Are the rich inherently evil?
Are the rich inherently evil?
>Bill Gates
>Leo DiCaprio
>Many other well known philanthropists
Or course not. Claiming any grouo is inherently evil is usually a fallacy.
I don't understand what is it with communist countries like the US,France and Canada that view rich people as the fucking devil himself.
Are they even aware that the rich are the beating heart of their country's economy?
The rulers of a society has nothing to fear if the middle class is content. Being rich is not evil. Communism is evil.
They certainly can be.
Evil isn't so much doing bad things, but the absolute refusal to believe you are doing bad things, and the additional pretense that you are good.
Psychopaths find themselves in prison.
Evil narcissists find themselves in business and politics. Most will never see a prison cell.
They are not the ones threatening to eat the rich
Because people cannot fathom the idea that the rich worked hard and deserve their money, or invested properly into anything. They believe that if you're rich, you screwed someone over somewhere and are part of the 'illuminati' or something that tax evade and eat children on a daily basis.
It really is just envy gone wild. They think the rich simply don't deserve what they have. I've talked to people that have even suggested we put a limit on how much money a person can make, because they 'don't NEED 20 billion dollars'.
I dunno, ask Norwegians
The poor are the evil ones. Envious. Incompetent. Lazy. Lustful. Glutenous.
And the regularly pop out kids they cannot provide for, which is the height of greed.
The poor are always looking for others to pay for their own existence. Then they turn around and destroy the very communities which have helped them the most.
The poor are disgusting. Every accusation they leverage toward the rich is pure projection of their own sins.
Actually it's the other way around, poor people are evil.
>Psychopaths find themselves in prison.
There is no such thing.
The term was abandoned in the 1950's.
No. The notion that the upper classes in society are malicious started with the French Revolution.
Ignoring any context, it sounds like that sign is saying that poor people just deplete resources until there is nothing left, then resort to cannibalism.
There's regular rich people, and then there's Jews. Basically having the money isn't bad but gaining it at the expense of others, by buying off politicians and such, is evil. The bad ones aren't a huge number but increase with the amount of money they have, because there is often diminishing returns when increasing business size in an unregulated economy, but when government is involved then the benefits will go to the ones that can afford to outbid other companies to bribe the people making the regulations.
Soros/zuckerberg = evil
Trump = good
Yes. Everything is a zero sum game so unless you're in the bottom 50% of the world you are evil because you must have taken it from someone else. Also original sin is a thing for rich folks, white folks and straight folks. Also nature oppresses you by forcing you into a position where you have to fight for survival. Also nature is unfair because bigger, stronger, smarter people have inherent advantages. Also the rich never pay taxes which go towards feeding the poor.
Not even Jesus considered the rich to be inherently evil. And he was fucking Jesus.
Poor people seem to kill more people than the rich so if anything poor people are evil.
No, they are people just like you and me.
No, but people with no empathy and a hint of intelligence usually become rich.
If I saw this bitch irl with that sign I would beat her ass and rip those earrings out, man's gotta get money fo his skool clothes after all
Implying the rich haven't prepared for that by keeping uppity nigs in their ghetto natural environments.
Stay woke
Anyone with more money that me is evil.
I bet every cent I have that the now oppressed won't be any better, when the roles change.
Conservatives think that humans are inherently evil and society has to tame them.
Liberals think that humans are inherently good, but capitalism and civilization corrupts them.
Then why don't liberals want people owning guns, if they believe humans are inherently good?
Read the sentence. We have been corrupted by civilization and capitalism.
Guns are evil
They're inanimate objects. Take your psych meds, fool.
Because they are jealous, here even if you earn a mittle more than 3000 euros/person you are considered as a "rich" and people hate you in your back while leaking your boots when they are with you.
The mentality comes from both catholicism (where being rich is considered wrong) and socialist.
It is probably the biggest cancer of France behind immigration.
I don't say we should embrace protestant degeneracy but actually it is pretty fuck up.
Not necessarily, but those with huge wealth surelly had to be dishonest at some point of their lives.
The notion that the rich are inherently evil is a self fulfilling prophecy. One starts to view the world through a warped lens. A person with this view sees completely normal behavior as malicious.
Exhibit A:
A business owner sees that one of his locations is losing money. He is under no moral obligation to lose money, so he closes up shop. A sane individual views this as the normal course of action, but someone else will see this bandaging of a bleeding wound as "Firing the workers and taking the profits."
What is dishonesty? Perhaps a person embellished a business presentation to get VC funding. Shit, I practically lied on my resume to get my job, but am I cheating the owner of the company for which I work? I clearly provide a service that he finds valuable as I've been promoted to vice president. Saying that the rich "must have lied to get there" is a cop out. We've all lied to "get here". When you tell the homeless beggar that you have no cash, and you subsequently have 8 dollars instead of 7, you have, by those standards, lied to get there and your wealth of 8 dollars is ill gotten.
>Because people cannot fathom the idea that the rich worked hard and deserve their money, or invested properly into anything
Especially when your parents did it for you and you simply inherited their work. No shit, I'd like to be born in wealthy family too.
One day the rich will have no further use for the poor
More like inherently human.
You just named two evil rich people,
And im libertarian right, i don't know who's jewing who anymore.