Now that nobody is around, I'm going to run in front of the camera completely naked and blasting Shadilay on a speaker...

Now that nobody is around, I'm going to run in front of the camera completely naked and blasting Shadilay on a speaker. Give me thirty minutes.



Why is the time on the clock wrong?

ITT newfags will be dumb enough to believe this and wait 30 minutes.

did i miss it?

>Implying anyone that is on Sup Forums at 10:30PM on a Friday night has anything better to do

Time zone differences dumbass.

time zone? it's fucking 16 minutes in the past. what time zone is 16 minutes late?

No real person is the fucking ignorant, right?

this will be like the time that rack of postcards was knocked over in Times Square

August 9th was like, in the past or something.

hey hey I haven't wasted my time in this thread in quite a while...good show ole top

I was about to say where the fuck is this intersection at that its that empty


guy on motorcycle in cam... that OP?


30 sec to prove op is a fag

Cam is not live

why not?

It never was in the first place, faggot. It's a looped recording.

K bitch and why am I supposed to know. Who lives in a shithole like this anyway.

Florida Keys. Read the news at all?

that's why I said I was about to say. I looked around the site and saw its in Florida, dumbfuck.