Would you abort your unborn child if it had Down syndrome?
Would you abort your unborn child if it had Down syndrome?
You're still alive aren't you
yes anyone who say other wise is a down's
Yes,I wouldn't want him or her to have to live with downs,it's the humane thing to do.
That's pretty weak bai-
>checks flag
I'd abort a child if it was anything but normal
The mentally retarded should be discarded depending on their ability to produce.
There are plenty of jobs in society that can be completed by the mentally deficient. Many people with down's syndrome can find menial work which is within their ability to complete.
However, true potatoes are worthless. They are worse than non-producers, they are worse than the homeless. The mentally deficient individual who is cared for but cannot ever hope to produce for a society in any way is nothing more than a drain on that society.
They should be discarded.
this tbqhwyf
liberals jam "FETUSES ARENT PEOPLE" down my throat 24/7 with their pro-choice ethic
so then whats so wrong with trashing the defective non-person my incubator holds ill in her poison womb
Absolutely, 100%. I refuse to parent something like that.
what kind of fucking socialist dogma are you shilling you fuck?
Probably not, just give up hope, leave, and try again with another female.
>remove the non-producers
Sweden, how fucking retarded are you going to become before your inevitable fall?
uh, you forgot your medicine, downie
Only if the child would be a boy. No, this is not a move targeting patriarchy. As a mostly heterosexual white male I wouldn't want to make a sexual slave out of my son. Daughter on the other hand. I would have to put some effort to keep her fit, but can you imagine that potato fuck toy? Can you? I am getting hard already.
Of course, we should abort lots of Millennials too
no. downs children are adorable
Absolutely. Why would I want to raise a retard?
Can't take it to the park.
Can't play football with it
Can't play rugby with it
All you can do is take pictures and get likes on facebook.
>kill everyone that isn't productive to MUH SOCIETY
fuck off
Downie detected.
Of course not. Sup Forums's gonna need new blood once the current generation starts dying off.
Sure, without a second thought.
Most people I've met with Downs are somehow happier than the average person. It might be a blessing in disguise.
I know you swede cucks can't go 2 seconds without resorting to propaganda and misrepresentation to validate your views to yourself, but try to keep up.
I said to remove those who are incapable of contributing to society in any way because they're mentally deficient, and their mind cannot progress beyond the capabilities of a young child.
I am counting on white man's medicine.
By the time I have a child you probably will invent a way to screen those kids so we can Dodge the retard bulled.
Of course. Their life is suffering.
We already can.
What's the alternative? Euthanasia for the child after it has been determined that it would not be able to support itself independently?
That's because the average person has a life, has to bust their balls for a living. What does a downie have to do? That's right, fuck all. Just exist and make their parents miserable.
Because they only ever receive appraisal and sympathy. They’re excused from having to maintain this World’s infrastructure, but they sure as shit are parasites of it.
I think it isn't very reliable and it diagnoses late in pregnancy.
Which makes parents conscience hurt.
There's a big difference between people who aren't productive and people who can't be productive
The irony of autists shitting on people with Downs
Autists should be aborted too.
>saliva everywhere
Did you buy a new cuckshed with your bennies Sven?
Yep. If society were OK with it, and if it were detectable, I'd abort a child for having many "subtle" problems like poor eye-site, etc.
It's not that I wouldn't love them or something. But I understand the power of genes and how deleterious traits can add up and reduce reproductive fitness.
My kid has a lazy eye, his kid has a lazy eye and bad hearing in his left ear, his kid has all of those problems and a slightly lower IQ, and before you know it I have a retarded distant descendant who is unable to reproduce and my genetic line dies out.
They are truly innocent
Ever meet one
Happy, Kind, etc.
They are here for us to learn from
fat pussy best pussy
Cant be diagnoised during pregnancy, autist
>for us to learn from
what are we supposed to learn, how to be a fucking retard?
No, we have Sup Forums for that.
Whats the difference? The end result is the same, your de facto logic is baseless
Does anyone here know how this actually would work out? Do they know the baby is retarded in the womb? I'd sure hope so cause I'm pretty sure as soon as that potato falls out you're stuck with it.
down syndrome can be aborted afaik. also whats stopping you from a black man move ?
Autists are more useful than downs.
Yes, of course.
Autists can be very clever people.
I'd let the mother decide
some downies can function somewhat okay anyway
Yes, absolutely
Most menial work is about to be automated. Abort them all.
no doubt about it
Tell me, do you live in a place where you guys only mate with your sisters or something?
[spoiler]That's kinda hot[/spoiler]
No, I would leave him/her out in the forest for the beasts