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Can you please tell me what the fuck this is?

It's in my gf's backyard...

We live in Winnipeg (praries in Canada) and ain't ever seen nothing like it.

It ran under the fucking deck

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think that's a dog

Thats a ground hog you fucking pleb

Platypus or beaver

Here is only other pic...

It ain't a beaver... Like look at it's tail.

What the fuck

Its a Giraffe you fool.

does it taste good?

It's a tree dumbass

It's a land beaver aka groundhog

Nutria rat

Damn, you are dumb.

fuck ive seen them before i forgot what they called

Don't listen to these fools, OP
What you have here is a wolverine, better call animal control before something terrible happens

everyone else itt has never been outside

Nah, they taste like shit

Groundhog, woodchuck, whistlepig

Don't go near it or try to touch it! It's a poisonous jew rat, very rare. Just throw some jewelry at it, a golden necklace or something like that, then it will go away. Maybe it will poison your well, if you have one.

im pretty sure it's a cooler, dumbass

Looks like a shitty statue of a child riding a wooden horse
Gets some taste you fucking scrub

OP here...

So how should i try and kill this little fuck?


You don't kill it. I think they are protected. Just call animal control if it is bugging you.

Does it bother you?

It's a ducie they are e Fucking scary as shit when provoked you gotta capture it and fuck it too death it's the only way OP

There's a cooler, a deck, a tree or two or three, a statue of some cherub looking bitch, a bucket and ooh, there's a FUCKING groundhog you dumb shit.

Damn man. Btown man here. Looks like a muskrat or a ground hog

I wonder how much wood he could chuck.

Kill yourself and your gf instead you dumb fuck. That groundhog has done shit, you're the one in its territory. Move to the fucking city of you don't like critters.

You're from Brandon? Kill yourself.

It's a fucking groundhog, you autistic freak.

How cute.

it's the nigger your gf has been cheating you with. He just disguised his 20inch schlong as that faggot beaver. How does it feel being such a cuck and taking pictures of your gf's impaling equipment?

Op that's a ground dog

The only recompense is a .22LR

Do you know the Carsteelers or the Juicy Buseys?

if he only could chuck wood

>I don't understand how work $0