I am deeply in love with Cirno.
Ask me anything.
If you want to.
I am deeply in love with Cirno.
Ask me anything.
If you want to.
Happy 9/9 dood
You see the 9th anniversary of Cirno's math class?
Happy Cirno Day!!
Yes I did.
I loved the "bakadee bakadee" at the second chorus.
Happy Cirno day for both of you.
what do her socks look like?
Like this
Can i get a link nothing shows up on youtube
I bookmarked it
Here you go good sir
Holy shit, new drift music
I am forever in your debt boyo
This actually made me feel old, brought me back to a better time
I know right?
I wasn't a Cirno fan or even a touhou fan back when that video exploded.
but, with her appearance on TH16 and her nendoroid and this new IOSYS video.
It gives me so much happines.
So much love for the series, I use to play back then. Well attempt to play, I was never good and am still not good, the community and stuff is still great though.
Oh sure.
If it keeps like this we could see a TH renaissance.
I want it to get to the point where I can find a Touhou costume at a Halloween store
How do YOU pronounce Cirno?
9 get
That would mean Touhou has reached the normies.
It may seem like a good thing but... I wouldn't want to see that.
Besides. The fact that is japanese and somewhat "rare" here in the western makes it a bit more special.
I'm a native spanish speaker so I call her "Seerno"
Whenever I feel like I wanna call her with a cute name I call her "Chiruno" since it sounds cuter and goes along well with chan.
"Chiruno- chan"
You do realize that it's just a drawing?
not OP but I vary between See-ru-no and CHAIR-no
9 get
This should make you very happy
Oh hell yea, some good old Touhou circle music
The only right way is Chiruno チルノ
Are you all ?
I'm completely aware of that.
It may be lame and whatnot but I'm truly in love with her.
Like... it's more than a character you know.
She's a concept too. Of never giving up and showing everyone what you are capable of.
I love the fanarts that people do for her.
I love the music arranges.
I love the community.
So... whenever I get home after being basically alone and anxious I can relax with some Touhou and Cirno waiting for me.
(Related video)
No i'm not alright, please bludgeon me in the head with a waffle iron
Hey, post some older 2hu circle music
404 Shield
This vid always killed me
I wasn't expecting him to play a fucking RAM
The floppy gets me every time, always made me wonder if anything was ever saved on it
Some good ole music memes