Japan to take in 150 Syrian Rapefugees
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A few popular opinions from a women's only 2ch-type site.
Arab anime m8
Nuke em'
JAPAN YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a lot of comments seem to be condemning abe.
don't really know anything about japanese politics but i assumed abe was right wing which makes this even more puzzling.
150 is nothing for a country with a population of 80 million. If they start doing anything they will get beaten by Yakuza
well they are accepting kids in an attempt to educate them. this might actually work out OK.
>Educating people with the average IQ 20 points below yours
It wont work out man. They will all end up being criminals. Japs are too smart even Eastern euros would not fit there let alone arabs.
they will turn into edgy ISIS internet fans
How will these integrate, even to a remotely acceptable degree? I mean, are they picking the most intellectually competent people? Won't the language be extremely difficult for them?
>Refugees in Sweden have trouble learning Swedish
they'll probably be in for a hell of a ride with Japanese.
1 muslim is too many considering the amount of damage they do to people who disagree with them.
Wow, Japan is doomed! Doomed I tell you!
That's 0.0075% of what Germany took in in a period of 2 years, in a country with about twice Germany's total population. They'll be fine, those rapefugees will probably move to Europe or America anyway when they figure out the average Nip is disgusted by them.
That's chinese
After reading the article, meh, 150 people over 5 YEARS might work.
Sweden and Germany-mode is cultural suicide I guess. Don't want to that.
Japan literally sold out to jews, sad.
desu i think they're more angry because htey perceive this as japan kowtowing to international pressure.
japan doesn't really need more immigrants because they always end up living in tokyo or osaka or some other metropolis.
they need to make it an incentive for their existing population to relocate to less populated areas.
You listened to an Australian. Congrats, you're a tard.
Yeah true. Japan is really the place you want your kids to be when it comes "to prepare them for eventual roles in rebuilding their war-torn homeland"
The Japanese are so aware and know so much of other nation's culture. Couldn't think of a better place, not to mention the fact that Japan is well known for being multilingual. They speak better English than Americans no doubt.
everything must begin somehow
Don't Nips hate all foreigners? How fucked are the rapefugees if they pull some shit?
That's chinese
it's not that they hat eforeigners, it's that the foreigners who go to japan are typically very low quality.
japan doesn't have the kind of brain drain that america has. eg. a top mind would never choose japan over america because japan has lower wages across the board and america pretty much bends over backwards to get the greatest minds.
>Don't Nips hate all foreigners
No, almost none of them don't. But Japano-experts at Sup Forums will be sure to tell you otherwise
That meat was imported for katana practice.
Juden BTFO
why take any refugee's at all? i don't understand why even 150 lol
they dont hate white people but they sure as hell hate everyone else
UN likes to bash Japans head over humanitarians crisis like this all the time. The japs don't want these people, last time they did they got a bunch of niggers who commit crime and cannot homogenize into jap culture.
Only 150 Poland didn't even take in 1
I can guarantee this will end in at least a few murders, Japs don't have the kind of self hatred required to not fight back against this sort of shit.
>tfw more than 150 pakis live within a 500 meter radius of my house
it's kind of funny how right wing japan gets in situations like this.
from 2ch to girlschannel to yahoo, everyone seems to be against this decision.
where are the left wing japanese?
In Okinawa jumping on foreigners dick.
japans always be strongly nationalistic
Face it, Hans, the Axis is ogre :(
Somebody with some Japanese knowledge should spread this
Around forums constantly visited by Japs.
Anyone who knows any sort of platform of the sort, please respond.
Japs are to smart to fall for globalist bullshit.
Help warn them of the consequences of it.
All this gets translated anyway. Its always funny seeing a pol video subbed in japanese.
Japan's population is 126 million
Heres one.
Anyway i gotta go to work now. It was p fun reading all these.