Alright Sup Forums I know theres a bunch of depressed people on here an It seems like I'm just not able to get out of...

alright Sup Forums I know theres a bunch of depressed people on here an It seems like I'm just not able to get out of this hole and don't want to talk to my family an it seems like you guys are the only one that listens what have some of you people done to help manage with it like hobbies or what ever

Get into philosophy man it did wonders for me.

Squats, dead lift, bench press.

I went to my gp on tuesday and within 5 minutes had a prescription for an antidepressant

I'll be sick as a dog for the next 4 weeks but I hope it corrects whatever is wrong with me

haven't told the family yet tho

Meditation, Tai Chi, Walks.

Pills are a terrible way to fix depression, you will just end up taking more and more just to feel normal do not go down this road its not worth it.

i got real depressed for a season after a culmination of deaths in the family and a long term girlfriend split

the things i found that countered it were
pursuits/hobbys/interests - eg i played vidya with friends
and cannabis

honestly as a side note ive had no respect for law so long as the issue of cannabis legality stands, get the fuck out of the way hey, if you want to nanny state it then 18+ it and tax, regulate

consistent severe depression and panic attacks for a period of longer than 10 years makes me think you are wrong and I have a brain chemistry problem

pills are the answer

We made a feels discord for anons, there's only three of us there and i'm alone on the voice chat. Feel free to join.


Brain chemistry can be changed with things besides pills, have you tried exercise or changing your philosophy on life, i had depression for 5 year, then i looked inside myself, found what was wrong then changed it.Pills wont make you happy, they'll just make you numb.

I've been alone for 25 years, never was able to really talk to my family, friends or girls. Nobody knows me like some anons here do.

I don't want to be alone anymore, but it's been too long i don't know how to be not alone. I want a girl i can make happy, friends and family i can be honest with but it seems the time to build those relationships and the social skills needed for them was long ago.

Am i destined to be alone? I'll never be able to find someone who will accept me as i am as much as i do.

I disagree. I've been taking antidepressants and xanax for about a month now, and it's made a significant change in my life. My anxiety has gone way down and that's made things so much easier. I don't feel "numb", I actually feel happy and enjoy things again. I was numb before taking these meds.

op here for the last 6 years of my life I seem to have lost all will an want to do the tings I used to find fun I'm drinking a smoking a lot an I did get a gf an I was relly happy then something went one in side her head an she just started to change she had a bit of problems to then we broke up an now I feel worst then I did befor I'm just a sad meat sack

Jordan B Peterson has said that he's really annoyed when people don't take antidepressants when it would make a real positive change in your life. If you think it will help and you have few other roads, that's a great start.

I recommend doing some of the other stuff you're being recommended too

Man I tried all that I just couldn't get up in the morning or do anything. I tried so hard but nothing worked so then I turned to pills and after 6 months, although not perfect, I am better

{op}an the worst part of the break up is that we go to the same fucking school an I can feel myself diying inside each time I see her an ur the only people I can really talk about this with because you don't know me

>Jordan B Peterson
I like his shit too but he's not jesus m8. Be carefull.

Definitely. Pills aren't something you should do long term, but it's the best place to start so you can improve on other aspects of your life. My psychiatrist told me depression is like having hypertension. You can treat it with medication, but ultimately you should make life style changes like exercising and diet to fix the problem and then ween off the pills.

Im going to give you advise derived from my own experience. I was depressed and miserable before i started running. You get to she yourself progress, as well as enjoying a nice runners high.

that might be a good idea I want to get backinto skating I was hella good an everyone knew it

This so much, exercise helps a lot. There are barely no depressed sporty people.


I use mental imagery to control the thoughts I don't like having. As soon as they appear, I imagine myself packing them away in a box and putting the box on a shelf, to think about later. Boxes are piling up though...

well ur not wrong