What does Sup Forums think of Chrisitan niggers?
What does Sup Forums think of Chrisitan niggers?
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They belong on crosses like the rest
The sane few.
Pretty cool. Although a few of them are a bit crazy with the whole claim to being lost israelite tribes or some shit.
I used to live next to a 7th day adventist church and Baptist church in upstate New York when I was "escaping" the velocity of city life.
The 7th day adventist church and the house I was renting had a communal driveway (pic related). While they were reshingling their roof I got 3 flat tires in one week because of their refusal to clean up the driveway after the days work was done. I missed work numerous days. I asked them politely to clean their shut up and they basically told me to fuck off.
I filed a small claims lawsuit against them for the $300 in tires plus lost wages. I documented the entire process before taking them to court and even brought a tire with a nail still in it into the courtroom as evidence.
The judge was a parishioner of the Baptist church directly adjacent to the 7th day adventist church, was also black and found in my favor. The female negress judge reminded the pastor to pay my damages in full before I moved back to the city...which was 2 days later.
Turns out the finances were controlled by a random accounting firm in the city and I picked my check up the day I moved into my new apartment in the Bronx.
TLDR- niggers are lazy even with religion
not real christians
why not?
Cultural appropiation
They're not real Christians. Christ only came for the lost sheep of Israel which is the white European Adamic Man.
The same as the reason for #NotAllMuslims
>They're not real Christians. Christ only came for the lost sheep of Israel which is the white European Adamic Man.
They are niggers, they have low IQ, of course they are into religion.
Most of them dont follow the teaching of jesus
hey jamal lets pray to jesus for forgivenes after we rob this store
Instead of baptising them in holy water, they should baptise them in holy bleach.
Thus making them white and good. Like the white christ.
Ethiopians are cool. Rest? Not so much...
no circumcision is a Pauline teaching
anyhow, Ethiopian-Orthodox niggers seem okay
you're thinking of the Beta Israel
Example of Christianity not being in line with nationalism.
better than non-Christians nigs
This. Look at the cucks in the thread, pretending Jamal isn't going to steal his hubcaps because they worship the same God.
not christians as you know them. It's cargo cult christianity more than anything else.
>Chrisitan niggers?
This is just repetetive
you are automatically non-white if you are Christian
Christianity = ANGLO degeneracy
the only non-degenerate religions are ISLAM and PAGANISM
ISLAM (and Paganism) IS THE ANSWER
Be more subtle Abdullah Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Abdullah al Turkic.
I've got no problem with ones who try to legit suppress their niggery nature but they can sometimes become a little fanatic but thats with all religions they touch
The biggest problem you will be having , is when you kill christianity and you let islam rise you will have nigger muslims instead of nigger christfags. wew lad great times ahead for you my friend
Anglos are worse than Niggers.
Anglos PUSHED christianity on ARYAN society
thus Anglos = christianity = degeneracy
Muslims > shit > Anglos
ergo Islam + Paganism = Aryan religion
Aryanism is the only right option.
we invented Christianity? god damn anglos are awesome, no wonder we owned the world
This is what I mean with Paganism
Aryanis = Paganism for Aryans
Back off Anglo villain!
They get to sit at the back of the church
not as bad as muslim niggers
muslim niggers is like a double whammy. its the worse thing anyone can be in my eyes