I'm 23, never in my life have I been so madly in Love with someone...

I'm 23, never in my life have I been so madly in Love with someone. I've taken her on dates met her friends and a few family members and spend weekends at her house (she's "too busy" to come to mine). One night about a week ago I casually told her I loved her (I forgot the context), but she responded by sitting me down and telling that she not only cheated on me, but two of her close friends she still hangs out with were past relationships. One of which she had three-ways with.

Walked out on her, cried like a bitch for a couple days. I've just been severely depressed for the past couple days.

Really I'm only writing this here because this isn't a story I'm going to tell elsewhere. Don't want to drag her name through the mud, or cause drama.



Hang on, bro. Life's short, don't let a bitch drown you in tears.
Enjoy your life and do what you are up to. You'll meet someone later.

I only met my wife at 28, after 11 relationships that destroyed me and a dozen girls I fucked just because I felt alone. But life's a bitch.

Carry on, and go make something cool with your life.

Ive met the love of my life, but we had to go our own ways. Its been really hard man, knowing theres someone out there who I could share my life with but who I cant be with in this time. Some user shared some advice with me one time.

One day it will all be part of your story.

just a tip
girls that look anything like that (alt, emo, scene, goth, feminist or even bisexual) will always be like that, unless they're shy virgins with low self esteem. generally at least.

It ain't your fault bro, even if you think so, you acted right you're being the honnest person. Plus your kids aren't going to be sons of a bitch (at least not of this one), look at the bright side of things...

bitches like that are not worth your tears. future hateful single mother feminist. You dodged a bullet. I spent 2 years doing everything for my ex and she cheated on me. you live and learn

Go out and do something else to take your mind off it.

Tell yourself it's over, and don't let yourself think anything to the contrary.

Don't think about her when you masturbate. If you can't help it, stop your snake-tug and have a cold shower.

Got out of a 5 year relationship after she did this kind of shit, and these are my tips for you. Sorry such a shitty thing happened to you user.

Her hair wasn't that dramatically blue when I met her, didn't find out she was bi until we had this last conversation.

I mean I'll concede that there were hints, but I was blinded by my feelings... I'll be more guarded next time.

Advice from someone that had the exact same situation happen to him: forget it. It's not worth thinking about. There's way too much in life to worry about one girl's actions. Whether you are handsome and popular or neckbearded and alone, there's still more than a girl in life.

Goth fag here, you're wrong given sweeping generalization fallacy.

What are you complaining about? You Americans are too sensitive..... "oh no, the one chick that is nice to me is too horny, so she supplements". Go fuck her brains out and make her bring a friend, then cuck her a little and cum in her mouth. And read a fucking sex book, especially about eating pussy... pathetic.

Honestly man you should fucking drag her name through the mud. Make her feel the pain she caused you cause what she did is pretty fucked up..Like you don't do that to people. I made the mistake of being nice to my Xanax addicted ex when she left me for her dealer and now I regret the fact that I did absolutely nothing to get revenge. I feel empty about it. Don't let her win that shit dude. Cunts like her ruin good people. And she'll probably do it again cause thats who she is but maybe if you make it sting for her she'll learn her lesson won't fuck up other people like she fucked you up.

Hey brother I know it hurts but you gotta give the hurt time like 10 mins out each day to feel like shit.

Then once you gave feeling like crap it's moment keep pushin through the day.

Keep repeating and you ll feel better about it but learn from it mang. Remember that if you truly lost something examine what you lost.


Fuck, I wish I could turn off my emotions.

Don't think the sex was bad, it was probably the infrequency,I mean I lived 20 miles from her so I'd only see her twice a week. Didn't ask who she cheat on me with, didn't want to know.

could be worse. I found out my ex cheated because i got an std

What the fuck is wrong with her eyes?

That sucks op, been cheated on by a bitch i Loved, only recently started calling the bitch, bitch. Anyways nothing you can do, fuck it she just didn't love you the same so go to all the bars/clubs/hospitals, all the good spots where you live and hit on anything with a pussy, you'll get over her in like a month

that's rough man
you should be glad that she told you, many go on without knowing and waste their life on whores

Your first mistake was dating a girl with colored hair.

>she responded by sitting me down and telling that she not only cheated on me, but two of her close friends
if it's her at photo she is plunger and you fool

And honestly man he isn't that hot to be depressed over for long.

she is deep, you "not understand"

>coloured hair
>general patina of skank and entitlement

wtf are you thinking dude? Go find yourself a nice country girl.

Shut up no one cares what you Savage sand niggers do

Acts as if women cheat because sex. The cheat because their all attention whores

Despite her cheating, she was the most genuine/honest person I've met. Even when she ripped my heart out she did it in a sympathetic way, and I'm sure she's hurting too.

>don't want to drag her name through mud and cause drama

Exactly why you get cheated on m8 no offense but no balls if my gf sat me down to casually tell me she had cheated on me she would be gettinh thrown out the nearest window. She just cheated on you and more concerned about her name being tarnished..call me what you want but every relationship ive had i dominate it early let her know whos the boss and she ain't gonna wanna cheat unless shes just that type, act the way you're acting they are not gonna take you serious and turn you into a cuck.

someone who cared for you at all wouldnt do that

>Don't want to drag her name through the mud, or cause drama.

Guys like you are why girls can keep getting away with shit like this. If you don't shame women for being sluts, they'll start to think it's okay.

My mantra to make it through this week.

It happens. It's a chick. Get over it.


Eventually, but Hopefully sooner rather than later

He gets it, chicks like that are not 'relationship types' you fuck them and move on..

Wasn't the blue hair a clear enough warning signal for you?

Laughed and lost.
Even though I never want to see her again, it's not honest to have a black and white situation where's she's all bad, reality is too complicated.

bitch is fucking ugly, think of this as a fucking blessing in disguise lol

I know this is the oldest and most cliche thing ever, but it's so true... there's others.
It would be illogical to forget her entirely, to not think of her time to time while you process this.
But keep a bead on the future user, hold onto any shred of belief that this will pass, because it most surely will.
And when the next girl comes along, which who knows when, but you will look back on this relationship in pity.
Trust me. Let me humour you with a little analogy i thought of just now:
trash isn't always apparent at first, but old trash, trash that's left alone to rot and wither is.
This girl isn't necessarily trash, but she is to you.
Someday you'll laugh in embarrassment on how you even thought she was for you in any way.
Good luck user, and when things get tough, try to look for value in other things.