Gavin McInnes

This guy should be Sup Forums's hero.

>still calls people faggots

What's not to like? Way better than the other faggot that started Vice, Shane Smith

Other urls found in this thread:

bump you niggers


he's not a kike what are you talking about

Didn't this guy shove a microphone up his ass

idk he's canadian bud you'd probably know better. but whatever he's a major alcoholic so probably did some of that shit back in the day

>massive degenerate


Dropped. Gp back to /r/The_Donald

Annoying cunt. I agree with a lot of what he says, but he acts like a retard and I hate listening to him.

>What's not to like?
He doesn't have many original ideas. It gets boring.

Contrast with other regular TakiMag contributors, like Jim Goad or Steve Sailer or David Cole. Any of those three would be a better Sup Forums mascot than One Note Gavin.

>$0.05 has been deposited to your account by Correct the Record

Fuck off you scotch cunt and take aaaaant n crime guy n his whore wife with you

He's being ironic. He's on a hipster trip at the moment, just ignore him and he'll go away.

>political youtubers
When are we getting autistic Sony Vegas shit revival?

Yep, the guy who was an atheist until he saw his child born is a real hero alright.
Congratulations, stupid, you wife managed to crap out a healthy baby, something mammals have been doing successfully for hundreds of millions of years.
What a sad little faux-intellectual Gavin is.

I think he's a funny guy

He's a really unlikable guy.

He's an wannabe alpha tryhard who shows his asshole on camera.
Who the hell could respect such an abomination?

Ehhh, not bad for a canadian

Also, sign this faggots:

I have nightmares about his huge, puffy, gaping asshole that looks as if it was fisted by Mike Tyson. Dudes a degenerate retard, with a gapping asshole.

Nice to see Gavin's interns hard at work.

He's a liberal Canadian from Montreal. Closely associated with the Liberal rag Vice. STOP SHILLING.

I see him on tv and while I agree with many of his points he's just too edgy and irritating

Seriously what was up with his asshole? Assholes don't get loose very easily he must have been shoving things up there for decades

>be a communist/anarchist liberal faggot for your entire life
>start one of the most far left news sites that's still running
>racemix with a fucking feather
>"lmao im a conservative now, guys!"

Gavin is basically the hipster equivalent of used up whores who ride the cock carousel until they're 30, then try to settle for a "nice guy"

>believes in god.

into the trash it goes

That is true but I have to think his beliefs have changed given his opinions on tv. He was vilified by a lot of people for writing an anti-transgender piece. I suspect why he left Vice was because of his differing views and they couldn't (or just didn't want to) handle his banter.

Love this guy. He is the archetypal powerful white male who does what he wants and says what he thinks.

Black girls cream themselves over him every night.

Go shill somewhere else Gavin

To be fair, he says that "evolution is god"

>his camera guy is jew
>his boss is a jew
>best buds with jewbelmedia and kikebart

fuck off you cunt

Gavin, everyday you post these threads promoting your bullshit on Sup Forums and everytime we remind you that your wanna be "millenial cool/alt-right" propaganda aint gonna work.
In other words grandpa grow the fuck up

Has he ever called himself and intellectual?

Nah. His beard's fucking weak.

He's dating a non white girl.

He has a low level understanding of what he's talking about. Most of his stuff boils down to 'muh sjws' without discussing deeper things.

If you browse Sup Forums regularly he won't tell you anything you don't already know.

But he's a christian. I will never support a christian.

He shows his asshole and shoves dildos in it during his shows.

Gud goy

Vice was great back in the day. You don't know what you are talking about. It's an awful mess now.

You mean the guy that stuck a dildo up his ass for the world to see?

> Canadian
> Hero

>Sup Forums's hero

We don't need any heros. We don't have any people we completely endorse in all aspects.

By design.

We have ideals, and abstract standards, which are better in every way. This is the smart way to live and think about such things.

Every single person will be flawed, and imperfect, and that is the unchangeable reality of the world. But we should all support and strive to uphold lofty and good values, and value it when we see it.

So these people can be applauded, for their actions, they can be agreed with, and they can be emulated in certain respects...

But they're not our "leaders", they are simply cogs in the movement, and spokespeople for certain ideals.

They can be useful one day, and worthless the next. Take for example Ben Shapiro. I used to like him quite a lot, he made good videos debating BLM and attacking idiocy of the left, and now he has changed and become an enemy to the movement.

He was useful before, and those videos are still good, because of the well presented argument.

Now he is no longer of use, and has been discarded.

It's not who they are that matters, but what they do, what they accomplish, and what effect they have on society.

The individual hero worship is often used against us to try and mislead people.

People need to remember that it's the ideology, the mindset and the abstract heart of the culture which is important. The players are just tools and workers within it.

He has interesting people on his show.
Who could forget major league shitlording?

>has a prolapsed anus from all the dragon dildo riding

Just watch "Gavin Mcguiness vs Coppercab 2".

google it.

He's a cuck.

Also he was pro cruz til he saw the bandwagon swing to trump then all of sudden he loved trump.

No, he's an attention whore hipster douchebag, that doesn't have principles. He lives for controversy only.

Bro I'm already subscribed to the network. You're missing out on quality right wing entertainment if you're not.

>he's never shoved anything up his ass
have to do it at least once before you die

Vice wasn't always the shithole it is now. Although I do still enjoy Hailey Gates' degenerate white girl ramblings from time to time.

this guy is full of shit. hes a filthy lair that just bullshits idiot moron italian faggots like you.
want some proof faggot?
sure he will say he is SPREADING THE WHITE AROUND, but it don't work that way you bearded degenerate faggot. YOU ARE DILUTING THE WHITE you hipster cuck. BUY A RAZOR YOU STUPID JEW.

el patron speaks the truth...but you already knew that

Anyone who hates gavin doesn't actually watch his show. He's hilarious, right wing, and anti-pc. You should watch.

I've listened to a few of his shows and he comes across as really fucking ignorant in general

Good goy
Keep feeding off media designed especially for braindead idiots like yourself instead of informative content

He married a Native American lol

forgot to mention to you cuck faggots.


now fuck of gavin McKike

some of things he says are funny, but he's a loud mouthed ass, whoring for your money. kinda like that faggot, milo.

You guys know he has poltards on his show every day right? Cernovitch was on today.

Holy shit he is literally Sup Forums personified

He insulted my viddygames so he can go fuck himself (again)

He's a contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, only reason why he's so right wing, the dude use to be a liberal until it grew out of fashion.

Fake as fuck. Literally trolls trolling trolls.

No, he was punk until he grew up and got a job, then he became a republican. This is worse than people saying that Trump is a liberal. Gavin has been a republican longer.

>This guy should be Sup Forums's hero.
he's a fucking jew puppet working for the jew and never criticizes the jew

Who is the jew he works for? Anthony is not a jew.

He is defensive when it comes to jews.

Didnt he invent hipsterism?

he's good on alot of issues but he literally racemixed (2 kids i think) and does other degenerate stuff.

he's definitely one of the better ones though. just not Sup Forums

He literally went off on Seth Rogan being so jewy today. You people are shills or jealous or something. I don't understand why anyone on our side with a media presence is attacked by seemingly our own people.

You forgot

>Race Mixer

reminder that this guy was a CRUZMISSILE

>changed opinion is the same thing as riding the cock carousel

This guy is fucking insane.

Gavin is funny, he should stop doing his podcast behind Anthony's paywall.

Discover piracy.

>What's not to like?
He's a libertardian autist moron
>muh tax if theft
>muh unions are bad
>muh Trump isn't a True Conservativeā„¢
And a race mixing faggot.

He's got some good moments, though, when he pisses off feminist cunts.

"Milo is a fake gay"

>((((((Ezra)))))) (((((Levant)))))

He's a huge Trump supporter, what are you talking about? He shills for Trump every single day.

they were ass fighting and calling each other fags. this ass showing behaviour is gay as fuck, and it gets even more homo as they are trying to show off who is the alpha male showing their ass to eachother.

Pretty sure he started off a Cruzbot and realized his career would suffer if he stuck with it, ie Shapiro.

Serious question, who to listen to then?

What are some Sup Forums approved current events talking heads?

He wants Cruz for VP, Cruzvert

He liked them both, he compared it to Batman vs Superman.

wow, what a butthurt song.

I don't remember him ever saying anything bad about trump. He always was fine with most of the republicans, but after some of the first debates he was full cheering on Trump. He was full Trump before me (I was a Rand guy)

He called out the Jew again on his show today and agreed they are behind much of the anti white propaganda.

Paul Watson is a better choice.

Watson + Molyneux dual monarchy

Gavin is Jim Goad minus the edge and talent.

shows anus on cam in the trash it goes

This guy represents Sup Forums perfectly. I hate him.

Hey whos that


what do these people have in common? They are all Canadian

they shill themselves on Sup Forums to get more subscribers.

they are only doing it for the money

race-mixer, degenerate and anti-racist