Get ready for a story from my teen years

Get ready for a story from my teen years.
>Be me
>Sophomore at highschool
>I ride the bus home so I make a few friends.
>I would always sit in the back right seat and there was this girl I had a crush on who would sit with me most of the time
>Lets call her Sam
>We would play wrestle and tickle eachother
>It was normal and we did it often.
>One day , one of my friends rides my bus home with me and sits in the back seat with me
>Sam comes over and hops into my lap.
>We go about our usual play and my friend ends up taking her sandal off and slapping her ass with it.
>She freaks out and screams "Stop" a few times
>at this point she is laying across both mine and my friends lap
>I lift my hands up and she falls off my lap onto the bus floor
>She stands up and starts crying
>I apologize and try to understand whats wrong
>My bus stop comes and I go home.
>Called into principles office the next day and apparently she had a accused My friend and I of raping her
>I have to explain the relationship me and her had prior to to my principle and he says I should write down my side of the story because this could go to court.

The reason I bring this up is because last night I tried to contact the girl because I never heard her side of the story, I sent her a message on snapchat and she left it on read. What do you think B ? This is about 6 years later

might be worth mentioning that she claimed she got a concussion from hitting her head on the floor

My professional opinion? Bitches be bitches.

she damaged and getting slapped in the ass triggered her.
leave it alone.

We were good friends before that though.

whats B precious? underage newfags move along to 9fag

shut the fuck up newfag. I've been on this site for 8 years at this point

>I've been on this site for 8 years at this point

Now that's something to be real proud of.

Are you in Florida? 'Cuz there's a hurricane outside your door.

>taking her sandal off and slapping her ass with it

Pic of sandal in her pooper or gtfo.

Let me rewrite that story for you.
> Be me
> Rides bus and makes friends
> Get crush
> She and you are good friends
> Your friends comes in and slap her ass
> She thinks you are in on it
> You do not handle it the day after once the steam blew off
> You wait 6 fucking years
> She leaves you on read of course

Ps: She seems retarded obviously sexual assult/harasment at best definetly not rape.

Well thats as simple as it gets. I never wanted to talk to her about it in school because I didn't really want to be known as the dude who raped some girl. I started telling everyone of her accusation and trying to discredit her after just because it was so absurd.

Well sucks to hear op.
Anyways it is to late now. She has moved on and so should you.

OP I can understand the situation.
She was comfortable with being around you as a FRIEND and you obviously got way too comfortable with her and abused your rights as friend and assaulted her.
She also claimed to have a concussion which prolly isn't too far fetched so yea I can understand where the heat comes from.
Just be careful in the near future with touching girls on places like ass vagina and tits.

you should really be happy, that you are not in jail right now. You fully deserve it. This WAS rape and do not even try to discuss it.
I bet you are a white male - disgusting!
You ruined her future and that's the reason she is not obliged to answer you.

No seriously: She's just a bitch. I would not bother talking to a girl like her anymore.

Thanks captain. I think you misunderstood. I didn't even touch her.

Don't bother talking to her had a situation like that as well well we were both adults we kissed but told everyone we forcefully kissed and left her at a party when we didn't kiss like that and she got drunk and ditched me and my friend to get dropped off home by strangers because she started crying. When I came to try to calm her down she couldn't calm down so I walked back into said party came back out and lost her basically and that's when the md2020 hit

Contacting her is a bad bad idea

thanks for the laugh m8

Tell me about md2020

> Crying, got concussion
> Got off bus at her house, mom asks what happened
> Tells her mom what happened
> Mom flips out calling her a slut
> She says you were tickling and groping her against her will
> She says

> She really, really liked you
> She thought of the "tickle fests" as making out
> When she saw your friend in her spot, she got jealous
> Not being able ng old enough to know that the friend with the pussy always wins, she jumps in your lap
> When your friend jumped in, she didn't know what to think
> She thought you were either sharing her or thought she was a slut
> She thought you pushed her off your lap
> Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

> She was got off the bus and passed out in her front yard
> The bus driver who had been beating off to your tickle fests instead of doing his job circled back after work and picked her up
> Bus driver put her back in her front yard with jizz running from all three holes, plus her nostrils and ears
> Her mom returned from Bible study to find her, woke her, and the last thing she remembered was lying in your lap

I think she's a libtarded bitch who got cucked by her friend and decided to lie about rape.

> Subpoena your COMPLETE file from the school
> Specifically request "reports and investigation of alleged misconduct"
> Don't notify HER of your request
> The school wouldn't notify her (they don't want to open it to potential lawsuits)
> Find out what REALLY happened instead of speculating

This. This COULD be the youngest cucking on record. Kids in high school don't just share their pussy before getting to home base. Someone call Guinness...

this isn't CSI, dude. it's just a dumb bitch.

underaged b& snapchat wasn't available 6 years ago kys highschool fag

actually it was you autist

you'd probably know that if you left the house more often though