You will soon regret all those poo memes.
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And soon america will be overrun by shitskins. I think that's a fair trade.
Yeah no, those Islamists aren't going to want to live peacefully with a Hindu Nationalist government, wait and see.
>Can't even produce a FUCKING RIFLE properly
Not going to happen OP
India can't even get its shit together to nuke Pakistan
>can't even beat an aging China
400 million people
Oh look it's the daily India bashing thread.
Negative trade balance
Only 1.7% GDP growth
5.5% infation
70% debt
Paying 7.5% on its debt
Yea buddy you keep right on track to that superpower status.
>How do you want your service rifle India
POOperpower, more like.
You are inconsequential to me faggot. Not taking your bait.
>implying america hasnt already be overrun with shitskins
what's wrong with it? doesn't it shoot bullets like all murder machines?
>indian national socialism
My sides
Whats wrong with the rifle yeah the furniture is bad looking but you can change that
why not?
the only super-power India will have will be the toilets that would fight the massive attacks of the turds-gravity coalition.
It's not bait your country is literally incapable of producing firearms, a piece of tech that has been well understood for almost a century at this point.
I's a colossal piece of shit. Just look at the picture and notice the dozens of rivets on the receiver
Why wouldn't Canada be on it? Aren't there more Asians than Caucasians in Canada currently?
Well first off, India isn't full of Pajeets and pooinloos. It's a pretty fucking diverse country, the only thing making it whole was colonialism.
Up north are civilized folks, who could almost be considered white. The more south you go, the worse it gets. It cannot be unified to make NatSoc work like Germany, as the people and culture are so different around the whole shithole.
Also; Indians aren't particularly smart people on average, so the country would end up like Venezuela. Capitalism and privatized services keep it running, barely.
Yeah, you may end up the world's hegemony, but never forget that Britain managed to control you (and most of the rest of the world) for over two hundred years, with a population about a 100x smaller.
You have us to thank for being the world's biggest democracy too.
What? They will be thanking for shaming them into civilized behavior, like shaming a fat fuck into being fit.
This. I have like 0.01% Kalash or some shit on one of my 23andme apps, I looked into them and their skin is as pale as any northern european, apparently they're descended from alexander the great and they often have issues with local muslims in the area.
That semi-colon pains me.
Pic related is a native Kalashi from India
More like pooper power
Also, having a BILLION people is incompatible as all forms of socialism also need a fairly small country to work. However; India could break up into new countries based on the culture and ethnicity and you might just make it in the north, at least.
Plus the corruption is rooted way too deep into culture from how muslims ruled with mughal invasions and subjugation. The natives had to bribe others to survive, and that kind of conditioning for 300+ years creates the idea that bribing is acceptable on a daily basis.
serious question, what's the topside handle for?
If you have the strap, you shouldn't need handle for carrying?
Yea yeah. You wouldnt believe the arrogance of indian posters on this board in the past. Turns out in the age of the internet you cant hide the state of your country
>could break up into new countries based on the culture and ethnicity
They'll all learn to poo in loo and have a Mars colony before that even gets to become a popular idea.
would bang
Indian children are getting a good patriotic non-Jewish education.
It's a folding carry handle so you can hold it from therr with your hands rather than sling it over your back. Don't know why anyone would want to, though.
The INSAS is essentially the features of several different rifles slapped together in one awful, malfunctioning package. The carrying handle was take from the FAL, which was their previous service rifle.
Carrying handles have fallen out of favor with other militaries, but the average Pajeet is incapable of creative thought so they added it to the INSAS without wondering what purpose it would serve
>Kalashi from India
kalashi people live in poki-poki land and r greek in their origin
now probable they r more greek than greeks themself
Figured it'd be more practical and cheaper to use straps
Then again the maker probably matched every nice rifle in one package and thought it'd be the greatest rifle
>Figured it'd be more practical and cheaper to use straps
It has more to do with slings having evolved to be similar to pic related. Easily adjustable allowing for numerous different carry styles combined with being able to quickly shoulder and fire the rifle.
The popularity of mounted optics also made carrying handles impractical because they would take up real estate on the top of the rifle.
poo in it
More like suPOOpower, amiright?
Unless USA defeats India
India will be USA
Now show the 21st century engineering
I would like one order of cream of some young guy please with a side of fried lice
>21st century Indian engineering
Bangladesh learnt to poo in the loo.
They actual did, google it
it's really not that hard, it'll slow down the memes, and increase life expectancy
We just want you to join us in the light, India. The poo memes are just to make you want to be better.
India can only export shit
is it an ak with a carrying handle made for lmgs?
Roman public bathroom, 2.000 years ago.
Shitskins still poo in streets.
They said this about another developing country a few years back, but i can't remember which one it was.
When will this meme. Having been to India the northern part is absolutely trash and doesn't poo in loo as much than the nigger south of the country. Search it up