out of college and applied for the pipe fitters union and never looked back. As a first year apprentice my package is about 40$ an hour, 19$ dollars an hour goes to annunity, pension, health insurance etc. my take home pay is 21$ an hour with an average of 500$ in scrap copper a month which is just free money. Schooling is completely payed for. Journeyman rate is 55$ an hour right now, very few get laid off bc nobody wants to do a physical job anymore. I can retire at 57 with a full pension ( about 6 grand a month until I die), have top tier health insurance and be debt free. I'll be pulling in 8 to 12k a month (depending on much overtime I feel like working) post tax while all my friends are working 70 hour weeks on salary making 50-60k trying to pay off loans with little retirement options.

I think OP is too lazy to learn IT, or anything else it seems.

i questioned it too. i dont have access to the methods they used to come to vome to that conclusion

Content Review Job
Only requires HS diploma +6 months work experience

accenture.com/us-en/careers/jobdetails?id=00488430_en&title=Agility Services - Content Review Associate (Menlo Park, CA)

lots of executives that will never hold a titular position in the company you mean.

i'd love to see you point out a CEO, CFO, or CSO that doesn't have an MBA at the very least.

railway conductor

Learn web/software development, on teamtreehouse or at least try it out,pays good and youll never have to worry about there not being work

What sort of life do you want aswell. Drugs, cars, suits and a fit missus or just not struggling eating baked beans on toast for dinner? Either way put in the work son and be ambitous and do drugs when possible and love life knowing that you're going to die one day and in max 200 years any thought of you ever existing will stop and you'll be forgotten forever. So just enjoy life while you can and stop being a lazy shit. Sincerely an user that cares to see you succeed in what really matters x

Rails can be good money

checked and really? 50?

What and how would someone get into being a military entrepreneur

But if they go to college isn't the point so they can get a better paying job and also be a tax paying citizen? That added with now there is more of the population is that much better educated.

Selling/reselling drugs. It's why you see nice cars in front of shit houses. Because to own a house you need to prove you have a job that can pay for it.

Probably begin by learning how grammar and punctuation work.

Best options ya got OP

no free tickets nigger
realize that now

>call me old fashioned but maybe people need to learn to teach themselves to be competent and intelligent.
i think i'll just call you retarded

Become a pimp. Find women down on their luck, and offer to let them live with you if they pimp themselves for you. Or do something easy on Patreon. Wouldn't suggest drug dealing because all the drug dealers I know have guns so I assume it's very dangerous.

Damn son want some ice for that burn?
