>You've been very quite back there user.
>What are your thoughts on that racist Donald Trump?
You've been very quite back there user
He's the grandfather to kikes.
implying that bald man isnt 100% conservatist
let me tell you about the jews.jpg
I'm generally drunk enough at family gatherings to reveal about 80% of my power level.
So you are supporting the criminal Hillary or the crazy socialist Bernie? no thanks.
"I love him" sit down and eat
>Implying anyone cares about racism here
Do you have to fight your drunk uncles at family dinners?
His wife gives him that same smile everytime he gets a new weapon for his collection.
'That's nice, dear.'
>Coca Cola advertising
Why are the joos so subtle?
No, do you?
is this what the white race has become?
I don't talk about politics with my family because it just leads to arguments
Yes. I figured all russians go through this.
>having a family dinner
>having family
That little girl has an entire bottle of wine to herself.
why are bald people in general less cucked? higher testosterone?
Never had a fight at a family dinner.
Idk why everyone is so ashamed of being ridiculed, i speak my mind whenever i feel about politics, fuck the bankster's, Socialist's are parasites, and Jew's spearhead both, and they are less than 5% of the population.
I live in the US, so people dont really give me the stink eye, especially when they know on average 0% about what is going on in the world, hell just knowing all the countries in the world and general history and you can out argue any of them, they have literally no facts to use.
I'm speaking of my fellow sheeple Americans btw...
I called out a Zionist a family reunion, i told my uncle whom is gay that being a Socialist isn't the only way. And i have called natives that are white race traitors to their faces.
Fuck all you spineless bitches that hide your power levels, show em, i have gotten alot of support this way, my aunt who owns a business has out and told me she hates Socialists and deeply distrusts Jew's, she is also a teacher.
"I think he's a nationalist and corporations say nationalism is racism because globalism benefits them and associating policy that interferes with their profits with socially unacceptable ideas such as racism will ensure the populace are scared of representing their own interests against them."
let me tell you about Donald Trump, he will save america from mexicans and muslims
thought serbs were redpilled
>oh my i had no idea, famalamalingdongs!
>i don't really follow politics
>tell me about some of the things he's said or done and how specifically they denigrate people due to skin pigment, etc?
Go the full 100%, i let everyone know i have nothing to lose, and that if things dont change in terms of SJW, and collectivized centralization, then there will probably be a civil war... I let them know whos side i will be on, the side fighting the red's.
Pretty sure I know the family that this is a picture of.
My family just goes "Oh haha Trump" and no one says anything because we know its just a bad idea. I think only my cousin is supportive of the refugees though, he is a really cool dude but I guess he is committed to being liberal or whatever. He's the only family member I get along with so I dont wanna fight with him, I just wish he weren't so quick to assume there will be no negative consequences to this and everyone deep down is good and peaceful and just wants to hang out at music festivals.
"Did you know there are 1000 things you can do with a paperclip? A liberal can only think of 1 thing. That's why we need a conservative in the White House. Now let us eat these delicious Steaks I bought from Sharper Image"
I'm not a fan but, I think listening to the mainstream media and their narrative is irresponsible and wrong-headed, Donald Trump isn't a racist as much as he's a demagogic populist taking advantage of division within the nation to achieve his own goals for political purposes.
Hillary is literally the establishment candidate, how irresponsible is it to vote for someone who is perceived as a racist by pseudo-racists? Or an actual criminal-murdering, corrupt bitch who'll bring our nation further and further into a war path with Russia, Iran and China for her globalist lobbyist masters, foreign leaders and other multinational entities?
Lol this is off topic, but it reminds me, i had a teacher in school who was bald, he was the meanest teacher in school. Once he yelled at this little nerdy kid, the kid replied,
>I was reading recently that one of the major reason's men go bald before they are 40 is because their diet has too much protein intake.....My suggestion to you teacher, is stop swallowing so much jizz..
Fucking kek, the class exploded, needless to say he was sent to the office.
"I don't think it's racist for a sovereign nation to enforce its legal borders. The media has been very unfair to Trump, for example by refusing to accurately report on how quickly he disavowed David Duke; he did so on Twitter *immediately* after that infamous TV interview.
Also, we're at war with a vicious and unyielding foe who is known to hide among civilian populations, be recruited via social media, et cetera. They just brought down another plane, for God's sakes. Why is it racist to accept that we are at war?"
It's really easy to win people over, family. It's called 'having tact'
He's an idiot who does not have the tact or common sense to be the leader of a country, let alone this country.
I think they know that, but they just want to be edgy and stick it to "the man", thinking it will help them. They go after white people because they're easier targets with less power than the ones responsible. And the ones responsible present the whites to them as sacrificial lamb.
DESU, whites kinda deserve it at this point. Jews sold them forgiveness of their sins and genetic deficiencies through which money can compensate for anything. Had their fun dishing it out to future generations. Blame your parents for accepting mediocrity.
>but Shillary certainly does
Probably a bald kike
This guy gets it, one of the basic responsibility of a nation is to enforce border's. We have been very incompetent, however the Socialist scum want ipen border's, and a welfare state, this is their bid to create a artificial new world order, essentially they are trying ot eradicate the nation state model.
If there is ever going to be a one world order, it should be based on peace and trade between nation states, and this takes a long time, International Socialists try and force it in a un natural way, hence why the migrant crises in Europe will probably end with blood.
>That little girl has an entire bottle of wine to herself.
my sides
>somebody's doing the raping
>calming stand up and look at everyone thoughtfully
>clear my throat
Who's the loli?
thats literally word for word a jimmy carr joke
still wp to the guy
>as if that conversation would occurs at a white table
"Please provide one example of trumps alleged racism "
Only teenagers or mental teenagers make these threads
Once you mature you stop getting nervous that people may.... Gasp!.... Disagree with you!!
"believe it or not i used to want sanders in the absoulute beginning before i looked into trump and then grew some fucking brains and learned that there arent any other options than DON ''the wall'' trump
if you fuck face family disagree ill disown every signle one of you fucking commie socialst cunt sucks... you know what im gonna do that anyways.. PEACE
>I think you're making him out to be someone he really is not.
>Do you think it's fair to shittalk somebody that you don't really know, while he is absent with no opportunity to defend himself, based on selected videoclips and stories the media has shown you about him?
>I think you shouldn't be so quick to judge somebody, you wouldn't want that to happen to yourselves.
>I have read his book "How To Make America Great Again" and I agree with most of his points.
>The chapter on education is great and I agree with him.
>His chapter on our infrastructure is spot on, as well.
>He comes off as an enthusiastic pragmatist who likes to solve real world problems and is tired of lazy career politicians wasting our (and his) tax dollars.
>Maybe you should do your own research and check if he really is the person you believe him to be.
My family tends to fall in line with my grandmother on politics and she's redpilled as fuck so I'd have no problems.
Reform your system that forces you to choose between plague and cholera plz.
"hes just another shill for israel"
Learn to English first, Jose.
The guy is willing to negotiate with Putin, that is common sense ,seeing as how all other leader's would rather edge us closer to war by sanctioning, and bashing Russia.
If that isn't common sense then idk what is, sorry Denmark, your just jelly that your too much of cucks to go against the EU, and build a wall with Germany and Sweden, have fun succumbing to all the left wing and immigration ailments that afflict your neighbors.
I would wager teens aren't on the path to being rational until they are self-sufficient, gotta teach them the basics then let them figure out the rest on their own.
What exactly did Hillary do again?
I think he is playing them, we can only hope
thank god Thanksgiving is after the election
-She's a she
-She's fat
-She's old
-She's a baby boomer
-She's a member of the wealthiest 1%
-She's the face of establishment politics
-She's a globalist neo-con
-She's of, by, and for the collusion between big govt and big corp
-She's a shameless liar
-She's the most non-transparent politician in history
-She has stroke-induced brain damage
-She's a cuckqueen
She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person. But wait, there's more:
-She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
-She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
-She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
-She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
-She lied about Benghazi
-She lied throughout her email scandal and continues to lie about it
-She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
-She described blacks as being "super-predators"
-She hired a VP of Goldman-Sachs to be her 2016 campaign manager.
-She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and UBS
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
-She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations that donated millions to her "charity"
She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person
why is everyone in my family a solid 3 points lower on the 10 scale in looks than me?
Which part of the country are you from? Where I live we don't tolerate people with Sup Forums opinions and we bully the bullies. They always stop when they're stood up to.
I'm a firm believer of a break with the EU, besides i support trump too, what little good it does.
I'm just saying, if you think hillary is a corrupt shill and trump is a loud clown with little political sense, why not work towards something that gives you more options.
>I whip out my lists of links to relevant Russia Today, Breitbart and Infowars articles and distribute them around the table
>I then tell them about meme magic, imitate anime girl noises and make the Smug Pepe pose
Post a pic you narcissistic faggot.
Racist? Then why didn't you let nigga Tyrone and his boys come to dinner? We could be getting crunk right now and I got da perfect little OG for Wendy dey could be getting jiggy right now know wat I'm saying?
>old guy says oy vey and vote's for trump in november
>girl is still a brainwashed liberal because of education
>tell her it's nothing personell kid, we just need to make america great again
>couple of months ago
>family dinner
>mom, dad, grandma, and myself
>mom and dad know my power level
>know if I get started it's hard for me to stop
>grandma chimes in: "You know who I want to be president?"
>all three of us in unison: "NO MAW!"
>grandmother taken aback
>mom, dad, and I start laughing together
>grandmother confused further