Where are you on this chart? Have you ever been a normie or ultra normie?
Where are you on this chart? Have you ever been a normie or ultra normie?
Always hung between Normie and Sub-Normie.
Things changed after I went to college. I started realising that the things I was taught by society weren't adding up to what I experienced in the real world. Finding Sup Forums and Sup Forums in particular sped the process up. I think I just passed Fedora into Redpill territory.
It's been a wild ride.
last year I was dead inside but now I've climbed back to redpill.
When I was a teen I was sub-Normie
>implying i can be contained by such spooks
Dead Inside. There can be no reprieve from this madness. Personally, culturally, geo-politically, everything is completely fucked forever. I'm just trying to get to the end of my life by hurting as few people as possible now. It's not going so well. If I could release my anxiety and emotions over my perceived suffering of others, may be able to reach transcendence, but I don't think that I will ever achieve something like that.
Used to be normie, too.
Anyone know what the transcendent site is?
used to be a sub-normie for all my life
now im 100% dead inside
Dead inside, pretending to be a sub normie
Transcendent/dead inside
I hover between dead inside and transcendent. Sounds paradoxical but it's the truth. The bottom of the rabbit hole, which few people reach, really is far less depressing than the journey through the hole itself.
nazism goes after redpill
Was a normie, until last year when my sister got raped by an immigrant
Dead inside.
And desperately wanting to go back to nomie/ultra normie status.
Pls, gib bluepill
Nah senpai.
This attitude is the source of your shitposting power. Checked.
That sucks dude, how is she doing now?
I was sub-normie throughout high school and college. Became redpill pretty quickly after entering the workforce. I'm dead inside now.
Dead inside, hoping to get transcendent before I get suicidal.
Went to redpill then back to sub normie, but still retain all the info I learned on my journey.
dead inside
my soul is a barren husk, an endless void. a black hole from which no light, no happiness ever escapes
although trump gives me a sliver of hope that at least ill get to fight before the end
Ultra-normie. This place is a hoot.
She is still in shock, but she is getting better everyday.
dead inside.
Going back and forth among sub-normie, fedora and redpill. I prefer to think that I, myself, choose not to be redpill. Seeing this chart, it must be because I don't want to end up in the dead inside state.
Transcendence is the best state and I've been through each one on the chart. I will admit dead inside is by far the worst.
Dead inside.
Redpill never been a normie.
>implying that these spooks can constrain me
But seriously, I think I'm at Dead Inside tier.
Between Redpill and Dead Inside.
I fluctuate between sub-normie and dead inside.
Sub-Normie on the outside, dead inside?
same 2bh
everyone used to be a normie at some point or still is
Sub-Normie reporting in
>Great job that pays great
>Own house
>Own Car
>Live alone
No wife or girlfriend though but I like my life overall even if I know the world is shit. I haven't checked out because I enjoy making/having money. I started spending my money a lot less frivolously though as of recently.
Do ultra-normies even exist?
Take a guess
in a way
the chart is wrong with the whole travel-the-world thing, succesful people are largely too intelligent to be full ultra-normie
ultra-normies in my experience are like reverse autists, they have significantly higher social/emotional IQ than regular IQ
Sub-normie in the streets
Redpilled in the void that used to be my soul
What state do u live in? Here in CA its impossible to buy a house unless you give in to the marital jew and (((combine incomes)))
Dead inside transitioning to transcendent, but it's a VERY slow transition.
Evola's got my back though
Hitler died in a fit of rage. He certainly transcended this world, but he sure as hell wasn't at peace with it.
If you're anything but sub normie, you really need to get your shit together.
I already fapped like 2 hours ago. Fuck you.
Minnesota. NW portion so cost of living is a bit cheaper. I work in ND though.
Transcendence is a load of shit. All that happens after le black pill is that you come to understand total self-pity and nihilism aren't good for anything. So you build your own moral scaffolding on which to climb back up to red-pill status with a bit less misery.
If you're sub-normie and above you should GTFO right now
I was a sub normie in my teen years, then I became ultra normie in my last 2 years of high school. I went trough a fedora phase during my first year of college, and since then I'm redpilled. Now I'm becoming transcendent in some way. Spirituallity, meditation a reading books is helping a lot. My family and friends started calling me 'the nazi hippie'. Lol
>climb back up to red-pill status with a bit less misery
How do you do that when you realize the decadence train has no brakes?
Casey? Send me your pdf links. I deleted my twitter account and I can't find your profile
3/4 redpill 1/4 Dead inside.
dead inside. a few years ago as a sub-normie, would have thought it a 'cool' rebel label.
now... fuck i don't care anymore about almost everything. therapy has had no effect yet
Almost transcendent. There is little left to fear anymore. Given the right means, I could take my life at any time. I dont think I'm afraid of death anymore, and there's nothing left I could lose that can hurt me more than I've already been.
Live free or die.
When you come to realize how fucked the world is and there is nothing we can really do about it other than observe and report, it almost becomes comical.
Work on being as happy and content as you can while you still can because its all you really can do. You have to learn to accept that everything is fucked and theres really nothing we can do to fix it other than wait for the eventual cataclysm, some kind of war , and people finally waking up.
I am past the black pill, but I don't know if I'd call it "transcendent." Maybe.
I'm not Casey but I might have what you need
Do somebody know any movie about a non-normie guy on a normie enviorement?
I watched a pretty funny short-film once and I found the idea quite funny. It was the story about a guy who was preparing for an interview because his father died and his mom was really sick or something. It was funny to see the guy using the terminology like normie and meme while trying to fit into the regular society. I liked the concept but the story was really short.
I guess the most similar thing I've seen on the big screen is Donnie Darko so if anyone can think of any movie like this I'd appreciate it.
absolutely dead inside
Fedora, real talk. I consider myself intelligent despite being retarded and then counter that with "I'm wise because I know that I know nothing" meme.
It's great failing to live to my potential.
I agree, though I think it's also important to hold my self to a personal moral code, lest I'd become as degenerate as the rest of the world in my pursuit of happiness
Dead inside.
Anyone who claims transcendent is a fucking liar or a dead inside in denial. If you were transcendent you wouldn't be here
Mix of sub-normie and redpill.
Could be worse
Dead inside. The 'transcendent' one is bullshit that plebs use to cling to hope.
Please, I've been trying to find those links for months. Motherfucker changed his username I think.
Ride the tiger, brah
Redpill, soon dead inside.
Chart is fucking stupid
Fedoras are some of the worst normies, I have ever met.
Their whole agenda is making their specific group seem "cool" in normie standards; be it ponyfuckers or SJWs. While failing to perform simple levels of introspection; a characteristic, which normies often lack, because of the fact that they seek group acceptance instead of looking inward and using their own judgement.
>gradually become ultra normie
>evil jewess gf leads me to redpilled and eventually now I am Transcendent
Watch the Holographic Disclosure if you want to learn the path of light
You can be happy without being degenerate. In fact id argue that you would have to practice insane amounts of cognitive dissonance in order to be redpilled and at the same time partake in truly degenerate behavior.
What links?
am dead inside
Evola's e-books
Red pill but happy. Feeling depressed or sorry for youself is normie.
Fuck man this is too much
Fedoras realize the world is fucked up, but they make the mistake of following the guidelines drawn up by controlled opposition shills, which inevitably leads them to being SJW.
I've been there. The most intelligent of the bunch eventually become redpill.
Dead inside/trascendent, depends on the day, but mostly dead inside. Waiting the race war arrives on time.
Yeah I get that it comes and goes depending on what I see in the news burying myself in vydia didn't help. Might try self improvement or some shit to make it go away.
>Butthurt Jews shitpost ye old timey style.
Their whole history is of being kicked around. Its hardly a surprise they are upset about it.
Its not really proof of anything.
I wear my mask as well as I can, pretending to enjoy sports, popular movies, and hiding my power level.
But inside I have long been cold and dead.
if you know you're fedora you're on your way out at least
thats a very subtle invasion by rk9, well done
saged and reported
This is the holy trinity of Evola's work. Have fun.
Dead inside
>eight chan symbol
Hahaha, are they even active anymore? I heard the cripple is leaving.
There's still some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.
Went from Normie to Dead Inside.
Thanks Sup Forums.
If Trump loses I'm literally going off the grid. Innawoods hermit for the rest of my life.
Why would you being upset about fulfilling of your own prophecies? Jews shouldn't stay in Egypt which is every Goyim country is at this point.
Thank you dude! I'll start reading them tonight
You didn't change anything.
De nada my white friend
>northwest mn
Ayyyyy mah nigga. Beltrami county here.
Redpill. Perhaps bordering on dead inside but I still find enjoyment in my own life. I feel that there is no hope for some places (like Germany or Sweden), but some hope exists somewhere.
Honestly I hate fedoras the most. They make us all look bad and they do not come to conclusions through critical thinking but through a desire to seem more intelligent.