share childhood stories that destroyed you Sup Forums
>be 13 in school >valentines day >sit at big table with all my friends >big table next to us with all the girls >suddenly all the girls turn around and give everybody valentines day cards >literally everybody gets one except me >im the only one with no card, out of all my friends and everybody sees it >a girl looks at me and asks "hey user where is your card?" >beautiful girl that ive been in love with since kindergarten turns around, makes eye contact with me and says "he is ugly nobody really likes him" >everyone starts laughing >realize how irrational, stupid and unrealistic my view of myself was >realize i dont even have any friends >completely dead on the inside >smile and laugh with them to try and not make it look so bad >my throat gets very dry, hurts >doing my best to keep tears back >go home >mom asks what happened why do i look so crushed >"im just really tired going to go sleep now a bit i love you" >cry myself to sleep >turned into a complete friendless weird loner rest of my school years
i am 25 now and never been with a girl, my mom died of cancer last year with a broken heart of what an absolute failure her son is
if any of you faggots here are young or are in a similar situation to the one in my story dont make my mistake, control it and dont let it control you
You must live quite the sheltered life if THAT is what destroyed you....ive had several women use me, ive been hit by a car, i have nerve damage as well as brain damage from said car hitting me, but you dont hear me complaining. Go fuck yourself you privileged prick!
Justin Wright
bait bait bait bait
Zachary Scott
OH BOY here we go again with the losers thinking they have it worst. When I was 7 my mother abandoned me in an African jungle and I was constantly being raped by lions and monkeys. After that I moved into a village where I was constantly slashed and deprived of sleep from the locals. On top of that I just found out I had autism. It's terminal. Go die in the privileged hole you were born from, asshole.
Levi Nelson
>be me >8th grade >meet girl with similar interests >we talk for a few months >she tells me she loves me >I do the same >we go out for literally 3 days and then she dumps me >tells me her parents don't want her dating >2 days later I discover she said she dumped me so she could leave me for another guy >it messed me up >spent the rest of that year with no friends (only friend at the time refused to talk to me) >sat alone at shed with no one to talk to slowly going crazy >grandma has brain cancer at the same time aswell >reach the 9th grade >mom takes her anger mostly out on me out of frustration >does this the whole year >I'm failing classes >art teachers a cunt and so is my mom >it's like she followed me into my school life >considered ending it all up until my grandma passed >couldn't take my moms shit anymore >not even sure why I'm still here cause not much has gotten better.
Aiden Smith
Checked Sorry but my story tops them all. My preferred presidential candidate lost,
Wyatt Lewis
>be me >be 10 >elementary school, on the playground monkey bar pulls like a boss >stupid grill gets in my shit >tells me im holding up the line or some shit >kick rocks bitch i wanna do pull ups >almost hit the bitch but not risking my pull up position >she runs and get her stupid fucking boytoy >jesse, i hate that cunt. >was good friends till girl showed up >motherfucker says i gotta respect the girl. >fuck no, im 10 shes a grill, my dont dont even do that thing yet >grabs me off pull up bars >cominginhard.jpg >fades out >wake up in hospital >life ruining damage, near blind, nerve damage in my right arm, can barely lift it. >all by fucking jesse. >jesse was a friend >yea he was a good friend of mine >but lately so.ethings wrong i can see, i cant write >jesse got himself a girl and the fucker knocked me out
Oliver Martin
This was my pet doggo when I was a boy. My dad wanted me to film him one day :(
Nathan Morales
> Abandoned in African jungle > Constantly raped by lions and monkeys I lost my shit, holy fuck
Ryder Bell
too many to count, and I don't want to remember. I'll stick around to read them though.
Jaxson Robinson
Oliver Turner
I'm Egyptian. I thought we had a proud history of pharaohs and pyramids but then black people stole it. They wuz kangs n shit
Gavin Diaz
Fuck you all - you were lucky. My family lived in a shoe-box in the middle of the road. We had to get up before we went to bed and clean the road with our tongues.
Kevin Collins
David Kelly
Kill a few evil politicians and criminals like George soros and the like before you an hero, you'll become a hero, remembered forever not as a loser but as a savior.
Oliver James
>but you dont hear me complaining.
Brandon Collins
>be me >be in algerba 1 in 9th grade >fail >10th grade >fail again .11th grade i have to go and take the class again and a few kids my grade see me >they laugh at me and word spreads around school how i failed exams >fuck this >end up failing germand and science but pass algerba >12th grade drop out of school with a 2.1gpa >i live in a trailer in the middle of nowhere Kentucky playing on muh pc while riding my bike to pick up neetbux
Samuel Myers
I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning, I break my legs, and every afternoon, I break my arms. at night, I lay awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.
Henry Jackson
you can relive the time period by playing Assassin's Creed Origins in November
Leo Powell
Are the egyptians going to be black?
Liam Rogers
it depends. wuz they kangz n shiet?
Carson Butler
holy shit, true or false there will be an uproar from one group or another
Nicholas Turner
No. The blacks were penis-cleaners to the paler ruling classes. There are temple paintings that show this
>be me >14 >parents have been divorced for a few years now >sister and I living with dad >struggling like any family would >shit ass apartment in the hood >one night its "fend for yourself"night >find what you can in the house and eat it or don't >dad makes a big meal for himself >leaves some in the skillet when he sits down >sister is eating 2 pieces of bread and mustard >too depressed to "make" anything >have some of whats left in the skillet >dad freaks out "thats not for you you bastard!" >I cry say I was only eating what was left out of the skillet >calls me a selfish prick and pushes me down >sister crying >I dont eat hamburger helper any more
Nolan Price
Fucking Tarzan
Jaxon Richardson
That was a good videa my dude. Theyre for sure going to make the pharaoh character dark as possible
James Hall
I mean, there already was a tranny in Watch Dogs 2 so the normalization continues. i wonder if someone is getting paid by this..
Brody Roberts
>Be me >Be in new school >Teacher is assigning seats to us >I sit next to a girl >Start talking to her >Realise that we both have many things in common >Months later >Friends with her >Actually kinda like this girl >Found out she used tumblr, but whatever >One day she just comes up to me quite shocked >'OMYGOD Sup Forums JUST HACKED TUMBLR LIKE IM SO TRIGGERED ALL THE GORE AND PORN LIKE WHAT' >"Woah calm down Sup Forums is a site not a hacker" >She doesn't believe me
Never talked to her from then on. It was for the better. Sometimes it's just best to let go.
Jaxon Rivera
Matthew Martin
underage b&
David Martin
Michael Howard
You must be really strong OP.
Hang in there bro.
Austin Bailey
Dominic Wood
mad feels this sounded horrible
Blake Wilson
Niggas kill people for a piece of cheap pussy
Ethan Sanchez
Brayden Gutierrez
>13yr >parents going thru divorce >shit everyday and really depressed
>outside school playing football
That was some public school full of the worst kind of kids, i think in USA you call them nigger behavior or some shit
>cold as fuck day >so cold that i noticed my balls was compacted and my dick really small than normal >some chad appears from nowhere and pulls down my pants from behind >also lowers my underwear in the process >my small dick is in front of everyone, other kids and a group of girls >just a fraction of seconds but enough to make everyone laughs >was so embarrassed that i didn't do anything to that motherfucker
Levi Wilson
>summer 2013 >be 18 >friend tries to kill himself >I'm the only one he leaves a note for >his mom calls me and bitches me out for stealing her son from her and says I'm really why he's trying to kill himself
>dating this qt3.14 and it's going super well >we exchange the L word regularly >one day she calls me >I answer and it's her dad on the other line >says I'm a peice of shit and he doesnt want his daughter hanging around with a guy like me >never see or speak to her again
>start preparing for college in the fall >sign up for EMT classes >super hyped because it's what I want to do with my life >go to first class >surprise drug test >smoked weed during the summer >fail drug test >forced to drop class
Fuck summer 2013.
Kevin Long
PS. Not childhood and not destroyed. I'm just bitching.
Josiah Cook
Sad! i dont know how you didnt be triggered so much than you didnt become full of anger instantly .
personnaly i dont really know wich part of my childhood i need to share because they are many moment who are fucked up but at least i've some IRL friend , it's not so bad (i'm 27 years old with no job, no girldfriend in my shared apartment )
Ethan Jackson
>15 years old me >2 "Friends" and me go to a place >Get beaten up by 4 other people turns out i was tricked and i go home covered in blood and water and shit... >Sad for 5 days >I then get better and plan to get revenge >Go to one of them to their home >Find his dog >Take hammer and fuck the little fucker up >Begin to ruin his life until one day he and the cunts mom basically where forced to move away
Austin Williams
I have a similar story, and I'm a year older than you. I've got a second chance though, currently attending university. The hard part is confronting my own ineptitudes and wearing them on my sleeve.
Brandon Morgan
do you remember the rage, when you got tricked? how you see everything clear as day, but it's all covered in blinding darkness?
Caleb Wilson
I also shit everyday
Xavier Wood
Anger is often an escape from hard truths. It's easier to see the faults of another than to take on their perspective and see your own.
Ethan Davis
>beautiful girl that ive been in love with since kindergarten turns around, makes eye contact with me and says "he is ugly nobody really likes him" This was a test, and you failed hardcore.
Evan Diaz
>6th grade >my mother, my brother and I are meeting one of her friends for a walk around one of the local parks >"t" meets us there and we all have a nice day >we see her quite often for about a year since she's quickly become mom's new best friend >fast forward a year >find out mom is actually having an affair >father is furious, but does everything he can to keep the family together, especially for my 5 year younger brother. >Affair goes on for a couple months before my father confronts here >couples therapy >school counselor meetings >finally things seem to work out >live pretty happy life for a couple years >Fast forward 3 years to my Jr. Year >I decide to study abroad for a year >live in Europe for a about half a year >find out my best friend died of cancer >suddenly find out my mother has disappeared >find out my father is in the hospital >drink myself into oblivion >try to kill myself >fail >return home >get 2 jobs and drop out of school to take care of my family >find out suddenly my mother is back in Europe living an hour and a half from where I lived >divorce filings proceed >court system is broken and favors women >she gets 75% of everything my father had >doesn't even want custody, says she wishes she never had boys >fast forward several years to now, 23 years old >I lost my best friend and my mother >I gave up everything I had including my future to take care of my family >have basically no money >can't move out of shitty low paying jobs because I quit my education to work >don't sleep anymore >don't eat anymore >don't really see any way out
I guess it's an ongoing story that started in my childhood... Fucking struggle every day not to just quit.
Carson Wood
Calm down faggot. you've got like 15 more years/until your late 30s to sort your shit out and find a nice wife
Nolan Fisher
Dont kill yourself you doublenigger, stick with your dad and help him out (assuming he's still around).
Ryan Mitchell
Hammer time
Hudson Hall
What kind of EMT class has a drug test?
Anthony White
>says she wishes she never had boys yeah that's fucking feminism for you running lives in the name of "equality" bitch probably talks about how abusive her husband was and how all men are evil on tumblr
Logan Thompson
That's basically what I'm doing. I pay for my rent, food, and then whatever is left, I put into an account for him. It's not much, but I guess every bit helps.
Jaxson Brooks
>my mother had my brother when she was 15 >father was an abusive alcoholic with ptsd >her mother worked two jobs, was never home >little brother was retarded - my mom raised him >went to night school, finished HS early >moved out at 16, got married, got divorced >became an NP, met my father, got married >my father was a hillbilly who grew up in a shack >my father became a lawyer, joined the Navy >mother had my sister with him >mother got a doctorates degree >had me >got another doctorates degree >currently well published and involved in medical legislation
My life was cake compared to hers, or my fathers. I grew up in their shadows, but that also meant I never gave up. I'm 26 and a junior in university, getting As for the first time in my life. I was just diagnosed with multiple sclerosis last year. It's a struggle every day, but sometimes it gets better.
Isaiah Howard
She trashed my father's reputation before she disappeared. Said he was an abusive drunk, said he sexually abused my brother and I, all sorts of shit that never happened. She came back a couple months back actually and picked up some of the shit from a friends house. She proceeded to spread more rumors that he sent her death threats in the mail and even claimed he hired someone to kill her last year.
Blake Jenkins
shoveldog kek
Ryan Edwards
fuck dude
Austin Jones
talk about a guilt trip
Zachary Cruz
Matthew Diaz
reminds me, I was 13 and had never smoked weed before and the day after i do some shitstain ratted on me so I got tested, failed and placed
Aiden Campbell
Aiden Evans
>be me 10 >go home from school >mother comes by and picks me up from the way >"dad had an accident and is in hospital (blabla)" >arrive at hospital >dad already dead
>be me 12 >mother now alcoholic and not giving a fuck about her only child >get taken by some shitty related couple i literally saw 3 times in my life >guy starts abusing me, sexually and with violence
>be me 14 >cant take it anymore, take a knife - is now stab-dad >get taken to child prison for a week before they found out i really was just defending >defending lol
>be me 15 >do my first line of cocain >punch a guy for looking at me funny >impress some whiny borderline bitch that i eventually fuck same week
>be me 17 >by now police looking out for me >no real friends, just people that are afraid of me >fuck around all those borderliner daddy issue girls my age and older >do drugs, no addiction tho >get call - my mother died on alcohol intoxication >cool... >die inside
>be 18 >decide to stop making everyone responsible for what happend to me >sign up for military >find real friends first time in my life >feel home first time after dad died
Eli Martin
>be 21 >go to war >4 members of my new family die >go home after 1 year deployment with 2 months home vacation >they say i should not go back >lose home again
>be 23 >found work >found small but okay flat to live in >found girlfriend that i really like >supportive kind of smart girlfriend, also very cute and charming. perfect
>be 25 >gf leaves me for another dude >lose job duo to some managament movement >type greentext story >still living tho >not really happy but also not depressed >searching job now
>being happy is not what this live is about >its about sustaining and improving
Liam Lewis
i know what you mean, thx you for sharing.
Asher Lopez
When I was 7 I went swimming with my friend and his mom. On our way out, she told us it'd be faster if we'd change into our normal clothes in the corner and she'd hold a towel infront of us so no one would see us changing. Being just 7 years old i agreed. When me and my friend were changing next to eachother, giggling because we could see eachother's crotch, she kept moving away the towel to see my dick and moved it back, intermittently.
It was only after i grew a little older did i notice what she was actually doing. I still remember the smirk on her face whilst she was looking at my dick.
Evan Moore
where can i get neetbux wtf
this is bullshit
Logan White
James Perry
story? (please post more)
Josiah Garcia
>be 14 >Have a few friends, but my social life was ruined at this point because I had to give up all my time to watch my autistic brother since Mom left dad when I was 7 and was murdered when I was 9 >Nobody wants to go to the kids house with a weird brother and no cool stuff >Dad decides we should move two states away >Fucking why >For his whore girlfriend with cancer >End of freshman year, turns out I failed because I was absent too much. Too many absences was grounds for automatic failure >Where we're planning to move will let me pass >I guess we'll go >Lose all my friends >Go to school 7x bigger than before in massive city >Already depressed >For the next 3 years, because of bad work, live in and out of homelessness, when we do get a home I'm basically counting the days until we get evicted >Fast forward to now, just got out of homelessness 2 months ago thanks to the kindness of strangers >Still have nothing >Still have no one that loves me >Still have to watch retarded brother, but I'm out of highschool so all I do is sit at home and do nothing >No car, no license, no ID of any kind despite my 18th birthday being 5 days away, barely living >I've wanted to kill myself since my 16th birthday, but I can't because it would destroy my father and sister >Instead hide behind my goofy persona, while crying with dad's girlfriends gun in my hand nearly every night >Almost praying Irma wipes me out
Oliver Hernandez
Youre an idiot if you think that this one incident is to blame for you being a total beta.
Brayden Morgan
so... your autistic brother turned into a sister?
Jason Diaz
Fuck your sister user
Angel Jackson
Didn't include my sister in the story because she hadn't live with us since I was 14 or so. It would still crush her if I offed myself, were best friends at this point
Andrew Jenkins
17 years old can't join SS, because no arian enough join wehrmacht the reich falls, communists take over get brainwashed in russian death camp destroy capitalism communism fails and dissappears die.
Nicholas Roberts
>Be around 7 or 8 >Im living in India with family >im white btw >my dad gets amoebic dysentery >has it for a few weeks and it spreads to his balls >he is in constant pain, says its like some one has skinned his balls and is rubbing salt on them >finally has enough of it and asked my mum to put natural yogurt on it to relieve the pain >i just walked into the house after school and walk into my parents room to say hello. >im greeted with the sight of my mum smearing yogurt all over my dads balls and dick >i went to my room and tried to make sense of what i just saw picture very much related
Nolan White
>Be me >Get dick stuck in a pot of boiling oil >Depression insues
Ian Watson
William Adams
Nice Weird Al reference.
Hunter Walker
Wrong lyrics dumbass
Adam Reyes
Shut the fuck up. Thats from Spongebob.
Gavin Bell
> my father used to beat my older brother and sister, and me > he also beat my mother, sending her to the hospital nearly every month > one day we escaped from him and his country to go to my mother's country > we even endured a civil war for 5 years > we would face racism every day, in that other country > still better than a civil war and a violent father > we all go to the same school > me and my siblings put lots of effort there > we all get ahead and become popular in strange ways > for having good grades, for having a different ethnicity and for being serious > we were all damaged kids who wouldn't harm a fly, we would only hang with each other > we barely communicated > rumours of our past suddenly start > some professor must have told someone > all three of us start being subject of jokes, pranks, mean stuff > some guys start lusting for my sister > she would never tell what was going on > one day my sister disappears > we never found her > rumours of rape and assasination > my brother was beaten multiple times in those days > we move away to another school > the law didn't would not help > story repeats again, so we stop putting effort in school > I would count the questions in my exams and answer incorrectly just enough to get a below average score > when we grew, we both haven't been able to socialize or have contact with women > never got better, we're 32 and 34
Michael Jackson
Considering you explained why your mom was smearing yogurt in your dad's dick, you must've asked them or they had the need to tell you after knowing you saw them.
Angel Ortiz
Grayson Perez
they got around to explaining it
Noah Smith
Jessie's got himself a girl and I want to make her mine
And she's watching him with those eyes And she's loving him with that body, I just know it Yeah 'n' he's holding her in his arms late, late at night
Elijah Perry
i know
Jason Rogers
i have same problem you had only i have 1 friend that wants me to cut my self with him. i think this was fun intil i ended up in hospital i rejected him and now he says he will find me when i sleep and cut up the rest of me.
James Butler
Post tits or dick
Aaron Flores
you had it easy little white privileged nigger. I used to
Bottom Text
Josiah Flores
Follo w your own advice. You think 25 is too old to change your life, views, and perspective entirely? Then you are as dumb as the child version of you who did not know to or choose to do it then. At least know you should KNOW you can, but if you want to just be a victim and hate the world and yourself then you are choosing that.
This is coming from someone who has been far lower,but when I hit 23, 24ish I decided to fix my shit. Im 27 now and i love my life and look forward to the future, so this isnt some suicide hotline dont do it bullshit, its sincere advice coming from someone whos been way worse off mate.
Austin Foster
you're a good person user
don't give up
James Thompson
>Be me around 7 or 8 >One of the poor kids, not even aware of it back then >But my fucking bitch of a teacher knew >I dated a girl when i was around 6, you know one of those silly things >I sended her a love letter, saying i like her and all that >She was from a good family >Teacher wanted to get on said family good side >She find the letter and starts making fun of me in front of the whole class >Saying she would never love me and all that >Now im a good looking guy i know that but i still up to till this day have very little self love and esteem
>Another time i forgot my underware >I walked to school since i lived very close >That day i was late and she would never miss and opportunity to make me miss recess >Still, i know i was hard to deal with, even worse in my teens but thanks to the old gods i met some very kind people that saw potential in me >Anyway she somehow found out i had no underware >proceed to tell the whole school proceedOlder girls walked by and callem me gross and stuff like that
>Fucking cunt
Ian Powell
fuck dude one off from quad dubs unlucky fag
Angel Barnes
if true then report him to the police. they wont be able to do much but it will get it on record, so if anything else happens itll help your case, or if he keeps doing it eventually itll be harassment and you could get a restraining order. Holy shit why does everyone act so helpless these days, i swear people just want to be a victim either because its easy or they like the pity from it.
Brandon Rodriguez
Sorry for the typos guise
Alexander Cruz
thats not quads. are you fucking retarded? 4444 is quads, as the last 4. fucking jesus.
Matthew Clark
this is some obvious bait
Ryder Nguyen
which were the rapiest the lions or monkeys?
Tyler Clark
are you fucking new? did you look up what quads means or some shit? lol