US military spending vs. Bernie's plans

Why isn't it justified for Bernie Sanders to take out 18 billion dollars from the military spending depicted in this chart, and invest it into his plans for College and Healthcare. I'm not a Bernie fan, but I'm legitimately interested at why this can't work. Does the US need that 18 billion so badly?

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It's justifiable to reduce he military budget. It's not justifiable to use that money to pay for art and women's studies degrees

>International affairs
>40 billion

Is this like foreign aid? CUT IT.

You do realize this isn't federal expenditures right?

We spend much more money on healthcare than we do military. If you reduced the entire military budget to $0, we would still have a deficit.

Don't be a faggot OP. You've left off social security, Medicare and Medicaid - so supporting old people and niggers costs 2x as much as the military


Learn history. Even in times of peace, demilitarizing ALWAYS leads to a country getting fucked.

Name an example

i'm not talking about demilitarizing, of course, i'm just talking about what seems to be a small cut

>Cutting military
The majority of technological innovation stems from military purposes.

>unemployment 29 billion
>science 29 billion

Lmao at welfare keeping NASA from going to Mars

Firstly, we spend hundreds of billions of dollars MORE on healthcare than military, and it is in dire need of reform.
Secondly, free college would cost at least $40 billion dollars now, and that's not even including the fact that many more people would be in college than now.

OP didn't post actual spendings of 2015. In reality we spent about 3.7 trillion dollars, and healthcare was the largest expense.

>discretionary spending
That's not all of it lad.

there we go friends, pardon me

We have a lot of theocrats to kill.

>invest it into his plans for College and Healthcare
An investment yields returns. This is not an investment.

No, that's stuff like embassy's, consulates, etc.

>Social Security, unemployment and labor is a third for federal spending
We never should have imported slaves

Because NATO would fall apart since USA is the one putting most of the money

well fuck, it turns out i was wrong and he wants to use up 18 trillion, not billion

it only makes it all drastically worse

Very untrue

65% on welfare. What the fuck?

>Having a healthier, better educated population doesn't yield returns


Shoo shoo troll


>foreigners didn't know the massive majority of our budget goes to welfare

we have like a 59% workforce participation rate right now, the lowest its been since women started entering the workforce in the 60s.
obama redefined unemployment to make our unemployment rate look better than it really is, not even joking

this is why bernie sanders is a fucking joke, we already blow most of our budget on dem programs

I ran the math a few months back when he suggested cutting funding from military to pay for his programs.
If you cut the entire military budget it would bump our medicare participation rate from ~16% to ~24% iirc.
He wants 100% coverage. We would have to basically triple our taxes across the board.
This doesn't include a single other program.

but user that would be racist and anti semetic! dont forget the 6 million and the holocaust! goy

If niggers alone simply all disappeared the entire human race would see a golden age that would last hundreds if not thousands of years....

Instead we're going to live long enough to see humanity enter yet another thousand year dark age.

I feel like a lot of people don't understand what cutting the military budget would do to the economy. In a lot of places military bases essentially prop up the local economy, so less military means less business in those places. On top of that, a significant amount of military money is spent on American things made in America. It's essentially being pumped back into the economy anyways.

And what part of their budget should be cut? No soldiers get body armor anymore. That'll save us some money right?

>I feel like a lot of people don't understand what cutting the military budget would do to the economy.
you don't say?

Why not just keep the budget for military research and get rid of the rest to a large degree.

Not only that, I you look at jobs created, you'll see hours and wages are down, while number of jobs have increased. Meaning, because Obamacare redefined full time work as 30hrs/wk, employers split the full time jobs and created two part time jobs. And then gave one to an immigrant.

>that fucking interest on the debt
>graph also doesn't show unfunded liabilities to the tune of 90 trillion

Because most of the budget gores to protecting other nations this lowering worldwide defense spending and lowering conflicts. Which in turn keeps trade routes open and nations peaceful thereby increasing industrialization.

>>>that fucking interest on the debt
our interest is low as fuck
it's why Trump freaked out every media outlet when he told the US public that we're going to go bankrupt in a few years when it goes up and they all tried to make fun of him to make him look stupid

if we don't pay the $19 trillion off in like 5 years we're fucked, the world is going to go into a panic.
this isn't a joke

Yeah. Japan has been fucked sideways since demilitarisation from.....who again?

>comparing a puppet nation disarming itself to a country that has to rely on its own military

>if we don't pay the $19 trillion off in like 5 years we're fucked, the world is going to go into a panic.
You're absolutely full of shit. Please stop posting

hey could you do some math for me
what's 10% interest on 20 trillion?

Remember when the federal reserve was audited in 2011 and it was revealed that the banks received 23 trillion in bailouts? Oh of course not, you don't know shit if you think a country's debt has to be paid off in 5 years OR ELSE!!! The money is there don't be a fool. The debt is high because the interest is low and the return on investments will always be higher than the interest at this rate, so it only makes sense to keep borrowing.

What an idiot, the debts don't have to be paid.

No, but the interest does you dumbshit.

Is it not being paid? I forgot, the US is behind 3 payments and the white house might get repossessed by China soon.
>this is what actual retards like yourself believe

>haha lets just keep dumping tax dollars into interest who cares if it will soon be a third of our entire budget :^) :P :P

>Free college means they'll be more educated than high school

No, Britbong, it just means that "college diploma" is now the same as "high school diploma."

That's why the Scandanavian cucks come to your capitalist schools instead of their socialist ones.

"Free" education is shit, and when the gubberment is paying for it, they decide what can and cannot be taught.

A "better-educated population" can only come about in a country with great economics.

>Government-mandated healthcare means everyone is healthier.
You poor, deluded Britbong.

>Sup Forums discussing economics

Stick to debating immigration, my friend.

Go on, tell me the solution to the interest problem.
I'd love to hear it.

>72 billion

Office workers.

Lol name one example idiot

Can you read a graph? Jesus Christ britbong

[Citation needed]

>Nato would fall apart
>around 5 million military personnel from Europe without counting the USA
The NATO is doing nothing but holding us back. All of us.

Are you retarded?

For which part?

>Literally 3/4 of the budget is funding welfare queens

Just cuck me up America, someone post my graph so I can laugh at spending even more on welfare then go hang myself

europe after ww1

lucky basterds! Social security expenses make up a measly 33% for you guys. Here it accounts for 40% of all public spending with over half of all unemployed being foreigners (read "refugees").

If we started to deport unemployed foreigners rents would go down, there would be much more housing available and we'd save a lot of money.

Military spending is $6b. Healthcare is >$1t. Our deficit is >$1t. user is correct.

>tell me the solution to the interest problem
That's an easy one.

Pic related.

>Can you read a graph? Jesus Christ britbong
Can you add? Britbong can.

We aren't far off from you user.

Ex Government Employee here.

The shit that Sanders is spouting will not work once he actually tries to implement it. From my times dealing with the Government and the Military, the immense amount of bloat is there for a reason.

First, you have contractors. EVERYTHING has to be contracted. Contractors will ask for "reassurance fees" or "on-time guarantee fees".

Then you have the colossal amount of idiots inside the government. Expect nothing to be done on time, and expect something important to break as soon as you need it. This requires budget increases well beyond what is normal.

Finally, you have budget black holes. I'm not exactly sure what money goes to where, as people don't like you asking, but this does happen. Money will go flying out of random projects (Aussies, look at the NBN) into random companies that don't have any checkable history or even assets.

The budget isn't the cut-and-dry thing most people imagine it to be. It's a convoluted clusterfuck of different interests vying for their own results.

This isn't a threat at all, but I seriously would not be surprised if Bernie had a hit attempted on him if he was elected and started doing what he's planning to do. That's just how the world works.

By the way, if anyone here happens to be going on a road trip from Perth to Darwin in July, time your trip so you're halfway between Newman and Port Headland around 2:30 in the morning on a weekday. You'll see some seriously spooky shit. Don't photograph it.


>healthcare = welfare
Literally what


Your logic is perfect as usual Croatiabro, but the world is hellbent on following the asshole road all the way to judgment day.

*Port Hedland

If Trump gets the jobs done, can we borrow him for a few years afterwards?

> forced demilitarization and crippling reparations is the same as military budget cuts


>government-funded healthcare is not welfare

It literally is

A hundred Trumps won't be able to stop what's coming to you.

59%'s an exaggeration, but you can say that it hasn't been dropping like a rock.

*You can't say

Honestly, we're fine.

18 billion is not nearly enough to cover even a fraction of Bernie's plans.

Liberals don't understand the difference between a million, a billion, and a trillion.

>If Trump gets the jobs done, can we borrow him for a few years afterwards?

Trump running the Swiss banking system... I like it.

He's incorrect about the number, but the statement is essentially correct. We are at a labor participation rate not seen since our labor force doubled.

What happens there

It quite literally is the definition of welfare

>discretionary spending

You realize military spending is only 16% of total federal spending, right? We spend 2/3rds of the budget on entitlements like medicare and social security and welfare.

>Honestly, we're fine.
I 'ad a laugh.

r8 but dont h8

Lockheed and Boeing are doing some work down there regarding new aircraft. Miners don't care very much as long as you aren't breaking their windows.

18 Trillion is what he needs, not 18 billion

They couldn't have possibly foreseen the a negative ROI this severe.

The veterans deserve that money more than spoiled millenials

Not in its informal Sup Forums definition, no

Can it be explained by an aging population? Extra illegals?

>ran the math
[citation needed]
most of Sup Forums doesnt understand the order of operations, let alone structuring of federal budgets.

In 2015 the USA gave money out to these countries.
>Afghanistan 11 Billion
>Israel. 3 Billion
>Egypt 1 Billion
>Jordan 1 Billion
>Pakistan 800 Million
> Somalia 300 Million
> South Sudan 200 Million

I am sure we can find a place to cut spending to the countries that we did not destabilize yet.

>Not in its informal Sup Forums definition, no
I wasn't aware Sup Forums was so like SJWs that we re-define words to mean absolute rubbish.

We just invent new ones, nignog.

offshoring+illegals+poor economy+regulations+taxes

Retirees are actually returning to work taking up entry level jobs. They're the reason our participation rate isn't lower.

Australians are so kawaii ;3

id support it if and only if tgat college funding actually goes towards useful degrees. like stem.

if it goes towards liberal shit, fuck him.
fuck bernie sanders.

Be nice!


Imagine if there was a nation with an ethos of honesty, kindness, no-bullshit fair play, and prosperity for everyone. Would such a nation be embraced by the world, or antagonized?

How often have you been here and observed the refugee situation with your own eyes?