Is there anything more degenerate than rich kids flaunting their parents wealth?
Is there anything more degenerate than rich kids flaunting their parents wealth?
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being envious of those that have their reward in this life and not the next.
the first part.
envy and disgust arent the same feeling
You're disgusted that you haven't succeeded yet.
You can build a k20 civic to smoke that lambo easy for way less money than the lambo costs.
it's embarrassing you have to point it out to them
waiting for someone else to give your reward instead of taking it. you sound like a welfare nigger waiting around for his check.
Sad. How often do you see self-made people in non-degenerate professions flaunt their wealth? The only person that comes to my mind is Martin Shkreli
yeah, being jealous beta who wont reach this himself
You make it a bit simple there.
When you look at a pile of shit and you feel disgust, how does that fit into your theory?
>he thinks cars are meant to go fast
A crippling majority of the world will never see success, just because daddy shorted the market in 08' doesn't mean these people are anything other than protected criminals.
>his daily driver doesn't even have a 6.0 v8
Wew lad
You'd think they'd have better taste
False equivalence mate. Nobody wants a pile of shit, everyone wants to have wealth and prosperity.
They are? Cars are if you want to go fast. Trucks are if you want to towing and hauling large things, Vans are for moving things that need to be protected from the elements, Minivans are for if you have children, SUV's are for if you have children but don't want to look like it.
>omg everyone who has been successful in life is because they scammed the housing market collapse in 2008!!!1! No one was successful before then!!!11!!!!
>but they're criminals
Doesn't mean you can't envy their wealth. Because that's what you do. Saying they're criminal is just an unfounded way of saying they don't deserve what they got.
At least their grandchildren will be poor.
envious poor people
>Is there anything more degenerate than Sup Forums neckbeards flaunting their ancestor's achievements as theirs?
And who said anything about wealth itself? You're moving the goalpost faster than I can follow.
>look at that disgusting drunk fighting people
>'re just envious because you wanna get drunk too!
this is how stupid you sound
Reminds me of this guy that drives a Mustang on my commute. It's a 10 minute drive down a 30 mph speed limit road next to a fucking school and this guy rushes from one red light to the next, slamming down on his gas as hard as his break pedal. He doesn't even beat the lights he just wastes gas and tailgates every day cause dats how muh car spose to drive!! Vroooom!
>shortselling is criminal
Short selling saved the collapse from being worse you absolutely ignorant tard.
Why does he dress like a hobo?
Being fat on top of that.
Rich kids flaunting their wealth, then at the same time being socialists or communists
>you can enter his house and take his stuff but not mine
I'm not the one who continues to use false equivalences to further my cause. Here I'll use one too
>Wow look at that girls body it's so nice but there's nothing worse than a boyfriend who gets to use it. Only her father should since he created it!
Because he's going to a bernie's rally against trump's rally, and doesn't want his nice daily clothes to be fucked up by some drumpf's violent asshole
Sounds to me like you're just jealous you can't run over a cop's foot in your Ferrari 458 Spider like this kid.
His father probably has so much money, he sued all the cops involved and got them fired.
Its not a false equivalence. In fact you're the one making a false equivalence by claiming that disgust and envy are the same thing m8, I'm pretty sure they're not, the rest is just meaningless because you claim you cannot feel disgust at how others act because of the things they own. In other words instead of admitting you're stupid you just write pointless shit which has nothing to do with what I said.
Nice cars are if you want your dick sucked by top shelf women
I have a sports car and don't drive like that, so I get the opposite where people want to race me at traffic lights or expect me to be going 20+ over the speed limit. I usually do 10% over the speed limit unless it's a school zone.
Now you're using ad hominems. Wow you're really good at defending your point, ad hominems, false equivalences. What's next??
A minivan, an SUV, a truck, a trailer, a car, and a motorcycle all basically travel at the same speed. No purpose in designing expensive cars that can top 200 mphs if it's not even realistic to drive at that speed in your day to day life.
>What is a track day
Well thanks for not being an ass. You'd be surprised at the number of children on the road with fucking playground mentality trying to speed around like it's no one else's business.
>day to day life
Why do you bongs have such horrible reading comprehension? It's your own fucking language!
>hurr I'll just drive around an empty track by myself for hours on end
>what is autism
Yeah--whining about it.
It's a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.
Class war when?
>Nice in any description
If your "sports car" costs as much as a Camry you're probably a huge poser anyways
>only wall street fat cats can be rich
The vast majority of rich famalies are random small bussiness owners you haven't even heard of. But sure keep blaming the rich for your problems, dumbass.
I pity you.
>His father probably has so much money, he sued all the cops involved and got them fired.
In reality, the father apologized for his retarded son, paid bail and they eventually accepted a plea deal. The little fag was crying in court so much that it looked like an episode of scared straight.
The majority of small business owners don't hand Lambo's to their kids, nor are they rich by global standards. What's rich, a few hundred thousand in income, low millions, over a hundred million? Rich is not a mere threshold you cross into, it has to do with your assets, income, everything, the people being referenced in the OP are not "small business owners", they're filthy rich and able to flaunt it. Joe's Car Repair is not pulling in 25 mil a year, it's just not happening, anywhere.