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Roast my country Sup Forums!

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Nought wrong with Kenya mate.

O shit waddup!

Hello, my fellow African

I would literally need to use google to find out anything about you other than the obvious niggers from Africa thing.

>Roast my country
Kenya be more specific?

way too easy, next

stay where you are and we are fine

Your malls suck ass and are full of Somalians trying to spread their bullshit religion.

joke's on you you're not rare to me

Haha all you have is running


I like your flag. It looks like an ant with horns or a bow on a field.

Show me cool Kenyan stuff, OP.

Don't sell yourself short. Mombasa was a lot of fun with nice beaches and the wildlife parks are fantastic. Kilimanjaro, unforgettable. I will admit Nairobi was a nigger infested shit hole though.

Are you christian?

Do you think the "muh whites !" meme is real ?

Kenya fuck off m8.

Should've been a German colony.


>Roast my country Sup Forums!
No need, you're pretty roasted already


I literally couldn't even point out your irrelevant country on a map desu. You guy's are alright though, just stay in Africa.

my cousin went there on vacation, she had a blast and rode some elephants

apparently it's an ok country.

She needs to get some elephant blood.
Apparently, elephant cells have some super anti-cancer properties.

>those dubs
>that id
learn to 48, bufy.

fuck I wanna watch that show again now.


more like a national park full of monkeys running wild if you ask me

Roast my country I dare you

Dude, take a break from Sup Forums.

The only importance you can have is as a file in my "Flags" folder

I dont need to roast it, its fucked enough all on its own.

Oh litwa. What would we do without you?

>Canada, where did your leaf go?


You were supposed to be the good one in sub Saharan Africa before those foreign Muslims came and shot up your mall. I'd say that fucked your tourism.



you have a bretty cool flag but you're a nigger


No Pablo, I don't want to drive my cocaine prices up at my suppliers by insulting them

Says the mexishit como estas disfrutando tu matrimonio gay? Combina con las muertes en las fronteras que tienes? No me sorprende ver que quieran construir un muro para aislar toda la mierda

At least you're trying.

are you paul tergat

How much black cock would lisa take today?

hwo did u get rid of ur leaf??

I fingered a peruvian girl once and got my fingers nearly lost in her bush.

I guess I should have gone to spic shavers

Pay denbts

Roast my cunt Sup Forums

Protip: inconceivable

The emus already did that for us.

noice one m8.

No. I like you.

t. norman vassal state

[PeruANO Intensifies]

I want a rare proxy.

Why? You're one of the world's most precious sources of cocaine. Just please stop adulterating with shit anesthetics and lay off the guinea pigs.

Seriously, beaners shitposters are the worst shitposters by far

The mexican are ones the adultering it.

Dude guinea pigs are tasty as fuck. It's like the most crunchy food you can ever had(if done well of course)

I know that feel...