Why are you afraid of smart, career oriented women, Sup Forums?
Why are you afraid of smart, career oriented women, Sup Forums?
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Nobody is afraid of them. You really should learn the difference between hate and fear.
When a career woman dies what happens to her money? No kids, no husband?
Fear leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
I don't care about them.
A career woman is just a woman that thinks like a jew, being more worried about money than anything else. And because I don't like jews I don't like people who act like them.
Peter's Principle.
Anyone who starts off a conversation by telling you how great they are, are usually not and just huge assholes and who wants to date a giant asshole? Except maybe women.
Nope, biological oxymoron
Women are not smart. They're also not dumb. Somewhere in the middle.
I hate women in general
I sometimes feel like that too, but you need to keep your eye on the Jews.
Not afraid of them. Bit certainly annoyed by the fact that the hiring requirements for women appear to be much lower in some cases.
I work in a field that's pretty cucked and you wouldn't believe how many feckless, squabbling, no-talent women I've seen hired not because they have any skill or professional consistency but because they are loud mouth SJWs with successful feminist Twitter accounts. This I guess is mistaken for being productive and proactive. I don't know.
Women in the work place are garbage. They turn what used to be an efficient private sector into a bloated beurocracy. I'm in sales, my marketing team is all women. They literally came to hang balloons around our cubes. They literally wasted their time and the companies resources on balloons. They fix problems that aren't any kind of issue and continue to throw resources are things we don't need. We're constantly getting solutions to issues we dont have while the real problems are readily ignored.
I guess "based Hungary" was a meme.
>afraid of roleplayers
>career oriented
choose any two.
"I know we're here to talk about the FY2017 budget, but I'd like to discuss why we haven't yet instituted an office wide policy on gender nuetral bathrooms."
>and who wants to date a giant asshole?
Because divorce law/child support payment makes every cunt a minefeild.
I guess it would end up going to the state, unless they had a will giving it to charity.
Because, while some might be able to 'balance' it, the more career oriented you are the less family oriented you are.
I put a great deal of value on having a lot of children and them having a loving mother. If she's off trying to become a CEO those pregnancies and responsibilities thereafter will affect her 'career.'
Going further, the fact that women are becoming more career oriented is one of the reasons that Europe is going to shit. The fertility rate is abysmal. Women have a very unique, very important part to play in society and if they do other things to the exclusion of it, well, society destabilizes.
It probably goes to some animal shelter, they tend to live out their maternal instincts on dogs and cats.
Some of the women at mt workplace are good.
Some are shit.
Almost all the blacks aren't that good though.
this guy gets it
and a female black is the double death to all chances of productivity and harmony with the team
>generalizations are bad user, they are not all like that
perhaps but even a tiny bit of shit flavors the entire dish, and we're not talking about a tiny bit are we?
They are unsurprisingly incompetent and as superficial as other women.
It's really strange. They throw themselves on their carreer but outside the working hours they are back on the same level as all other women are; whereas men their male collegues are on a totally different intellectual level compared to their blue-collar peers
I know a girl who is acing law school, but she didn't even knew who our PM was
I'm not, I'm married to a clinical pharmacist who makes 125k a year in a mid size town nestled up next to a national park
I don't think anyone is afraid of them in the slightest. You'd have to have a very fragile worldview to think that the only reason people disagree with you is because they are afraid. Its probably some kind of projection.
I would assuming I could find one that matches those qualities
Has she started belittling you for making less yet?
Dude I get to stay at home and do jack shit until our first kid is born, it's the fucking life...
There's nothing wrong with smart career oriented women it's the fact that there's so many who believe they are when they really aren't.
You're in for it, bro. Can't believe you don't see the massive shitstorm coming.
>first kid is born
Haha he doesn't realize what's in store. Eventually she's going to get tired of being the breadwinner and aim for someone higher up. That's just the nature of women. I also guarantee you she is fucking her work-husband, or will do so within the next 5-8 years.
So many people at office jobs will be married and fuck each other. It's insane. That's the other reason I don't want a "career woman". Why get married if they're just going to cheat on you.
If a woman is actually smart and into having a real career, and not busy work fake careers, then I respect her. Hell, I don't date women who don't work.
I'm not afriad of them. I just have zero interest in them. Like women who subscribe to sex positivity. There is simply absolutely nothing attractive about them.
You fucking faggot. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to beating up teenagers while eating an orange.
>smart women
I'm not afraid of nonexistant things
Man, I'd hate to be as bitter as you are. Enjoy ending up with some single mother who has a black baby, I'll be over here managing our assets, engaging in my hobbies, and raising my beautiful white children.
If you manage to find a woman who isn't uneducated white trash, perhaps you'll find a quality woman.
I have been trying to smash but it has been a humbling experience
Hey Hulk, how are you using keyboards with such large fingers?
Silly ghoulash, there's no such thing as a smart woman
The problem is when the woman doesn't realise it and expects life to be made easier for her at the expense of men, because she's "equal"
>smart, career oriented
basically men without a dick
>quality woman
I wish I could be there when your happy, little bubble is burst. She will fuck you over as soon as it is convenient. Probably once your kids are in school, and it will be preceded by a slow increase of badgering, nitpicking and tearing you down for being a cuck. She's probably already planned it out and discussed it with at least one or two of her close friends. You know that smile when they see you? "Oh, hi, user, it's great to see you!" That one. They have already had the conversation about how you aren't fit to be a long term father. They know what you are in for, and they are sociopathic enough to not care.
>implying we are
women in the public sphere at the same time society is falling apart, on the eve of ww3. coincidence? I think not
degeneracy accompanies collapse, always
ripip sodom and gomorrah
ball breaking bitches
The more independent she is, the more likely she is to initiate divorce since it's nearly always in their her to do so given the current legal system.
Didn't know i was until you made this tread. Wow, really makes you think.....
We've been together for 8 years, married for 2. I'm not worried.
Seriously, try avoiding white trash and minorities and you won't have those issues you projected.
I have a fetish for very competent woman. It sucks because they likely want me to be a stay at home dad and there is no way I would quit my job so the dream will never come true.