Ignoring the source for the moment, what do you think about the statement and sentiment?

Ignoring the source for the moment, what do you think about the statement and sentiment?

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He's wrong to claim that banking fraud is more harmful than the negative effects of unchecked immigration.

Let's do a thought experiment. You have the choice to live in neighborhood A or neighborhood B.

In neighborhood A, there lives a bank fraudster who hides millions in offshore accounts. He works from his home and is otherwise a pleasant neighbor. He makes on average 1 million dollars a month.

In neighborhood B, there lives a gang of niggers of routinely stick up people walking in the streets, threatening them with a knife and stealing their money. They make on average one thousand dollars a month.

The bank fraudster makes more money than the niggers. But which neighborhood would you rather live in?

>hey X is more harmful than Y, so let's do nothing against Y :^)

Let's not focus 100% of efforts on Y, while ignoring X is the actual message.

>do two things at once :O

That's way too complicated for the average pollack

A banker and tax dodger never tried to break into my home, rape my family, honor kill my daughter and then instill Sharia law and if I speak out be branded a racist and thrown in jail while refugees take my home with government support because "I can find a new one easily"

I like how you two niggerlovers have ignored my post.

I guess your tiny nigger brain is overwhelmed by anything which is not simple enough to be turned in a bernie sandberg slogan.

Two sides of the same shekel.

leddit bait'n' switch


Banisters and immigrants are both bad and they are often entwined with each other.

>implying its not the rich who wish to flood us with cheap labor


Fucking retarded phone.

>how are you not distracted!?

I am.
By your quads.

No, you simply stated the obvious and gave nothing more.

Again you fell into the only being able to do one thing at a time mentality.

>"oh well the bankster wouldn't be as bad so I've proved everyone wrong"

No. You simply proved what I said to be correct. I didn't reply to you because my post was describing your action. An inability to do two things at once

Glorious Nippon Bantz, my favorite

beat me to it. /thread

The US financial crisis was caused by government intervention. Mostly, the Fed's manipulation of interest rates.

Politicians are hypocrites. That part is correct.

I don't know about the UK but the top 1% pays 35% of US income tax. Top 10% pays 70%. The rich are already paying everything. And if you confiscated 100% of Buffet's wealth, it would pay for 18 days of US governent borrowing. There aren't enough "rich" people to tax to solve all your problems and provide you with all your dreams. And I'm guessing the further left UK has more "progressive" taxation than the US.

Employers can only pay poverty wages if the government enforces a system that allows it. Labour is subject to the normal laws of supply and demand economics, like anything else. Maybe if you stop letting in millions and millions and millions of low wage workers, there will be more jobs available for native citizens.

And all this muh NHS being "propped up" by Indian doctors and nurses, etc, I don't understand this. There's what, 50% youth unemployment? Why can't we train our own doctors and nurses? HEY OWEN, WHY DO YOU WANT TO STEAL DOCTORS FROM POOR PEOPLE IN INDIA TO PROP UP YOUR OWN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM?

>this thing is worse, so you should continue doing this other bad thing!


Dumb anime loving 19 year old

>Implying globalist organizations have national interests in mind.
They are essentially foreigners as well.


>Bankers and rich people are fucking you!
>So stop resisting immigration and let them get a piece of that ass while it is still tight!

Fuck that argument, fuck the people that make that argument and fuck all the rest of the "either or" faggots that are ruining the west.

This. The cuckening of the west is completely tied up in corporate consolidation but people just want to pick a side and yell slogans so you can either be against one or the other while the elites laugh at everyone.



I think it's a reasonable sentiment, but Mr. Jones completely fails to understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration, and who benefits from this.

Look at the H1B visa situation. Who actually benefits when 1000s of highly skilled Pajeets are siphoned out of India to work at Microsoft for slave wages? Certainly not India, who is being affected by "brain drain". Certainly not the American laborer, whose potential job market is oversaturated and causing them to be left under-employed. Hint: it's the mega-corps, these "bankers" who line their wallets with cheap labor at everyone else's expense.

>No, you simply stated the obvious
Oh, so you agree that it's obvious that street delinquincy is worse than fraud because the insecurity caused by niggers and other undesirables has a more harmful on the day to day lives of average people than some guy frauding some bank?

Why are we arguing then?

But his solution is "so lets have more multiculturism and immigration" which only makes the problems worse.
He isn't adding anything new, except for an extra face to punch.

I think he needs to shut the fuck up and comb his goddamn hair.

Yes what the fuck, the immigration is the symptom of the jewish controll. Everyone with a brain knows this allready. There's a reason it's happening in all the countries of the western sphere at the same time.

We dont hate the immigrants, we just want to send them home. The jews however...

We allready did the time for the holohaux, might as well do the crime.

Economic migration can usually be beneficial to a country but these people are not economic migrant they're jihadist conquerors and invaders. The economic argument is irrelevant to how our governments should treat these people.

Probably the bankers and the businesses since they are also the ones shilling for mass immigration.

hes doing exactly the same thing as he accuses others of, at the end of the day the 1% top elite and non euro migrants both need to be gotten rid of

Because you defend the banksters.

That was the whole point of your argument. To desperately try to show everyone the banksters are ok. That where you'd rather live makes all further arguments invalid.

Because hey, I mean it's not like they caused this.

Oh wait.

the nip with first post best post

>Because you defend the banksters.
No I don't, you stupid fucking nigger. Confirmed for having a sub-australoid IQ.

I'm not defending frauds. Frauds should go to jail. I'm just saying that the statement "fraudsters are worse than illegal immigrants" is FALSE, because the threat to your personal security which illegal aliens represent is FAR FAR WORSE than some fucking jew making money off a scam in Panama.

You're a fucking hypocrite. Go live in Somalia, no bankers there!

SeeYou people ar morons. One causes the other. You realize that right? You HAVE to do somthing about both or it'll never be fixed

Aww are you upset? Why so quickly?

Let's look at this.
>banksters cause immigrants to come
>immigrants fuck you over
who is the CAUSE.

"Worse" is such a poor term to use in this situation. Because obviously in the moment an immigrant with a knife is worse. But that immigrant wouldn't be there in the first place if the bankster hadn't pushed for it. Do you see what I mean?

>banksters cause immigrants to come
how lad?

>>banksters cause immigrants to come
[citation needed)

Pray tell who is for illegal immigration : ultra-capitalist billionaire Donald Trump, or socialist Bernie "man of the people" Sandbergstein?

The funny thing with your claim is that it's so fucking outlandish, I don't even understand how an irrational brain, let alone a rational one, could believe it. Perhaps an icepick lobotomy would raise your IQ.

Who makes money from cheap labor?

>Who makes money from cheap labor?
You didn't answer my question you fucking niggerlover

>Pray tell who is for illegal immigration : ultra-capitalist billionaire Donald Trump, or socialist Bernie "man of the people" Sandbergstein?

Yes, they may make money from it. But do they cause it?

>Pray tell who is for illegal immigration : ultra-capitalist billionaire Donald Trump, or socialist Bernie "man of the people" Sandbergstein?

Is that supposed to mean anything?

One:fuck Bernie
And two: Donald Trump is an exception to my statement. But I'm much more interested in the average. And the average super elite wants cheap labor.

Your point is that of a 15 year olds

>You got fucked by all this things, why don't you want to get fucked by more things bigot
Owen Jones



or a nigger?


>Is that supposed to mean anything?
Yes, if you're not an intellectually dishonest niggerlover.

>x is worse than y
>therefore maximize y


See you just aren't very smart are you?

Your point was meaningless. As I already said Donald is an exception. And I never once said I liked or agreed with Bernie.

Why does every British male look like he has AIDS?

Other bad things existing is not an especially strong argument.

It's complete nonsense. He basically tries to downplay a problem just by pointing what would be a bigger problem.

Illegal, unregulated immigration is a cancer upon every nation and should be prosecuted at full force.

For me, the underskilled foreigners competing for my jobs who are being prioritised due to diversity hiring. Bankers give loans, letting companies hire more people, giving more people jobs. I love bankers, but then again I'm not a drooling retard into anti authoritarianism for the sake of itself.

And no, no one is ever "just as" qualified, one is always more and the other is always less. Hiring the less qualified one due to race is racism and due to sex is sexism. There is no excuse for it and since we literally can't stop HR doing this, why shouldn't we make it fair again by deporting everyone whom they'll racially prioritise?

>hurr that don't happen
Why are more than half of STEM workers foreign despite most honours students (publicly available data) being white? Explain this left wing crypto fascists.

Most men are emasculated these days.

He is full of shit. At best talking about two different things.

> Hey! It's the bankers, big business and polticians, who are evil. Let's submit to their demands even more, that will show them.

How can you say they are the worst and in the same breath you call to trust them on THEIR immigration fantasies.

One bad thing being worse than another bad thing does not negate the badness of the lesser bad thing.

Store this in a proganda response folder.

Based Nippon

It doesn't matter if they're a good person or not. It comes down to the fact that a foreigner has no right to the land. No right to live there, to benefit from the works of its people, or to leave their mark on the gene pool.

>not a tax burden
>increased pressure on emergency services
>not a tax burden

At least the bankers wont rape your children:

Leftists can NEVER name any other benefits of immigration than food.
Fuck this literal cuck.

They all are working together

They all see themselves in a higher class of people than us.

The right the left doesn't matter becuase they are both above you and I.

They'd work together to crush us before they let themselves both get crushed.

False fucking choice. Both banking fraud and mobs of illegals are downstream from the source of the issue.

It's cheap rhetoric. You could promote pretty much anything this way, as long as it's perceived harm to society is less than that of "le greedy bankers".

i think its classic misdirection, and just because you mention X (completely unrelated thing) it doesnt mean that Y isnt an issue

>bankers cause wars and wreck entire nations
>rapists and murderers only harm a few people
>are you REALLY worried about all these rapists and murderers when we have all these BANKERS running around?
>It's 2016!

Fuck the globalist banking cartel and fuck rapefugees equally and simultaneously.

>Indian nurses and Polish fruit pickers

Notice how he mentions Indians and Polish because they aren't africans or muzzies?

He's Japanese, so he can't possibly be racist.

Are these not the two sides of the same coin. If multiculti is the coin IE the problem. Then I want to be rid of both sides of it. how is that hard to understand? These assholes know what they are doing is wrong and their arguments are weak as shit. What astounds me is that I genuinely believe that they wholeheartedly believe that the refugees will side with them and show gratitude and respect to them when they are the majority and that the 1 percent that allowed it will protect them. If I didn't hate them so much I would feel bad for them.

Polish fruit pickers? That never happens, Poles are proud people, not in street poo league

>I don't like this group
>so therefore this other group should be allowed in


Keep the nurses and fruit pickers and kick out the Paki kiddy-diddlers. There, problem solved.

>Polish fruit pickers

Poland confirmed for the Mexico of Europe.

All those people benefit from mass immigration.


You guys gave us Chopin, you're LEAGUES ahead of shit like fruit picking.

you're the same cheeky cunt who had that quote "when shit is on the table, you are worried" with regards to islamic terrorism occuring in turkey, aren't you?

No Pole will ever pick a fruit -we despise them. We eat only bear's meat and drink blood of our fallen enemies.

Based senpai

That was not a logically sound argument. What to politicians and bankers have to do with immigration?

Is he saying Indians and poles can't be bankers and politicians? Why does occupation have anything to do with it?

Completely nonsensical premise. This is why classes on logic and argumentation should be integral in school

instead of addressing your argument I'm going to make a new argument against something else because I have no valid points. Here are my new goal posts.

I'm going to imply that these people who fucked us over, these bankers, wealthy business and land owners, and politicians aren't also going to railroad us with refugees.

as you can see, this person is a fucking idiot.