>rewind time to 1939 from the place you are sitting right now
Knowing what you know now, would you make any effort to fight in WWII? If so for what country?
>rewind time to 1939 from the place you are sitting right now
Knowing what you know now, would you make any effort to fight in WWII? If so for what country?
No. Let the niggers and spics fight
I might but im taking a shit rn
90% odds I'd get drafted. I'm well educated tho so I'd probably go to officer school and become the poggiest of pogs.
But since I'm from the future I know how things happened and thus nothing would change
I would fight with the winner in that case.
If I could change the outcome I would fight for le evil nazis
I would flee to Australia.
Well, my grand fathers, great uncles, etc fought the Germans and Italians (to my knowledge no one fought in Japan) but in the end it seems destroying Germany wasn't the best idea.
If we could have somehow destroyed Italy and Japan and still allied with Germany and subdued the Russians it could have been better for the future.
Then again German Ahmeds want to always talk shit about the US so I also feel that we should have nuked Germany.
>somehow try and make it to Charles Lindbergh who is busy giving anti-war speeches at the time
>convince him of my knowledge of the future and together prevent the US from joining ww2
>save the west and come back to the future as a hero
I'd fight hard. As a Chinese man, I wouldn't last more than a day under Japanese occupation. Fight or die fām.
Good luck lads.
I will. For my.
I'm sitting in north carolina with black skin. Live is already a war for me.
Just surrender then
Assasinate FDR
What difference would a single person from the future make in 1939? The only option is to run away to a neutral place that didn't take part in the war and that's it.
No. I'd need to survive, and I can't risk dying in a war.
I have the knowledge and names. I have the power to single-handedly stop the civil rights movement before it even begins my taking out all of it's chief proponents before they even get the thoughts in their heads.
All of those old fucks that are ruining the world today, and are totally untouchable? You'd have the power to stop them before they have a leg to stand on in the political and business spectrum.
I mean shit, 1939?
George Soros was 9 years old.
You could stop all of this before it even starts.
I'm no cuck.
I would fight for pic related, or Germany alternatrivly Waffen SS specifically.
No, we never should have gotten involved.
I would join the Waffen-SS and put everything on the line to defend glorious Nazi Germany and it's future, destroying it's enemies by any means necessary until my dying breath.
No, none whatsoever.
Your family seemed to have bred retards generation after generation
Kill George H Bush so JFK is never assassinated
Atleast the breeding hasn't stopped with me, cuck
It would be shit for me. My city was founded in 1931 but the first tree grow by 1940 so by 1939 theres was nothing but sand.
You'd be better off killing hitler
I'd probably join the SS, knowing what I know now, if I couldn't bring any material with me, history books, scientific documents on how to make things, etc. As in if I couldn't bring world changing information to help the 3rd Reich and humanity emerge victorious, I'd just sacrifice myself amongst the ranks of the Schutzstaffel. At least 200 years from my death people would know I died a glorious death on the battlefield instead of whatever shithole Europe will be.
If it's where I'm standing now
My house wasn't built until 1974
So I'd be in a field and probably get lost and die
I'd fall and die since my house was built after 1939
Kill Churchill. :^)
oh shit, i work in a building that is a former soviet prison, legendary 'Taganka'. And 1939 is a year - peak of Stalin's repressions.
Well, it means i'm a NKVD officer
>Knowing what you know now
1939 is a shit time, I'd rather rewind to 1942-1943.
I would wait a couple years and betray my country and warn the Axis of D-Day with extensive detail so that Normandy can be defended and no attention be paid to the Allies' diversion tactics. I would also warn Hitler not to attack Russia, only do what is necessary for defense, drag the Russians toward Germany is the need be, so that it can be defeated more easily should they seek to invade.
Now the real question is how a boy from Canada could gain access to the Nazi high command. I guess I have a lot of facts to present which would help my case, but I can't really say I'm from the future, I'd be laughed off. Also they could think I'm a spy and just execute me. I don't know, I'd have to figure it out.
Wasn't it LBJ who killed Kennedy? What's the Bush theory? Is it linked to the recent Cruz thing?
>tfw when you spawn in a prison cell
I would prepare for the post WWII economic boom in Germany, and invest heavily in the then-failed state. Once I have a major influence in Germany, I would prevent the formation of the EEC and the EU by lobbying the German Parliament to not sign the deal.
Fighting in a war? LOL! I'm gonna tell Stalin and the other Soviet leaders about Hitler's plans. They may not beleive me but I'll still try to convince them. I'm willing to do anything in order to save the innocent Soviet people.
>Sees breeding as an accomplishment
Go collect your welfare checks, trash
Would have to make the trip to Germany first and hope i can make the difference before the outbreak of war.
Essentially you want to hold off war for aslong as possible and that means either killing hitler or restraining him somehow so he does not go off and do crazy shit.
1st you need to ship the jews off to where ever, even if it means you hammer palestine for them and give them some land - that can be a win win since it stops the 6million and you hammer some arabs.
After that build Germany some more, alliance with Britain who also do not lose there empire either and USA can do what they want.
They'll believe you, if you come from the future you'll be able to explain in much detail what happens.
They'll also probably treat you well for that, you'll get some complimentary shit for saving the Soviet Union like a nice house, money and the gratitude of the government.
Of course I would cunt
Im a brazilian officer from The brazilian army.
So i believe in 1939 im from The brazilian army, and problably Will fight in italy in 1944-1945 with The FEB.
Its a shame that vargas dont allied to the germans.
Even if Germany loses the war, by expelling the Jews and preventing the holocaust, you solved 99% of Europe's problems
Assuming my cell phone magically stays connected? Get over to Germany and ensure an eternal Third Reich.
If no phone, get over to Germany and attempt to ensure an eternal Third Reich.
Failing that, "invent" stuff in the US and use advanced tech and money ensure eternal fascism.
The city I'm in will be captured by nazis in a few years, so I guess I'll just run to Siberia and live innawoods, I'm not dying for Stalin.
I would try to join the german army
Your knowledge of atomic weaponry alone could give Germany a couple years' head start, enough to win.
What would you show them on your cell phone?
If you told your country you were from the future, proved it and gave your leaders a big book on the 20th century and told them how to be victorious in the war, how would they repay you?
Knowing what I know now, I would have fought with the Nazi's.
It's shame that the US public didn't listen to Lindbergh, but at the same he was even more hated by the jews than Trump is, he did everything they could to stop him.
It's hard to understand Lindbergh was swedish, man...did that man have balls
That is the main part of it, stop that and you stop nearly everything.
Only problem is HItler doing some stupid shit like attacking Russia.
Afterwards im not so sure on, the empire remains, let japan hammer the chinese.
Russia and communism could be the problem leading to the cold war since i think it could eventuall happen anyways.
I would do everything in my power to see to Germany winning the war!!!
Id fight for Germany like my great uncles in Stalingrad
You'd probably have a high advisory position in the ministry of defense
>to the place you are sitting now
i'd probably die from the fall since my house was built 2002 and I'm in the 2nd floor
Just grab a history textbook and show it to Hitler. Holy shit Canada
Senta a pua!
Besides historical docs? There's enough declassified info online to explain nuclear weapons (still requires a ton of time). But in '39, a conditional retreat is possible. 5 years later, automatic victory. Maybe demonstrate on China, against Mao? (Which would also keep China weaker.)
Not to mention all other tech. And locations of large, then-undiscovered resource deposits.
They'd actually probably kill you, if you knew shit about how compartmentalization works.
They'd no doubt extract as much info as they could before you died in an "accident".
Uh, best way anyone can be repaid? Besides having saved civilization, money and a harem (of women and chefs). Pretty much what DNA is made for.
Torture isn't going to extract detailed technical information. And they have no way of verifying future events or tech immediately.
They might lock you up in comfort, though.
You'd most likely have your phone in your pocket (hopefully charged 100%) but no internet connections. The only thing you'd be able to show hitler is your collection of saved memes and this Sup Forums thread if you're on mobile
No i meant allow you to live good at first and do what you want, probably give you a good government job, but once they realize you could withhold info on even 1 single person and change the course of history, they would not keep you around i promise, if anything keep your ass locked in a bunker at some base or something similar.
I wasn't talking torture at all.
I wouldnt be able to. I technically dont exist yet so I wouldnt have any credentials. What are the rules for time travel here? Can i bring my smart phone? If i kill my grandpa do i blip out of existance? Was I already sent back in every timeline?
>the place you are sitting right now
I'd probably die instantly, considering I can't breathe in outer space.
U safely appear in 1939 at the coordinates where you are now. Clothes on your back and whatever you are holding or have in your pocket. Cell phone = no internet connection
yes, Germany, and I'd use my knowledge of the war to help aid in victory. That and bring back the plans for an AR15
i would join the navy in 1 year after we start winning in the pacific cause im a pussy
I'd be sitting on the maginot line...
Well once France lose i'd join the french volunteer legion, cause you know, dieses mal konnen wir nicht die juden gewinnen lassen
Well I know enough to jumpstart atomic development. Plus computer tech. And 4 chan taught me Hitler's strategic mistakes so I'm all set.
Why should I fight? I'm aryan
begin training for the Wiking SS recruitments starting in 42
There is more to an atomic bomb then a Wikipedia article Pablo.
I'd be impaled by a bunch of trees.