EXCLUSIVE–Clinton Rape Accuser Broaddrick: NY Times Interviewed 50 Women About Trump… No Calls to Me!

During an interview today, Bill Clinton’s rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick suggested the New York Times spend the same amount of energy investigating claims of sexual assault against Bill Clinton that the newspaper put into probing Donald Trump’s alleged past treatment of women.

Asked if the Times contacted her for an interview about her past with Clinton, Broaddrick replied, “No they haven’t, Aaron.”

Broaddrick continued:

> I wish that they would use the same amount of energy to interview the hundreds of women that Bill Clinton has probably spoken bad words about and the many women that he has assaulted. I think a person’s own actions and what they do to women speaks much louder than a person’s hearsay and words.

She said there is a whole generation of Americans who “haven’t heard about what Bill Clinton did to the women back in that time that they need to know.”

Broaddrick replied: “I feel like she has been the enabler behind him in allowing him to continue on the same path that he did back in the ’70s and ’80s and ’90s. He has absolutely no morals when it comes to women.”
Broaddrick was speaking in a joint interview with Breitbart News and a special podcast edition of this reporter’s weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.”

Broaddrick says Clinton raped her at a hotel when she was a nursing home administrator volunteering for then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton’s 1978 gubernatorial bid.
In January, Broaddrick dropped new details in an interview on this reporter’s weekend talk radio show.

Speaking publicly for the first time in nearly a decade, Broaddrick in November told this reporter that Hillary approached her at a fundraising event three weeks after the alleged rape, and Broaddrick says Hillary implied that Broaddrick should stay quiet about the incident.

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>Posting pictures for ants
Normally I would sage you to hell faggot

>here come dat lewinsky $$$

Not if trump can pay her more to refuse to settle.

A drawn out lawsuit would tie up bill and be bad press

Bump, more people need to see this.

Nobody cares , Trump is a racist and a fascist, that's way worse

prove me wrong you cant'

here's your reply

crooked hillary defending molester bill

>It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is.

Broaddrick was never after money in the 90s, doubt she would be now. She seemed genuinely afraid of being too visible back then, likely worried she'd end up in a bodybag. Trump must have given her some protection or something.

>way worse

listen bro this is the fourth reich and Trump has nothing to do with that, it's been the fourth reich since WWII ended

now that we're clear about our nation and it's habit of killing brown people for lulz let's talk about all the fascism,

you can't escape that

next thing is the molech worship, while Trump's dad Fred was a scumbag who fucked over poor people and enriched himself with crooked business deals while destroying blue collar landmarks in our once great nation I have no doubt that Donald isn't much different

that said he's miles above Hillary who openly talks with people in her emails about Molech worship

I don't have a problem with molech worship but I feel like it's controversial enough that people who are into it should be very good when it comes to secrecy which she is obviously not

also she sounds terrible, does not sound presidential at all

at this point I like the idea of a Trump Bernie ticket

Define the words "racist" and "fascist", and then I'll tell you if he is or isn't.

If we go by what's on the dictionary, he definitely isn't.

Wow, I can't even

Nothing is worse than rape you misogynist

classic willy


Is this how they're going to try to beat Hillary? Trotting out how much of a shit head her husband is? That's fucking low. Does this mean Trump's whore of a wife is fair game now?

There's the media narrative in action:

>Attack Trump! He's racist! Ignore Hillary's rape cover up!

Bring it up with the libs and watch them weasel around it trying to say Trump's worse, then attack them saying racism is bad but raping a woman and shutting her up is something they support. The cockroaches hate being held to their own rules.

>slut shaming Melania
fucking shitlord

The point is not that Bill Clinton did these things. The point is that Bill Clinton did these things and Shillary covered for him.

what? melania is a serial rapist too?!

Come on faggots, 60k of us on this board on a good day, can't we get a hashtag trending? The adolescents at Sup Forums get edgy shit like #cutforbieber trending? Why can't we?

>Being married to a rapist

Go away you fucking faggot.

Why are you here why don't you go to r.ddit

Never forget.

So Bill Clinton is getting Bill Cosby'd?
Shame I like Bill. Hate Hillary.

You shills really are thick.

Of course she's fair game, Trump's opponent ya have considered Melania fiat game from day one, you're just mad because they best they've got on her so far is she's an immigrant, she talks funny (also speaks 6 languages), and she showed her cleavage and butt in a GQ shoot. Not exactly in the same ballpark as Bill Clinton who has left a trail of multiple rape and assault allegation over a 30 year period

Bill "if there's grass on the field play" Clinton

He's just her beard. She's a dyke.

again, that's fucking retarded and bottom of the barrel scraping, it's pathetic

Better hold a 8 month long congressional hearing about this one fellas, we need to get to the TRUTH about what she may or may not have done or known 40 years ago

The time for that to matter was 1992. You faggots want to trot this shit out, go find a time machine and take on the rape culture then because all this sounds like is just another Clinton hatchetjob

Can you elaborate on this idol worship?

I seriously think they push atheism so hard because at the end of the day they know there really is multiple shit to pray to

And as a human they don't want you to have that power

sorry m8 your missing the big picture HILLARY tried to frame her platform around women's rights and her treatment of women m8 so her enabling Clinton will be what trump uses to end that narrative leaving her dead in the water.

tis rather genius so much so the media is warning hillary

>bill Clinton isn't running

As opposed to Trump, who has his fair share of rape allegations as well? Including the one he admits to against his then wife? AND IS ACTUALLY RUNNING FOR OFFICE?

trumps wife inspires boners and makes the world a better place
bills wife kills boners and makes the world a bitter place
that is all the difference you need user
she can "rape" me if she wants i promise i will put up an honest resistance heh

Look up the Bohemian Grove


>Bernouts have to resort to misogyny to try stump Trump


you are an idiot.

One of the things people look at when looking for a president is character. The prez will be the person meeting with foreign leaders, getting on national television to address the nation, etc.

One of the best ways to tell someones character? Look at the company they keep.

And you don't get much closer than Husband and Wife when it comes to the company you keep.

It's a huge show of who she is when Hillary enables and covers for this sort of behavior. Don't get mad because "muh first female president" actually doesn't give a shit about women and the history around her and Bill show that.

>The time for that to matter was 1992

The media just brought up Trump messing with them with a phone call in '91, I don't see why people can't bring up stuff from one year later when it comes to something much more serious.

wow, thanks man, I hadn't looked at it like that

I'm now a cruzmissile

>he got away with it so far so let's just keep it that way

Didn't Nixon call that the most faggy thing he ever saw?

>One of the best ways to tell someones character? Look at the company they keep
It's not that I think you are wrong but I just find it hilarious that an anonymous poster on Sup Forums's Sup Forums actually said this

slick willy

Bill isn't running but he's campaigning for Hillary and attacking Trump. So is Chelsea. They brought this on themselves when they crossed that line. Hillary's super-PAC already attacked Trump's wife so if one side considers it acceptable, then they both can do it.

The only rape allegations against Trump is the one from his ex-wife, which his ex-wife herself has come out saying was false, and the one by a person who was proven to not even exist and was a hoax created by a lawyer trying to get money out of him.

If your only defense of your complete scum of a candidate is outright lying about her opponent you probably shouldn't even be wasting your time supporting her.

Jew York Times is corrupt, what else is new.

>le i wuz rappes but it awhile ago so please just take my word for it
Women's rights was a mistake.

The best part is even if you only take that away from all this Hillary still loses her only talking point.

I see your point, but he isn't running for president, flaunting his "husband" which is Sup Forums in our example

Did you guys ever hear that comedian's routine about when Bill Clinton would wait outside the library to walk girls to their home and he walked the comedian's mom home one night?

>No they haven’t
, Aaron

>tfw no more rallies for these women to talk about this

Slide this!

Yes, yes he did.





If Bill wasn't dying of AIDS he would basically have been the president if Hillary won

this is way too confusing to read
cant stump the trump i guess

>mfw co-workers are talking about Bill and the lolita express today

Google "lolita express bill Clinton" this alone should suffice to destroy him.



that's all I can think of