They $30,000 a month for butt pics

>Nadia and Dana Bruna, 30, from Argentina, make over £20,000 ($30,000) a month thanks to their cosmetically enlarged posteriors
>They sustain a life of luxury posting bum selfies, or 'belfies' on Instagram

$30,000 a month for posting pictures of their butts on Instagram.

$30K x 12 months = $360K a year.

Most lawyers/doctors/engineers don't even make $360K within two years.

We've reached a point in society where the large butts of women are worth more than lawyers, doctors, and engineers.

How can you call a woman a "slut" or a "whore" and blame her for posting pictures of her body or doing camshows when there's the potential for them to easily earn so much money?

Other urls found in this thread:

beautiful ass.

This is especially annoying since they look so disgusting. Our society is bullshit indeed, why would women not want to make easy money with their bodies if they can? Why would shitskins and rapefugees not want to flock to western welfare states where they can live comfortably without working a single day? Why would niggers not want to rob, rape and kill white people when they can get away with it?

Call me old fashioned, but those large asses are disgusting. Not sure I understand this new nigger fetish about over sized asses.

>30 year old women

into the trash

>worth more than lawyers, doctors, and engineers

no, we have reached a point where a very, very few can make a ton of money off social media. How many butt bitch chicks are making 300k in any given city? How many are even make 100k? Yet every large city has tons of lawyers, doctors and engineers. Most of them making a very good living.

for every worthless K Kim who makes it there are 100k that failed at it. Money off social media is far from any sort of given.

And how long can she last in that industry? And how much does she spend of that money to keep her looks?

Lawyers/doctors/etc can work with their skills their whole life, she will be considered trash in 1-2 years.
She also probably has so fucked up mental state that she will end up as a prostitute or a drug addict, probably both.
No man will marry her, she won't have any children and if she does, they're gonna be retarded.

In the end she'll probably kill herself.

Remember that South Park episode, where they make some people famous then sacrifice them as they lose their minds.

It stops being beautiful when there are tan lines under the cheeks.

makes me feel bad for ignorant prostitutes that have real sex with strangers for less money

Why shouldn't she dress up like Mystique, go out in public, and make some money?

Are their butts pic related ?
They look fake as fuck.
Typical brazilian bottox garbage

>feeling bad for whores

user I...


When will we fix the model wage gap?

Are those hombres? Anyway, they look retarded, like they box and took one too many face shots.

Absolutely disgusting

May as well put male Niggers in there

I'm torn on this.

On hand this is capitalism in it's purist form, and I love to see worthless beta males wasting their money on stupid shit like this when they could go out and get laid for much less than they spend on their stupid pictures and videos.

On the other hand I struggle so hard to make money myself and these hogs get it handed to them because of something they weren't even born with. They don't even have natural aesthetics.


not suprised they post their asses given what their faces looks like

Why shouldn't she put on a thong, get up on stage, and shake her derriere for those Benjamins?


Th-that's attractive? Seriously? Anyone in this planet finds that cellulite ridden, pockmarked, rolls of fat attractive?

>Pic related
This is attractive


Your friendly reminder that women like these couldn't make a living without there being a thousand times the men being involved and loving it so much they pay for it.

fuck that is disgusting

Just disgusting....

>post selfies in instagram
>get money
What's the middle step?

I'm confused where this money is coming from

Looks like butt cancer
2/10 at best

Why do monkeys prefer butts over boobs?

This is not beautiful, ffs.

she looks like a cow


jesus christ it is a fucking jungle in there. this is the hood money flow

crack addicts => drug dealers => strippers => shady surgeon who injects god knows what into their gorilla asses

It's mentioned in the OP's quote
>over £20,000 ($30,000) a month thanks to their cosmetically enlarged posteriors

Welcome to the niggerization of society as fall of Rome enters last stages. Thanks, jews,

ugly tattoos make it even worse

>Butt Implants
Fucking Dropped. It isnt even tough to do squats.

Why shouldn't she use those beautiful white woman features society likes to put on a pedestal so much to go on a webcam and extract money from lonely men?

I don't think anything about their surgically enhanced bodies or their man faces is attractive at all.

This curvy girl is way more attractive to me.

Maybe they actually make most of their money as hookers and use the instagram "job" as cover?

Sad lonely faggots who think Giving away money to sluts is somehow going to get their dick sucked. The sad ones are twitch guys who give thousands to girl gamers because they love them

would any of you honestly stick your dick in Miley Virus? Everything about her repulses me-- sluuty, degeneratem tattoos, SJW, dupe of the jews, no talent....just vile...Miley Virus.

Invalid argument. A doctor cannot sell his services to a million people within a 24 hour period .

how do they get money for posting pics on instagram?

also those subhuman indians with their fake butts and sloped skulls are ugly as fuck

Twitch takes the cake, they show a little cleavage, turn the contrast up, act a little hopeless and ignorant and boom, virgins tipping away.

yeah, basically this.

and besides, if women are attractive they don't need to 'make' money - the money comes to them.

Why shouldn't she let hip hop magazines shoot videos and photos of her booty and make those phat stacks of paper?

These women have no shame.

Could someone remind me what color Argentinians are?

Thought it was chaturbate or myfreecams for a few secs.

Fake asses not getting a cock rammed into them on camera is a waste of my god damn time.

Nope just twitch which is pretty much the softcore versions of those sites.

I'm in your boat, ŧbh

Ask an alpha male with a high test gf anything bros

Ring-a-ding-ding .


Rare flag

>Biggest D: Eldiablooo66: 200.00$
For fucks sake..
That guy could go fuck an actual whore with that money...
How do we fix these people Sup Forums
Is there any real way to redeem those people?

Does Argentina not have pornhub?


Why would lawyers make any money? Their job is fairly useless ?

Most doctors, lawyers and engineers don't do anything relevant. Most doctors aren't saving lives, most engineers aren't inventing revolutionary stuff, most lawyers just do routine shit and paperwork. You people romanticize this profesions knowing nothing about them.
Also, free market, faggot.

Didn't they ban cleavage?

thank you atheism and western culture
next stop they gonna pay baboons for promoting new pants

Except doctor/lawyers can work well into their 60s and early 70s. These butts will only last them a few years before a younger more beautiful butt appears.

Look like two Buffalo asses.

Nigger gtfo

>Hey boys, look at my ass, please donate tehee

Fuck women, their only value nowadays is the destructive potential to fuck up countries.

Those are most likely dudes

good for those enterprising young gentlemen

Argentina and Brazil pay money to watch the lard on women's behinds.

And they dare claim they are not niggers. Tits are the white man's fetish

Proof that pure capitalism doesn't work.

Let these white beta cucks waste their money on twitch whores. They have absolutely nothing to contribute to society so just let them waste away.

>We've reached a point in society where the large butts of women are worth more than lawyers, doctors, and engineers.


Only decent post here thank you Ramiro.
Tons of people make money doing degenerate and non degenerate shit on instagram. Having your own business will always be more profitable than following some profession, because at the end of the day, doctors, lawyers, and engineers don't create anything. They just do as their boss tells them to do.


Money is nothing more than a means of control. It does not equate to success or value, it is only distributed in a fashion that is optimal for control of the population.

That's one thing, but they are usually boring as shit too. Most of the time they just sit there and look pretty, overreact to donations, perhaps play some game on a beginner level. I don't get why people watch them, let alone donate to them. I mean if you're really that horny, just rub one out and move on, no need to finance these vapid cunts.

>this thread
low test as fuck.

Two average white in Argentina.

How many guys does she fuck when you're on the base? Just like one or two?

>beta orbiter with fat gf detected

Yuck. Women are so gross.

What state are you in?

They get paid by instagram and companies that sponsor them.

Whether the asses are beautiful or not I will leave up to discussion, but their faces are of gorilla's.

>obviously having plastics in a but is hawt
Anyone got that gif of a woman flipping her implants?


It means that, since you're a man and therefore can't have a woman's butt, no matter what you do with your life, short of saving the entire planet from an alien invasion, it will never be viewed as valuable as this video of a woman in skimpy clothes kicking around a soccer ball.

Brazil do it better.

>most doctors dont save lifes
That is bullshit my peruvian friend.I(just like most doctors in brazil) work in a public hospital and everyday I have to attend people who would otherwise not get any kind of healthcare.It is not some romatic crap, a lot of us stop hemorragies and make emergency surgeries that save the pacients life on a daily bases.

The beta faggots enabling this shit is the true cancer, and the forced "thick, high test" meme doesn't help. All a woman need to do is eat, get fat and post a picture or two. I know some of you subhuman betafucks are in this thread.

>implying a rich jew isn't behind this

>nigger fetish

That's exactly what it is. A nice toned ass is great, but oversized chucks of meat is not attractive at all. Especially when it's fake, which 90% of them are.

Give me my qt petite girl over this shit any day of the week.

that's not even hot lol who has this bad taste?

Doctors in public hospitals do not make much money and work extreme hours often. In comparison, most private hospitals, especially in the US has doctors doing shit all but shilling for the pharmaceutical companies.

who is this cum caresser

Nah. you're right it's ugly as fuck. It looks just as stupid as when a really short petite woman gets giant breast implants. Niggers have never had good taste despite what they like to think. Here is an example of how a nigger in America tunes his car.

Only in your shithole country you fucking moron.
I was about to write a serious reply to you, but then I got cancer half way through. Brb going to my free public hospital get my free treatment.
Die of envy commons.

hello newfriend


Female bodybuilder. Respectable build, but absolute bonerkiller desu.

>How can you call a woman a "slut" or a "whore" and blame her for posting pictures of her body or doing camshows when there's the potential for them to easily earn so much money?

I've been saying this for a long time.

Why do women dress in skimpy clothing and take provocative pictures? Because there's a chance to profit from it. Because men buy what they're selling, basically. It's economically responsible.

Is it wrong for me to say that I genuinely don't find big asses all that attractive? I'd rather see a nice pair of tits.

I'm Polish btw

Good God that's gross. I genuinely don't get the appeal of two tatted ugly shitskins with big fake asses.