On a scale from 1 to sweden, how cucked will America be if Clinton gets elected?
On a scale from 1 to sweden, how cucked will America be if Clinton gets elected?
"The political figure I most admire is Chancellor Merkel of Germany" - Hillary Clinton
we will be the new sweden
Cuckening will stop being read in svens and start being read on clintons
probably britain-tier except we already have millions of blacks so probably a whole lot worse.
The world will be affected too ya dummy. It's literally hell on earth if Hillary won.
Didn't saged the thread, just had the name activated
3rd world country so past sweden
Since she loves Merkel, German/10
We'll be the middle part of the North American Alliance.
We're going to be a laughing stock
Not anymore then we already are.
At least our economy will most likely improve.
really bad
she will legalize the illegals
take in refugees
and not secure the border
burgernation will go beyond swedcucks
>pic related, plan B
>Black President
>Female President
Which group comes next? My guess is Hispanic.
>implying we're already not
Nope. It would just stay the same or get worse. The big banks are in her pockets more than anyone so far
Thank you for explaining yourself my cuck friend
Transgender Muslim
Civil war.
She admires Merkel? Didn't know about that, but it's obvious.
Merkel probably admires her too.
Which is why our media says that Trump claimed that ALL mexicans are rapists and criminals, not only the illegal immigrants.
They'd be like Canada, so super cucked
Cant wait. No more sjws
Feels good man
Full Sweden.
She has said that she admires Meriel and wants to emulate her.
>America not cucked
Angela Merkel
First Trans-president.
It will be terrible. Cultural Sweden but with amped up war efforts. Fucking feelsweirdman.
Here is your answer.
>tfw white people ruined the entire world
Islamic States of America
>tfw zionist people ruined the entire world
I want her to win, fucking tired of Americans laughing at us and dividing us on Sup Forums, if she wins all the anglos are in the same boat as us.
White men built the world, white women are tearing it down
>now neither of us will be virgins
Yep, our ancestors were even aware enough to realize this is the case
If there is one thing muslims have right, is that they don't listen to women at all
>tfw live in the middle of nowhere
At least I can enjoy the downfall of society in peace
>62% white (That includes 10 million jews who hate white americans)
>B- But my village in Wyoming is still 90% white!
Guys, jews control your asses so hard, they can just dump a million somalis in Wyoming if they want to. You are negro slaves to them. You white americans live in rural areas and have no influence in society. Jews live in upper class areas in NYC, LA, Miami, Chicago and have so much influence you can't believe it.
She's white.
All Ashkenazi Jews are white and they're the one pulling all the strings.
If he gets Elected prepare for the Nuclear Holocaust. Should hide and save some common items that will be a fucking treasure in the wasteland
It'll be even worse now because she'll punish whites for supporting Trump.
how cucked is America now?
seeing how Hillary is know for all the scandals she been in, im expecting her to do a lot of under-the-table deals thats she will probably get impeached for.
>current cuckness + 1 or 2
about Germany
Check our these Orthodox Jews who believe the state of Israel shouldn't exist
Somewhere between the UK and Germany
they're already 62% white with a black president and still manage to have a fully developed opinion on how white or "cucked" European countries are that they never hesitate to express, even when completely unprovoked, so it's not like it makes a difference or anything. There could literally be only one white guy left in America named Steve in his basement in Minnesota and he would still shitpost about how cucked other countries are.
Doesn't matter cause it's not gonna happen lol
Your media literally brainwashed the 80 million in that country?
my guess its gonna be "caitlyn" jennner and he converts to islam
Generally yes, in practice no.
Europeans: before you talk about America, understand how big we are and how segregated we are.
Also understand that you are occupied and under tight informational control helped by your conformism. We are not, we're just brainwashed, and people are coming out of it left and right.
Hard to tell, once she's in she has no reason to keep up the facade.
sweden 10.0b / sweden
Hillary is above the law.
If what she has done in the past was not enough to sentence her to death nothing she will do as president will be a problem.
Obama will look like a nationalist compared to what she will do to us.
>we live in segregated suburbs that we had to our flee our cities to because our niggers were raping and killing us too much, but it's cool that means we're still white
Implying it isn't already.
You're welcome, btw are you black?
Would you mean fucking my wife?
i dont get it, how are they zionist if they oppose the state of israel?
Transgender gender fluid furry muslim
I feel like America can only reach a certain level of cucked. After that, every military leader, homeland security sect and average citizen would turn against her. Then, no more shilldog problemo
wonder how long till she finds out
>if they refuse (jews) to join the israeli army the zionist puts them in jail
Is that true Shlomo?
>literal cuck president
>everyone in America knows it
>her husband got impeached over it
People throw around "cuck" for politicians all the time, but there aren't that many who were cheated on multiple times and stayed married.
How is London by the way?
Sweden yes would be a thing the past in comparison to today if Clinton wins.
It would become America yes.
You would like that, wouldn't you Sven?
Congress will be controlled by Republicans who will block anything she tries to put through.
Get out your popcorn a year from now.
Segregated for now but the elite will encourage more diversity even in the whitest suburbs.
And even if the muds are concentrated to inner-cities, they are still able to vote. And they all vote for the party that will promise more relaxed immigration laws. No one will protest, because nearly all americans have bought the idea of USA being a "nation of immigrants" so therefore they will accept it. It's different in Europe, we're the natives and we have lived here for thousands of years. No one can just come and say "we must accept bringing in 1 million immigrants, after all we're a nation of immigrants".
Yes. Since 2014 the Orthodox must serve the Israeli military, no exceptions.
Our country will never move forward until all rungs on the ladder of oppression have a turn at being president.
Let's not kid ourselves, OP. yes the American people are pretty cucked. But as a country, I don't remember seeing any military bases over here that aren't American. I do know of over 15 in Germany. en.wikipedia.org
That's right. I think the USA OWNING Germany makes you the most cucked country ever to exist.
Until the American people can uncuck ourselves, which we are working on, only then will you be able entertain the thought of getting uncucked from us. Until then, get the fuck back in the shed, and don't bully Sweden.
Take a look at Germany today. That is what awaits America if they elect Hillary.
It could potentially be even worse, Depending on scenario.
A little less than now. Unlike Barry, Hilldog is a warhark on neocon levels. We might start another war, which would be fun so I would reenlist. Plus, the GOP would still have a stranglehold on Congress so her Liberal leanings would be in check.
And we must not let her win, not that she will anyways, she doing a good job so far shooting herself in her own foot.
There will be another revolution.
My guess is that she would be an Obama clone, but pandering to women, rather than niggers.
However, despite the fact that she's not particularly liberal (by mainstream standards she's considered centrist), she's probably going to be forced to go left based on the simple fact that she's a stronk womyn and is expected to represent women in the white house, and that she has to appeal to the Berniefags to get elected.
Is something worse than 1-1 million people whos only wish is to see your head on a stake?
> Baby Trudeau looking up to Mama Merkel
> Great Uncle Soros telling Baby Trudeau some bed time stories
> Crooked Hillary and Mama Merkel laughing hysterically at all of the suckers
> Crooked Hillary and Mama Merkel toasting to their globalist victory
We are truly fucked
same as it is now. hillary's the status quo vote
Erna Solberg, the leader of the Norwegian conservative party (Hoyre), who is also our prime minister, used to say that she looked up to Angela Merkel.
However, after the horrible way Merkel dealt with the immigration crisis, Solberg held a speech where she said that she was not going to be Norway's version of Angela Merkel and that she doesn't agree with her immigration policies.
I really fucking hope we get another conservative government in the next election. 4 years just isn't enough to fix Norway, though the current government has done an admirable job, particularly our immigration minister Sylvi Listhaug.