We gooks are the chosen race we will rise again.
We will unify Korea and establish the greater Korean reich.
We gooks are the chosen race we will rise again
>Implying you have a chance against the Greater Germanic Alliance.
>we wuz germanic n shit main
We are smarter than germanics
>Says he, speaking a Germanic kanguage
German IQ is actually 114
Flanders is Germanic and has an IQ of 108. Get rekt.
Your iq is 100 Ahmed. Also gib sauce.
Second Hwan Empire when?
Why wouldn't Canada be on it? Aren't there more Asians than Caucasians in Canada currently?
I don't think Canada has the right to call anyone Ahmed
After we get the first chink as pm. Then we will establish the northern Han dynasty and exterminate all Arabs/poos/.
Can't you at least feed your own people adequately before you take over Asia, Kimchi?
PISA IQ 2003 is the source.
This should be the flag of greater Korean reich.
If South Korea can't even beat an impoverished shithole like North Korea, how the fuck do you think you're going to take over half of America?
Haha, the Koreans are the bastard child of the Japanese and the Chinese.
You aint got shit.
the second great hwan empire
>Not including Australia in glorious NK empire
Feeling a little left out senpai
>a fucking leaf
What the hell is wrong with her face?
You can't shitpost in gookspeak, though
Leave the phillipinos and vietnamese and indonesians alone. they dindu nuffin.
America is in red in the map, but China is not in red.
Its reason is that Korean thinks China is a master country.
So the map shows Koreans servility mind.