Opinions on basic income?

Opinions on basic income?


I'm not talking about the experiment itself, rather the idea of everyone getting money for nothing like that.
Sounds like a possibility of a very comfy life, but does it even have any chance of sustaining itself?

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maybe if we could create robots that did every human job. but before that, there's no way in hell it would work

No welfare takes up too much of GDP as it is, in my country its 27%. Wouldnt put it past the EU in 10 years trying to bring in an EU wide one.
There's going to have people around so the elites will probably treat it as a breakaway society and the middle class will die.

Keep in mind that the basic income doesn't mean nobody works, at least not in theory. You keep the basic income even if you take up a job; it's supposed to encourage people to work, although I doubt that part will work, aside from maybe the poorest people who didn't have the chance to work before.

t-thanks DARPA

Also as for the robots; Bill Gates proposed a special tax for companies that don't hire people because their production is done by robots

as if that would solve anything
full economic automation could make true communism possible
dragging on capitalism would be a mistake

I support basic income. At some point in the future it will be neccesary to prevent mass riots and the like. Most jobs are already pointless, and I think it's better than having people work for no reason

It's supposed to work so that it keeps you floating alive but just barely. It should encourage work especially considering it doesn't just drop when you get a place to work in.

Also cuts out a lot of useless bureaucracy and makes it so you can't really cheat the system and earn more by Neetbux than you would earn in a low end job. In theory it sounds fine but in practise? Who knows, what if the extreme lazy bastards still decide not to work and start taking loans or something like that?

>It's supposed to work so that it keeps you floating alive but just barely
>it's still higher than Polish minimal wage

You don't need them for every job, that wouldn't work. People will need to retrain in order to work in R&D and other things robots just can't do.

The idea is as says. It's supposed to give you some sort of life but no luxaries. Why do I think people won't just collect their free money and sit at home? Well why do people buy flashy cars when a shit one will do? Because having nice things is nice. The incentive for work is still there, it just creates a better safety net for those who don't or can't work.

I doubt it's going to happen widely for a while because countries still like to keep their immigration numbers high to push the problem of having an aging population a bit further down the lane.

Shits expensive here lad.

No wonder so many poles come here to work off radar so they can just get dem sweet monies.

banks wont give you loan if you dont have job, pretty sure they would adjust for basic income, you cant really fool banks t bh its all run by same jews who make new laws

don't think it'll ever work on more than a few specific demographics like young people who have just gotten out ouf school, shit's expensive

Basic income will come around as more automation replaces human workers. We'll also start seeing birth limits like China's old one child policy.

Basic income is a ploy to mollify the peons by insulating them from the market pressures of automization. Once automization is complete there's no rational reason why the ruling class wouldn't just liquidate the UBI peons with drones or bioweapons to conserve resources.

I don't think we will. We'll probably just see less immigration. Aren't most first world countries on a birth rate of below 2? And I'm sure that will go down when you have less immigrants that have 4-5 children or more.

K, but then what is the point of hoarding money?

What we will see is money going to crap, quite honestly because it has no use. And people will get paid to study, finally. Even hamplanets and the disabled will have big stuff to do, because knowldge is going to be required from everyone.

Yes we will need a cut to numbers of people, I do hope for that, but we will need a bunch of people to keep learning and developing new crap.

please they're going to kill us all off as soon as robots can replace 99% of us

I just thought about that, knowledge being required for everyone and people being paid to study. Honestly, I know most people will still choose a media degree instead of something useful.

At that point a media degree will also be useless, and nonexistent. xD

Going into computer science next year, so I'm gud rn. :3

Me too funnily enough.

A media degree is already useless but I don't see it becoming non-existant here sadly. Universities don't get as much funding as they used to from the government and get a lot from media courses. I'd be all for free higher education if it meant getting rid of those kinds of degrees.

We already get way more neetbux than that new system, I don't get why it gets so much attention.

I like it. I would drop math and start start to draw than

It should be enough that you can have a roof over your head and food in your stomach. It shouldn't replace work but it should keep those who cant find work off the streets. The world is changing, what used to be for good for nothing bums is now for people that through no fault of their own simply cant find adequate work

Free education should already be a thing for natural science courses and those who rely heavily on it.

But after we have an automated world, "memedia degress" and probably the humanistics in general will become hobbie-like things you do in your free time.

I might be wrong, I live in a favela tbqh. Just seems that way to me. Lesser value in contribution to science / society = No funding = halt. :3

It should I completely agree. Sadly though most countries aren't funding these couses even though the benefit is clear. The UK has moved from free higher education, to giving students essentially 42k debt as soon as they graduate. I'm fairly lucky so I'm only in about 27k debt, but still. Sure you can pay that off with a good job from a good degree, but it does put you off something like teaching which pays poorly in comparison to other jobs.

What you're saying is complete common sense and should be the way things are, but they aren't sadly.

>Sounds like a possibility of a very comfy life, but does it even have any chance of sustaining itself?
In Finland? Maybe. its a matter of the populations attitude to work. For many cultures in europe being unemployed is inherently shameful and there is significant social pressure to getting a job even if you'd actually get more or as much money doing nothing.

>banks wont give you loan if you dont have job
They absolutely do. They shouldn't, but they do.

They do, but there's always sites that offer payday loans, don't overestimate the need for money for unemployed people especially if they do drugs.

Well, after I manage to get my ass off poverty I got a couple of projects to discuss with my teachers. Those things coming into fruition might be a kick for it. Granted chances I'll get them going are slim to none, chances knowledge world-wide for them to even be possible in 10 years is probably around nothing also.

But imagine this(as I undertood you are also going into comp sci): Come up with something really awesome, to solve a common and maybe even a serious problem around your area; your project takes off; you get monies from it; you fund courses; you get political wight; you force it on eveyone else. Feelsgudtobedictator.
> Note: This second part is humour. xD

In my country this libertarian movement seems to really be taking off and it might be too late for me to get into a good public university, which are by far the ones with better teachers and research capabilities. But I'm simply assuming it won't be, because I'm naive and I imagine everyone will come to this.

Sad that people wanna turn important things into products. ='(

nice in an idealistic way of thinking
a mess in a realistic way of thinking

I already get the money right now.

The difference is that I SHALL NOT make more money currently.
How realistic is that?