What are you?
Hate to say it but 2015
>2009 is an oldfag
2007 here
>reading comprehension
2006. Just fucking kill me.
Read better reddit
>tfw barely a newfag
Fucking 2007, operation chanology ruined my life
2006 and down you Reddifugee
Late 2005.
I assume you're colorblind, right?
is an oldfag
It's newfag you color blind Canuck
oldfag according to this graph, but old enough to know I'm really a newfag
I'm actually colour blind and I can still read it fine, the canuck is just retarded
Oldfag in glory days of Sup Forums. Lurker though. Didn't post, had a shitty dial up. Stoped using 4chins.
Now I guess I'm reddit.
Nice chart reading skills
2017 reporting in
Sup, Sup Forums.
2006 with a gap of several years in 2008 to visit other chans
>a fucking leaf
>knowing how to read
I'm not fucking kidding.
>shitty dial up
I feel you, rare flag Nepal Gurkha bro.
cancer unite
TFW you'll never be and oldfag...
so happy to be the cancer of this board, shit thread though OP
One more year and it'll be a decade... holy shit
oldfag for 4chin in general, originalfag on Sup Forums
2005 first visit, 15 yrs old. Came on and off, Didn't really become a regular daily user until Donald threads
Dude, put down your bong and take a good look again.
Newfag... 2010 but I drop the school, friends and life for this, thats should count as something.
Youngest of the oldfags.
2006 here
2009 so newfag.
2004 here
God help me...
Oldfag, 2006.
2 weeks ago. Already getting bored. Already everything seems to be the 5th post of its kind. Anyone on here longer than a year needs to hang themselves.
2004, came here from SA via FYAD :^)
I came during the Zimmerman trials to be honest, haven't left ever since.
I wish I had found this place sooner
I graduated on 2008
2011 here...
My brother showed me Sup Forums, later I went to Sup Forums and became slightly autistic, then discovered Sup Forums, started reading David Duke, and here I am.
2009 or 2010 i can't remember, spent most of my time on Sup Forums and Sup Forums now i spend most of my time on /out/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>oldfag ftw
'09 here. I'm ashamed of my past. But it's been 7 years. I pay reparations with Stefan Molyneux threads.
If you can't even remember when you came on Sup Forums how would I even know? I remember the Green troll image dude.
I mean who even keeps track off all the noise?
Oldfag 2005
Is it when you start posting or lurking? Because I lurked for a looooong time
How old u now
ez oldfag
2004.... I browsed Sup Forums through highschool. Then had a few years off when I moved out. Then when smartphones became a thing I started to browse other boards to pass time at work etc.
Please kill me and end my suffering.
Since this is a Sup Forums thread check'em
Not NSA reporting in
2008. I was pretty young and someone linked me to Sup Forums, couldn't make sense of it but eventually I caught on
I shouldn't be an oldfag, time just slipped through my fingers
>2008 is newfag
>implying newfag is a static label
newfag is anyone that's spent less than 3 years
cancer is
you can still add back in the rest of your life. Just avoid niggers, jews, women, mudslimes, degenerates. And one day at a time.
2007, I started hearing about "the super sketchy 4chinz" website back on gamefaqs. Been here since.
2008 here.
Wouldn't that be waaaay earlier like 2007 and before?
how do you do fellow kids?
2010. Year of Cancer.
Ive been on this shithole for 6 years. 6 LONG MISERABLE YEARS.
im 23 this year
My soul is condemned for all eternity.
I honestly forget what year I started going here. I guess I'm in the newfag era.
i started browsing mid 2008 and i will always be part of the newfag cancer that killed Sup Forums in my mind
2012 here.
I am from the DESU years. Send help.
wait i ve been on this site for 12 and a half years???
according to the chart im a newfag kek
>[current year]
But only because you have to be 18, I've wanting to come here since I heard about it in 2008
Today I'm only here for politics and decent discussions though. Shitposting was funnier back when the West wasn't fucked.
Same. Feels bad to be cancer
2009 newfag reporting in