Good job, we got rid of the libtards

Good job, we got rid of the libtards.
Now what, we have stormfags all over the place.
This is screwed up even harder, it's harder to fight agaisnt people that share some ideas with you.
Fuck this

Don't you think its strange that at the height of Sup Forumss popularity there is a distinct dearth of lefty posters? Sup Forums literally gets named dropped everyday on twitter and yet this place still feels the same. What's going on?

And it's even worse for my country, we're fucking stuck on communism, we keep electing commies and we have a commie mindset.
We need a right-wing government right now, and NOT GD. A real right-wing party that will save us.
I was thinking of getting into politics in the near future, but I want to do something else first, become an entrepreneur, but the world is already turning right, so what's the catch?
I don't know, but this is the circle of society.
Hard times create soft people
soft times create hard people.

I realize Sup Forums has took the '''redpill''' but take the real one at least. It's not "gas the kikes heil hitler", it's taking an objective view at things and not acting like a radical faggot.

Unless Europe collapses and we find a leader, yes not golden dawn or any other current political party in Greece, but one that focuses on Tradition, Hellenic Culture and Hellenic Interests until that comes, both Europe collapsing and a Great Leader, there's no way off this ride and quite truthfully, I'm getting so desperate I doubt it'll come..

Nice blog, Konstantinos.

it's not a blog you fag
this concerns whole of Sup Forums since we caused this

Typically they either leave or get redpilled and stop being lefty.

Caused what, you cuck? Sup Forums hasn't caused anything. Sup Forums is an irrelevant Bhutanese sock-knitting board.

>but I want to do something else first, become an entrepreneur

Good. Paying debnts should be your #1 priority.

>It's not "gas the kikes heil hitler", it's taking an objective view at things and not acting like a radical faggot.
What if taking an objective view at things leads you to "gas the kikes heil hitler" radicalism?

>What if taking an objective view at things leads you to "gas the kikes heil hitler" radicalism?
It won't, it certainly won't.

>It won't, it certainly won't.

What makes you say this? All I see in this thread are some claims and butthurt. No wonder the "stormfags" have such an easy time establishing themselves here when you're the opposition.

>posts Nietzsche
>hates Nat Socs

Go away Jew

Because if you do take an objective stance, you won't be whining about "muh dresden" "hitler did nothing wrong"
both radical sides are retarded

I don't hate natsocs, I hate stormfags, national socialism is fine as long as you don't have thugs running your country

Stormfags and natsocs are useful tools to achieve your goals, you tool. Hitler had his brownshirts, right?

No one here is a thug, and if they were you couldn't gauge it from a 2 sentence post.

Stormfags and thugs*

>Because if you do take an objective stance, you won't be whining about "muh dresden" "hitler did nothing wrong"
>both radical sides are retarded

Someone post that "intellectual moderate" ms paint picture please.
It's hilarious that there are living memes like that.

Well what do you think?
That these people actually make sense?
Take Trump for example, is he a radical? Nope, that's why he's so perfect as a leader
If a neo-nazi skinhead faggot ran for president would he be taken seriously?

I'm not telling yuo to fall for "le nazis were ebil" meme, but don't fall for "hitler did nothing wrong heil" meme either.

>I'm le sophisticated moderate! :-dD

Yeah, we got it. It's funny that you're arguing with popularity on one hand but dismiss Hitler on the other.

You should really focus on paying debnts instead - you're no good at this.

"hur dur if you don't like left you must like hitler you have no other choice"
wew you're retarded

>we got rid of the libtards.

Nigger, there's nothing but shitlibs on this Sup Forums. Its been this way since the cuckening. Those who are worthy know where to go now.


>"hur dur if you don't like left you must like hitler you have no other choice"
Nice strawman.

Like I said, >All I see in this thread are some claims and butthurt. No wonder the "stormfags" have such an easy time establishing themselves here when you're the opposition.

You're not good in this. Try to make a proper argument against that stuff if you take some issue with it. There's no point in what you're doing at the moment, it just makes me rather side with those "stormfags" than with you.

You're only lying to yourself. Fascism is the only answer. Anonymity drives conversation to the right because the truth hides within all of us.

Because stormfags ARE becoming the popularity, you think in a few years we won't have people praising right-wing figuresA? at worst we'll have right wing governments in europe

>fascism is the only answer
you really want the government to throw you around?
because you're not going to be a party member or a leader, you're going to be an ordinary citizen.

this is for ants

One word: Catholics.

This place is infested with em.

>Because stormfags ARE becoming the popularity
Possibly, but that's not what you were arguing and neither does it support what you were arguing.

>you think in a few years we won't have people praising right-wing figuresA?
We certainly will.

>at worst we'll have right wing governments in europe
What's bad about this?

>What's bad about this?
nothing, really, as long as they're leaded by capable leaders i'm all for it.

>Because stormfags ARE becoming the popularity

The Jews overplayed their hand, what did you expect?
That and the internet allows for free flow of information, I can acquire information that a censored textbook wouldn't supply.

Europe on the whole needs to rediscover the hellenic spirit. I mean compare modern sissified men to the ancients. Socrates was a war hero who also philosophized, Plato was a pro wrestler, like John Cena with an IQ of 170. They all went to the gym and trained every day.

Modern society and wagecuckery have destroyed our bodies, eroded our minds and deafened our spirits.

yeah but not stormfags dude
You know who they are

>nothing, really, as long as they're leaded by capable leaders i'm all for it.
And whether they're capable leaders or not depends on your opinion on them, right?
That has to be the gist of it, because you certainly had no argument in this thread.

Just look at >yeah but not stormfags dude
>You know who they are

Why not? Why are you the authority on why we should disregard "stormfags" (with your vague definition of them "You know who they are") in favor of whatever you propose, when those stormfags usually do a better job explaining themselves than you do in this thread?

I hate to repeat myself, but it's
>No wonder the "stormfags" have such an easy time establishing themselves here when you're the opposition.

Do a better job and maybe you can drive them out. But until you do, you acting as if you're right when you're clearly incapable is pretty pathetic.

I honestly don't, I am assuming you mean Golden Dawn since you're Greek.

>when those stormfags usually do a better job explaining themselves than you do in this thread?
Yeah because 'hitler did nothing wrong you're a kike shill shut up im right" is a good job at explaining themselves

>>when you're the opposition.
im opposition how?

you guys act like you've never seen neo-nazis

I have never seen a neo-nazi.
At least not an obvious one.

>Yeah because 'hitler did nothing wrong you're a kike shill shut up im right" is a good job at explaining themselves
Is strawmen all you have? Honest now.

>im opposition how?
You're obviously opposing "stormfags" - or more like try to oppose them, with you clearly failing.

We shouldn't be arguing so much, maybe detail our differences instead. I notice many posters from nations that opposed the Axis are not interested in Hitler/Nat Soc support, and rightfully so. We need to focus on the issues at hand instead of glorifying a past which divides us.

>We need to focus on the issues at hand instead

That's what I've been saying from the start: >Paying debnts should be your #1 priority.


>i hate stormfags

Can you clearly define what precisely you consider to be a "stormfag"?

neo-nazis that keep whining about "muh dresden" and that "hitler did nothing wrong''

I'm still left leaning, we just get shouted out by all the outrage, sensitivities and feelings of the typical storm-weenie Sup Forumstard

See >Try to make a proper argument against that stuff if you take some issue with it.

>neonazis complaining about muh Dresden

Are you talking about the Turkish anti-Anglo shitposter? Can you link to an example of what you consider to be a stormfag?


ALL real Greeks died out hundreds of years ago. Think about it
>great art
>great philosophy
>ingenious technologies
>respactable and powerful culture that even the Romans used as their own

And yet what do we have today?
>a brown
>bunch of non Greek abominations
>rolling around in debt like a pig rolls in mud
No culture, no philosophy, no new inventions.

The Greeks died out long ago

neo-nazis were basically skinheads etc covered with facial swastika tattoos and these signs were to create gang solidarity by alienating them from the rest of the world. They were hijacking the symbols of a defeated and hated regime to separate themselves from the rest of society.

These were neo in their day and Nazis in name only.

There is a rebirth of Nazi ideas happening due to the internet making free discussion truly feasible and these are the truly new Nazis.

They are critical thinkers who do not worship the regime of Adolf Hitler.