
Sup Forums explain why you hate refugees so much and why I should hate them as well.

I live next to a refugee hostel and most of the refugees behave well and mind their own business.

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Sure think Merkel.

>mind their own business.
Thats a weird way to spell
>hide their actions and true intents

all sandniggers are rapists... should be general knowledge

You just answered your own question, and that's giving them the benefit of the doubt as it is.


Where is the evidence?

I never understood this thing about the refugees.
If a civil war starts in your country would you run away to a nearby country that (most likely) shares common points with your culture or migrate to a another one that isn't near you at all, is richer but have a culture (and a legislation) ENTIRELY different to yours.
And after arriving, some groups (both outsiders and people in the country) demand that they should be given special treatment when they would probably not do the same in their countries.

When you invite someone to your house you try to make them as comfortable as you can. Not give them your own bed.

>refugee hostel
And soon they need social housing and will be on your dating pool replacing white people.

I don't hate them, and I'm sure many of them are good people trying to get out of a bad situation in their home country.

... but I'm not going to feel bad about prioritizing the safety and quality of life of my family, friends, and countrymen above that of strangers.

That's where Germany has gone completely mad. Your government is endangering its own citizens and dramatically reducing the quality of life for its own people in order to accommodate people with whom you have no common language, religion, culture, or social practices. You're punishing your own citizens to accommodate foreigners.

I HATE HELENA (assuming this is the name of that loser) AND POLICIA FEDERAL FOR THE REST MY LIFE.

Why do you think they want GerMONEY they don˙t give a fuck about their country in fact most of the Syrians are men desserters and terrorist sympathizers.

Europe has probably imported at least 50.000 terrorist and ex terrorists


Serves them right for relaxing around niggers. The male should carry a knife on him at all times when walking around these apes. I doubt he was against migrants anyways.

Because they're not aryan

>I live next to a refugee hostel and most of the refugees behave well and mind their own business.

Until something happens in your neighborhood
And something will happen soon™

>Your government is endangering its own citizens and dramatically reducing the quality of life for its own people
As opposed to what happened 50 years ago during coon rights where whole cities have been destroyed for the benefit of negros?

Refugees should be checked and processed, those who cause trouble or are suspected to cause trouble should be deported. Simple.

But where do you deport them if they come from literal war zones?

>Niklas was punched on the side of the head, police revealed in their press conference today, which in one blow knocked him down, unconscious.

I mean, if you are approached by sand niggers and do not get at least mentally prepared to defend yourself it just means you are a beta cuck. He wasn't even alone there was another dude with him. Seems like more betas being taken out by the apes. This is what happens when western civilization gets liberal and soft

Unlike America, Germany is not a war zone where you have to fear everybody else.

not anymore

Neets are more of a drain on society than refugees.

I'd happily trade neets with syria in exchange for refugees.

"Reeeeee wagecuck tendies neetbux mummy normie" .... off to Aleppo with you.

Stupid frogposters

I don't hate refugees, I hate economic migrants though.

OP must be a shill. There's no way somebody is that retarded and oblivious to the things happening in his country.



This meme needs to die.

>Blink 1488 - Saddam's Song Music Video

>Blink 1488 - What's My Race Again? Music Video

To countries neighboring the war zones where it is presumably cheaper to keep them, closer to their culture, and of course closer for them to move back. Plus they threaten us demographically.

>my anecdotal evidence means more than the clear increase in crime and the billions of euros these people are costing us despite them having no right of refuge according to the Geneve convention on refugees, the Dublin II treaty we signed or our very Grundgesetz (Article 16a)

Useful idiot or traitor, either way you have to go.

>refugees behave well and mind their own business

I fucking love refugees, especially african ones.

I would like to thank our brothers the Americans for toppling the racist Ghadafi.

This blatant xenophobe would hold them at bay and prevent them from coming to my country, thus preventing me from being culturally enriched.

And that's just one of the recent American gifts we've been graciously given.

Thanks America, thanks Obama, thanks Americans.

>most of the refugees behave well and mind their own business.

Yeah until they are told to look for jobs and the money gets cut.

>Bring in millions of people from countries with lower socioeconomic background, a foreign backwards culture, wich encourages pumping out children, disincentives learning and adaption to the recieving culture. Also, the own culture is perceived as superior contrary to realistic examination of any useful metric, additionally members of the recieving culture are viewed as "unclean" and inferior. "Refugees" pay large amounts of money to trafficker, who promises them a house, a car, high status in new culture and lots of money after arrival.
Well, what will happen?
>Live in some tent with 300 others.
>Different food
>Get free money though
>free stuff
>don't understand language
>want car, own house, more money
>Kuffar don't give out promised stuff
>Kuffar says, work for money
>only shit jobs with low pay
>Kuffar has nice job, car, house, woman
>Kuffar is racist, leftists agree
>well, no working then
>We are superior, give us stuff, leftists agree
>still gets housing, free stuff without working
>Lives in ghetto with others, pumps out children, doesn't work , learn language, or marketable skills
>social security all life long, leftists:"poor immigrants need our help"
>children will face the same
>sell some drugs for easy money
>beat up kuffar because islam says so, leftists say:"cultural diversity"
>whities leave neighborhood because criminality rising
>sharia zone, "more diversity"
>kuffars still pay social security though, public debt skyrockets, taxes go through the roof
>higher fertility rate
>begin to outnumber natives
>dis our country now
>sharia or die
>economy crumbles because taxes, no skilled workforce
>we make rules now
>public beheadings
>califate arises
>2000 years of cultural, scientific, economic progress lost
>new dark ages

Everything will be fine...

Not too long ago, people who fled their own country during a war were called cowards and traitors. "Refugees" should face constant public shaming until they either go back or commit suicide. But Germans are nothing but cucked cunts, so it will never happen.

Nope but congrats Germany you're now getting to experience all those joys and more.

>Where's the evidence
Are you implying that the refugees are nothing but rapists?

To the war zones

Go to Köln or Frankfurt you dunce and see otherwise.


Ironically I bet most of the dead in that pic were not red pilled

One of my little brother's high school friends is a central american refugee who crossed through Mexico, she must have been like 13. She went from no english at all to AP classes in like a year. Bitch is tough and cool as fuck and I hope he sham marries her if she ever gets deported

Sounds like central America could really use a high skilled immigrant like that.

It's class warfare. As long as the refugees are poor and uneducated their only purpose is to depress wages and increase government spending to make the one percent more money that you have to pay for. It destabilizes ethnic and cultural hegemony and makes the population easyer to control from the top down. It means more for the people at the top and third world living conditions for you and your children if you are allowed to have any. This pluss the occasional terrorist attack and the slow decay into Sharia law.


The people who did the attack were born in France.

The problem is, apparently, 2 geneartions even 3 generations aren't enough for people to get assimilated.

Ask yourself why this stuff doesn't really happen in Russia even though they have tons of muslims.

Because the muslims respect (and fear) the state. They have DISCIPLINE.

Yes, Russia does not have any terrorist problem, you are right.

Sehr gute Erklärung germanbro


I am right, because I didn't say 'any'.

holy, saved


In short? They dilute the spirit of your nation. A country exists more in the hearts of its people than in the confines of its borders, and borders exist to keep it that way.

Look at immigrants in the US. Legal ones have lower crime rates than the general populace, even controlling for niggers. Why is that? Because there is high selection. US immigration strains the best of the best from other countries through a strict process that betters the nation. Every country needs SOME immigration, and that's how it must be done. The more they loosen the requirements, the worse the immigrant stock gets.
Now look at niggers in the US. No selection whatsoever, they were brought in as slaves originally and it was never expected they would have the freedom to influence the spirit of the nation. Now they nog on a regular basis and regularly corrupt and dilute political and social discourse with their entitled silliness. No selection.

Refugees are the same problem, gathering in rape hordes and being generally demanding and shitty. No selection. You imported not just the people of another nation, but their spirit as well, and it's a spirit hell bent on choking yours out. If you country stops existing in the hearts of its people, then where does it exist?

Thanks to your retarded liberal mindset, your country is indeed a warzone.

Something genetic with you left types that you must turn the world to shit?

At this point it's almost impossible for it to play out any differently. The future is lost.

>At this point it's almost impossible for it to play out any differently.

Future is never lost Yitzak

They are smelly
They are brown
They don't know how to act around others
They are brown

>califate arises
Not so fast, when the remaining whites get pushed in the corner they hit back hard. Also keep in mind those retarded lesser races can't maintain a modern society, and will turn it in the shithole they came from. The modern west if a finely crafted piece of white cooperation, that deeply rooted cooperation comes back when they're into deep trouble.

As they gain confidence and numbers they become aggressive and start to impose their putrid culture.

half a mio more dark-tanned raepfugees on the way to europe


revoke Merkel, bring down EU, take power from lefties, deportation of "refugees", build Great Wall of Europe

Guten Tag Frau Merkel

Holy shit, I'm saving this.

>I live next to a refugee hostel and most of the refugees behave well and mind their own business.

now think about this on a grand scale, do you think every refugee hostel or centre is like that?

also, if you support refugee cancer, you support the death of your own people and heritage.


if the Rubikon will be reached in 2020, then all 20-35 year old native germans will be a minority in their own country and then after this point the demography will vastly change.

pic unrelated

and yet Sup Forums isnt one person

Nice vid.
I don't buy in the "it's the Jews' fault" stuff though
Israel is one of our most valuable partners
They have muslim terror attacks on a daily basis
The primary enemies are the radical left and the islamofascists

Women having the vote is the core of the problem, people blame the Jews too quickly.

the legal backing to my understanding is that the asylum right was put into the constitution to correct the wrongs that germany committed during the holocaust.

you look at hitler in a whole new way when you realize that the effort to "purify muh germanic race" could very well lead to the watering down of the germanic ethnicity.

The few refugees that I do know are pretty bro-tier. One of them even told me that he agrees with the AfD on a lot of their policies.

Then I see the Ahmeds with the pube beards and their wives wearing black from head-to-toe, asking if I speak English cause they don't know a lick of German. I think about how I my retirement age will probably go up because of how much money the Koalition is spending feeding them, how my kids will grow up in a world where Islam is a pretty cool religion, how I'm powerless to criticize this without automatically being called a Nazi, and I see something is very very wrong

Feminists supporting muslim immigration, the most patriarchal, misogynist ideology on earth, has to be the joke of the century
I'm thrilled to see how this will play out


Arabs are kinda based in the sense that their countries have a strong conservative presence. It's the religious aspect of it that makes me lose any and all respect for them.

You see this in every bro-tier country. Though not outright fascist/nazi (I guess cause it's the current year), every self-respecting country has a somewhat strong nationalistic/conservative backing. This is good for the economy, also for keeping face.

In Germany, however, people are so obsessed with being politically correct, that being conservative, or nationalistic is a taboo by default. People here would rather sing songs by the campfire than to consider social and economic consequences of the policies. It's discomforting living here, to say the least.