So whatever happened to that "special prosecutor" of his.... Just another lie?

So whatever happened to that "special prosecutor" of his.... Just another lie?

its all a lie.

Do you mean Mueller? His investigation is still ongoing, just very secretively.

Or did you mean a prosecutor that Trump said he'd hire to prosecute Hillary? Because then yes, certainly a lie.

what ever happen to drawing a line for north korea?

And whatever happened to that "wall" of his.... That still hasn't even been started being built till now?

>And whatever happened to that "wall" of his
republicans blocked it cause they aren't retarded.

>what ever happen to drawing a line for north korea?

The line was drawn and NK backed down. Did they attack Guam? Nope.

what happened to jobs? all i've seen is job killing budget cuts

last I heard, they were bringing in the special IRS investigation unit to check possible money laundering charges and that the investigation may move to have the states drive prosecution to prevent him from pardoning his people and himself

the moscow trump tower doc is out and he's rounding up 6 aides to question. i have no doubt bannon and had something going on and icahn funded project veritas

regardless of what the fat pieces of shit on each side say, DPRK would never attack anyway. Its rhetoric isn't made for external consumption. That the rest of the world hears their propaganda is a side effect of being a global village.

it's a solar wall now, get it right

they said they'd fire towards guam and instead fired towards japan. trumps a pussy. fire and fury > locked and loade > we'll see

what happened to pulling out of the middle east? we've increased troops in syria and afghanistan

Trump with prison tats

Trumps penis

After obama suckled on it.



what happened to not taking vacations?

What happened to defeating ISIS in 30 days?


where are the lawsuits against the press for the 'fake news' about him? they're all true, that's where

what happened to the carrier deal? those jobs still moved to mexico and the $10 million taken from cops and teachers was wasted

what happened to balancing the budget? i think he mean bankrupt

Maybe Like when she specifically remembered being under sniper fire LOL.

Realistically I've stopped being outraged in anyway by the Donald. We all know he's a fucking disaster at this point.

Actually It is doing better then it ever did under Obama and so have the unemployment rate. It is the lowest it has been in 16 years.

Remember when he said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Turns out it's going to be US dollars paying for it. So what if it's a remittance tax. IT'S STILL US DOLLARS. MONEY MADE IN THE USA. He makes it seem like the Mexican Government will pay. Which won't happen.