How can we make the rest of the United States more like Dearborn, Michigan?
How can we make the rest of the United States more like Dearborn, Michigan?
Seriously, I don't me to sound like a cuck, but theirs something about that girl in the white hijab
They look like xenomorphs. Top kek.
Dearborn sucks. Even without the Arab infestation it would be shit.
i grew up in Iran ...i've seen that shit so many times, but never put the two together! You made my day!
>doesn't want to show hair
>shows ankle
stone her
You're a cuck, they look ugly as hell.
Hijabs are fine. Full Burkas are illegal, shariah courts have no power over local law. US doing a good job as always.
How many times are you going to post this exact thread with this exact image?
gonna have to fucking filter this image's md5 hash
literally the same shit over and over
fucking mental illness man
Arabs will save Detriot
Top kek, heathens
I'm still cringing!
But hey at least you took me back to the nostalgic 2009 or so, for a moment there
The way it sticks out at the back never fails to rustle my jimmies
TOP KEK.. praise KEK.. whatever faggot. Suck my hairy nut.
>showing that much ankle
she needs to be thrown off a building, fucking slut
Roflcopter m8!!
*sucks on a hairy nut*
dirty fucking serb
it's triggering me that this guy is trying to draw like Giger
and yet that painting is so fucking ugly compared to what Giger does
roflmao jimmies rustleded jimbob?!
Go home faggot
went to the mall in Dearborn and I saw so many cute muzzies
>tfw no hijab gf to do halal things with
That clip is such an epic win FTW XD
omg I'm loling so hard over here
not gonna lie, I would give her a huge pearl necklace :^)
Pick one Abdul.
>seen women wearing hijab in tramway this week
>almost shit my pants
Just wondering, what's underneath? A bomb?
Deport muslims, bring the Americans back. Easy
I pick gf then
Are they eating potato chips like cereal?
They're putting the chips in the soup
Who does that? Like seriously. They act and look like MIB aliens. This is just weird.
They remind me of the aliens from the movie aliens.
What's so weird about that?
It's just weird. It's like pulling your pants down while standing in front of an urinal. They look like they're pretending to be human.
>Full Burkas are illegal,
O Rly ?
This is Dearborn.
>wants to bang foreign girl
When did the word 'cuckold' lose all fucking meaning?
Brits right, Dearborn is proto stage of what happened in Britain. Really hope trump causes lots of chimp outs and sandstorms if he wins. So we stomp on this weed in the garden.
She has a more European nose than the Semitic beak I would have expected.
Gross. The one facing away from us is clearly the best.
america is so cucked.
>A brit cuck is telling other people their country is filled with muslims
This. I live in Dearborn (great city btw) and on the nature paths I always see cute girls in hijabs
It's not all of Britain by a longshot, just a few major cities and a few towns.
You hacve enough problems with your Niggers and Hispanics and yo are right, you don't need mussies as well.
>Not reading the comments
>not understanding the context.
American Education.
It makes me want to start shooting.
Sup Forums is a bot driven load of crap.
Why the fuck do I keep coming here?
Wheneve I see a hajib I get genuinely upset.
>tfw there's a few muslims moving to my small rural town
>apparently they're rapefugees
>tfw carry classes are fucking packed and it's hard to find an opening
>dat "Dearborn sharia" meme again
Seriously, OP. I'm in Washington DC and there's people looking just like that walking by my shop every day.
Holy shit you just read my mind
We dont
One of the schools of 'fiqh' don't consider feet as necessary to cover up for women. The 3 others do, but showing ancles is not considered very serious since it is considered OK by even some strict people. The Taliban would likely not have problems with women showing their ancles since they belong to hanafi which is the school of 'fiqh' in question.
Well, it is actually forbidden by the Prophet Muhammed to have a 'camel hump' under the hijab. They are not really supposed to wear it like that.
Abû Hurayrah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “There are two categories among the inhabitants of Hell whom I have not encountered. The first are people who carry whips like the tails of cows and beat the people with them. The second are women, clothed yet naked, drawn to licentiousness and enticing others to it, their heads like the swaying humps of camels – they will neither enter Paradise nor even smell its fragrance, though its fragrance can be found to a great distance.” [Sahîh Muslim (2127)]
any of you fucks in this thread who actually have familiarity with Dearborn know the famous restaurant there called LaShish. when i returned to the detroit area a couple of years ago i suggested to friends that we go there for dinner. i was told we couldnt because it was closed because the owners were busted by the feds for funneling millions of dollars to al queda...
fuck islam. fuck muslims.
>go to hell for clothing
Harden your hearts Americans. Don't forget the lessons of multicultural Europe. You still have time. A muslim is peaceful today but for how long?
>maybe they're not so bad
And maybe they are. Are you willing to bet your country on it?
The La Shish guy was busted for being a crook, not for terrorism stuff lol
fuck off to Hell with your islamic devil sect
I piss on your "prop*het* fucking goat fucker
muzzie detected.
they were busted for laundering money through fake muzzie charities that ultimately went to terrorist groups.