No bullshit. I'm out of money and want Fallout : New Vegas if any generous user wants to help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks

No bullshit. I'm out of money and want Fallout : New Vegas if any generous user wants to help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks

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Shameless self-bump

Get a job you fucking faggot.

now stfu and stop being a retarded faggot

I'm in college

I don't like being pirate faggot so, no thanks.

stop being a pussy and just download it rather then begging other poor fags

I'm not saying you need to buy the game. I'm saying that if you want to, then I'd appreciate it. I'm not forcing you

So am I and I have a part time job. So go suck a dick or mow a lawn it's not that hard.

It's hard to get a job in my country. I think that finding a job here and working 8-12 hours a day while studying wouldn't go well

It's hard to find jobs anywhere. all you need is 20$ that's not much. You've probably spent more time thinking of excuses then how to make money. there's a perfectly good torrent link if you're really in that shitty of a situation

As I said. I do not like being a pirate fag so no, sorry

I loved fallout nv. Sadly I don't have a steam account. Keep thinking of that glorious game friend. I hope you come into it soon.

because being a begging fag is so much better.

Back in my day we'd have this game in our hands by now. I've downloaded pirated games dirtier than a Tijuana hooker and here you are bitching about needing money for a game when you're just playing yourself if you don't use that other link. You should just get a second job like your dad after the divorce did and work for your necessities. Please, eat a dick.



Hay user, tell me a joke. if i laugh ill get you fallout

My granpa died in Concentration camp. He fell from the guards tower

Hey, how does a mexican cut his pizza?

With little ceasers

implying fucking bethesda needs another $20 for a game that's like 10 years old.

i like supporting indie devs or smaller companies but idgaf about pirating shit from mega corporations.

like I understand what you mean but you sound like a fucking cuck stain in a Seattle hipsters pants.

Are you REALLY want to play the game, or are you really just want to OWN the game.

You know you don't actually own shit you brought on steam

I really want to play the game. It's not like I I don't play my games. It's just I like to play a game for full experience and then switch to another. I got bored of what I played and I want something that is something different from what I have in my library to play.

Just torrent it then kill yourself

Should have bought it on the steam summer sale
Or the Bethesda sale
Both were in the last 2 months.
Goty was $5

laughed harder than i should have