Hey Sup Forums this is going to be somewhat of a long winded scenario but how would you guys react if a girl you knew told you after a month of not talking to her that she's pregnant, the father is in jail, another guy wants to marry her and they're getting married next week, she's running away from home because of said pregnancy, abortion isn't an option for her because she said she'd kill her self if the child dies and to top it off she just turned 18 last month. Pic related it's her
Hey Sup Forums this is going to be somewhat of a long winded scenario but how would you guys react if a girl you knew...
call her a retard and move on
Cool story bro
Bump because I want to hear other responses as well
Sounds like about 5 girls I knew over the last 10 years. All of them ended up poor or in jail.
To add to that, best way to continue is to cut off all meaningful communication with them and watch all the drama unfold on Facebook or whatever. You'll feel better about yourself whenever you see them wallow in despair and act white trash and yell at people.
>How would you guys react?
By not giving a fuck, as usual.
Why the fuck would you want to involve yourself romantically in any way with the massive tire fire this person is calling their life? Holy shit. If they're your friend, okay, your friend has terrible fucking judgement, but be there for her. Under no circumstances develop any feelings and run like hell if you happen to be this "other guy".
When we say don't stick your dick in crazy, this is what we are talking about.
Literally no reaction.
Let trash be trash and rise above this filth.
Oh no I'm not the other guy. I'm the guy that she's pissed at for not being sympathetic and calling her situation stupid.
Tell her your not mechanically inclined you dont know how to fix a ho.
By running away from this train wreck of a person.
The bitch fucked up, let her deal with it.
Well this just was sent to me
I'd call her dumb, try providing some advice but say this doesn't involve me and then leave. Not caring for a baby of a different father
act concerned then after 5 min of talking to her say youll catch up later something popped up. then just play video games and never talk to her again
Those darn mexicans ill tell you what. like a roach infestation
Kek. This
I would block her, but that's just me.
I would too
I would but I thought it had hit peak stupidity and it seemed that she changed her mind on somethings but she said something else that's stupid
I'd be talking to the poor guy that wants to marry this waste of life.
He's obviously such a failure at life he's desperate enough to want to marry a pregnant girl.
In any way, I'd tell her she's a failure.
First for dating a guy that ends up in prison, second for getting pregnant at an early age, and third for being so stupid not to have an abortion.
She's going to have one mess of a life with a kid, and the kid will likely turn up as another piece of human excrement.
Why do you hang wich such idiots?
Well I didn't expect her to be this stupid when I met her and I probably should say we are acquaintances we're not really friends since I also met her in July
Then just ask who the guy is so you can talk him out of ruining his life, and then stop talking to her.
If she's willing to ruin her own life, that's fine, but don't drag another guy into it.
He probably does'nt even know she's pregnant to begin with.
I will find that out right now
He knows she's pregnant.
keep us posted
Will do will make a new thread about this
>13 days only
I kek'd so fucking hard
She's pretty stupid honestly
Final update, she doesn't know what memes are after telling her that I think I have cwncer because of her story
None of that concerns me, so I wouldn't really react at all.
Such a sad man.
How pathetic.
Try to talk some sense into the man, or let them all rot in their own stupidity, in either case, it's not your problem.
At least you tried to do something good.
I think the man might just be using her as a cum dump honestly so if anything she'll be the only who gets nothing out of the situation for being stupid
Is your dumb ass chasing after a girl who got
knocked up by a jail bird and is is already fuckin another man with someone else's baby inside her?
You're a complete idiot.
>fucking a pregnant chick
Disgusting, but tolerable at least I guess.
Just laugh at her self-caused misfortune.
No as my screenshot of my convo with her proves I'm not the boyfriend or a fuck buddy
I mean I'm telling all you guys so must get be getting a laugh in some way
Okay after looking at text.
I can confirm you're not an idiot.
She is.
Still then who gives a fuck she's a trashy idiot.
You gonna let her live with you while you
slowly try to white knight your way to that pussy?
Well, I don't envy being her father.
Hell no man she's not moving in with me. I already called her situation stupid and she got pissy at me for not being sympathetic like her other retarded friends. I don't want somebody this stupid
Then why do you give a fuck.
She clearly doesn't care about your opinion.
Worrying a about someone this profoundly
retarded will only hurt you.
Because it's just so retarded and I'm not sure if she's serious or not and it bothers me so much a person can be this stupid
shes fucked her life so much that it kinda seems semi funny
You've a loooong road a head of you if this is the
stupidest thing you've seen so far.