I had a shitty day, Sup Forums. I need some inspiration.
Post all your Western Civilization glory, aesthetics, art, architecture, etc.
I had a shitty day, Sup Forums. I need some inspiration.
Post all your Western Civilization glory, aesthetics, art, architecture, etc.
>Le edgy military bullshit
>Not a single piece of actual art
This is everything wrong with Sup Forums. You constantly whine about Western values yet you have no idea what the fuck they are.
you are a faggot and i could kick your ass
Come at me scrublord I'm fucking ripped
Ferrer "Glorious" Dalmau
then why is england becoming a welfare state for slimes, fatties, white trash, and niggers?
rekt m8
my wallpaper
>then why is england becoming a welfare state for slimes, fatties, white trash, and niggers?
I don't know, just let me put on my foreign-policy and social-dynamics costume and i'll find that out for you
p good desu
Is that a trap?
Of course not, can't you see her breasts and vag?
Posting art that doubles as a reaction image.
One of my favourites, it's the destruction of white bois.
That's so fucking awesome
>england expects
>that every man
>will do
Just for you, Spain