
What does Sup Forums think of the Vietnam War

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Thankful for all the great movies it's given us.

Thank you based Japan
should've invaded with us desu
Shinzo Abe best Abe

>Produced good movies and music
>Aussies got to kick ass in jungle warfare again
>Yanks got kek'd by farmers again

Pretty great overall I think desu


>yanks got kek'd by my farmers again
>implying Paris Peace Accords didn't happen
>implying Democucks didn't steal victory away from us by defunding aid to South Vietnam

they sure moved a lot of heroin on that shit

lol look at OP posting an ant sized picture. What a loser

>Democracy conscripts men
>Farmers kill enough conscripts to upset civvies back home
>Civvies protest
>Democracy forced to withdraw conscripts
>Democracy is defeated

That's pretty much textbook for how you defeat a larger military force. Read your Clausewitz.

that song is called fortunate son not it aint me

>liberals know nothing about war
>fight it in the most ineffective way possible
>blame the enemy for their losses
>the public doesn't realize this and instead of deciding to actually use our total force they want to pull out

Go fuck yourself you uninformed cocksucking faggot. This shit is literally so easy to find out.

>jane fonda takes photos with north vietnamese
>i d-didn't know they were the enemy i swear! they tricked me!
traitors should be executed 2bh

Unfortunately, you just took the shitty bait. I know, it's really freaking stupid.

Your kidding, I just searched her up, she has got to be a fucking liberal plant, why the hell didn't they execute her or jail her?

I was a beast in that Huey chopper.

I miss that game

Gave us a great expansion for Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

Low cost sucky sucky

and love you long time, too

It Ain't Me

It Ain't Me noooo
I'm no senator's son, son

Shit happens

The last expansion for any game worth buying.
Fuck it was so good.

Sad, isn't it?

The games are now about muh xD letz get rekt rather than realism and story.

Fuck off spic, that's an American song. Sing it again and we're carpet bombing you next

I hate that there isn't a single video game about the war in Indochina

>americans got cucked again by farmers
Says the country who got cucked by farmers with muskets

We would have won if the democrats didn't cut all funding to the south Vietnamese.

lol i worked on that game

Yeah, but they did.


Nice dubs by the way.

Have an uncommon Pepe

I still want a Korean War game. That was a terrible fucking war, and it barely gets any mention.

Wargame Red Dragon :)

>We would have won if the democrats didn't cut all funding to the south Vietnamese.

South Vietnamese couldn't fight for shit

>Implying cutting wasteful spending is a bad thing

Underrated post

Look up arma 3 war chronicles the forgotten war

This is probably true. The South Koreans were pretty much the worst soldiers in history. The only good ones were the ones trained by U.S. Army Special Forces.

>storymode has you steamrolling to the boarder, burning down villages as you go
>the co that no one likes will tell you to continue charging into china
>chased back through the villages you destroyed by the chinese hordes

>Aussies and U.S. fought on the same side
>pretends Aussies somehow one and U.S. lost

But I shouldn't question you, UK. After all, no one has better experience getting BTFO by farmers than you.

I'm just hoping that Tripwire does it some justice. Looks pretty good so far.

Oh god i can already see myself getting ptsd from playing this

Stop making us look bad you fantasy. South Koreans were top notch in the Vietnam War, the commies feared them since they took no shit.

Get Cucked by rice farmers and good movies

Only good thing that came out of it is the movies

Mate, the only reason you guys won that war was because the French, Spanish, Dutch and some Native American tribes took advantage of it and fought against us. Our armies were stretched to thin and we literally had to ship our troops and the German mercenaries over an entire fucking ocean which could take weeks at a time. Plus, we realised it wasn't worth holding onto a bunch of whiny colonists and knew that were much more resourceful and valuable lands to maintain and conquer.

>open this thread
>it ain't me starts playing

Also BC2 Vietnam was great.

Another democrat lead failure in foreign policy.

You're joking, right? South Koreans got BTFO on a regular basis. Vietnam was a war of attrition, and the South Koreans took significantly more casualties than they caused.

Have you ever seen or read their village raids and interrogations?

Our pilots became dependent upon missiles and lost some of their dogfighting skills.

>plus, we realized it wasn't worth holding onto literally the single greatest untapped landmass on the planet

Yeah, you fought and lost, bruv. Making excuses is pathetic. It would be like us saying we only lost because the North had Soviet support and we were stretched too thin guarding ourselves, Europe, etc. against the Soviets.

>send men
>get destroyed
>send more men

you're retarded

Some folks are born made to wave the flag Ooh, they're red, white and blue

it ain't me
it ain't me
i ain't no fortunate won, nooh




And it's 1, 2, 3, what're we fighting for?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn

Next stop is Vietnam

Because of that war my uncle got frigged by Agent Orange and Shell Shock and all sorts of other fun stuff
it was honestly the only time libtards wren't completely in the wrong (still in the wrong just not completely) and anyone who thinks we needed to be there is full of it

My nigga

>Our armies were stretched to thin and we literally had to ship our troops and the German mercenaries over an entire fucking ocean which could take weeks at a time. Plus, we realised it wasn't worth holding onto a bunch of whiny colonists and knew that were much more resourceful and valuable lands to maintain and conquer.

>gets called out on losing a war
>explains how it wasn't their fault

I look forward to the clunky movement and dodgy helicopter controls

Not enough concentration camps tbqh.

Well don't act like you single-handedly defeated us then.

> that song tho