What is the meaning of life Sup Forums?

What is the meaning of life Sup Forums?

To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

That's what's BEST in life, not it's meaning.

there isn't one

no idea, but by the logic that an object can not be changed or else it is rendered a different object everything is by definition perfect because things therefor then can not be improved.

that doesn't make 'a' perfect
it just makes it 'a'
perfection is just a thing humans think about

looking for porn


>What is the meaning of life Sup Forums?

Set seed and die.

You're both right and wrong.
It just depends on if your metaphysical view of the world allows for a concept of "perfect" and what that concept consists of.

wut iz bezt in lifers ? TRUMP

If its what is best then is not what you should strive for? And if it is what you should strive for, then is it not the purpose?

The meaning of life is found when you accept that the knowledge that nothing matters and nothing lasts forever is a pointless thing to dwell on.

The meaning of life is to find your own meaning. The meaning of life is found within love (I love my girlfriend/boyfriend, cat/dog, family etc).

The meaning of life is to do whatever the fuck you want to do: Dedicate yourself to a craft, discover a cure for something, get good at a sport, or even if it's just finding a job you like to do and start a family. If it gives you fulfillment and you can create a plan and know that you will die without regrets, that's your meaning of life.

Everyone's meaning of life is different, it's up to you to figure out what that is. It's easy to do when you zoom in on what's around you, not what's out there past forever.

Just try to give it 100% every day, and be kind always :)


I've always wanted to adopt this worldview, but it always sounds like "nothing matters but you should pretend it does" or "nothing matters but you should care about it anyway"
Being a pessimist sucks balls

to set your soul ablaze in that it's brightness shines throughout the cosmos endlessly giving depth to the cold vacuum


You should do mushrooms! Happiness is found after first accepting the grueling agony of existential dread. The happiest I've ever been is after crying about what gives me pain.

To unravel it's mysteries, and leave some of your own behind.

When you shit, shit through your bum
When you fuck, fuck with your dick
When you fuck, fuck someone's mom
When you shoot, shoot like John Wick

I've done mushrooms.
Yeah they make life seem pretty fantastic.
I can find moments of optimism in life, but pessimism is the longterm trend I can't shake

Such leftist tripe and garbage.

If life was to do whatever you wanted, lets say in a hypothetical post-scarcity society, over 90% of people would end up laying around doing nothing and feeling miserable and empty. It would probably end with a large number of them working to destroy the system that freed them of their toils.

Life's purpose is to overcome obstacles and hardships to achieve a greater goal. What the goal is, is not agreed on by all. There may be immediate small goals on the way to a greater goal which some confuse with the meaning of life, but the ultimate goal is something greater than and transcendent to the individual. They have to ultimately choose that goal over something they may want more. That ultimately decides the difference between just being "happy" which is fleeting and being "fullfilled" which is permanent.

Beware unearned wisdom.

nice pasta


You're talking a lot like you have it all figured out, but you're words are empty and there is no substance behind what you're saying whatsoever. It's time for you to just stop talking.

the meaning(i the sense of lifes function) of life is to interpret meaning( meaning in the semiotic sense)
gibing meaning to external information allows for biological systems to encode and use that information to maintain a stable state far from equilibrium.
this general property supervenes on the particular i.e human life. so basically life the meaning of life is the meaning you ascribe to it, you dont need to be a scientist to figure that one out
t theoretical biologist

I think it all revolves around feeling you're somehow superior to a group of reference. If not economically, morally. I think the latter is a consolation when you can't get the former.

If you're too stupid or intellectually lazy to get it then that's on you.

Life is struggle. Without any struggle most people lose their minds. The purpose of that struggle is what is debatable since people seem to disagree. But it is clear that what divides awake "switched on" people from just some dude minding his business is that they have a greater purpose and are aware of it. The people who are most able to accept hardships and overcome, those who can endure the struggle the best, are those with a transcendent goal that goes beyond themselves.

That's fine and dandy for a non-self aware bug, but that doesn't take into account the added question of consciousness.

Stop being a reductionist retard and accept the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

struggle means nothing to anyone but the one struggling. When you die, it won't matter that you worked hard for what you earned. It won't matter how many obstacles you overcame.

The species will die.
The planet will die.
The universe will die.

Nothing matters.

Uhm... that's a common occurrence but I don't think most people would describe that as the purpose of their life. I think you're confusing things.

>struggle means nothing to anyone but the one struggling
Maybe, but what they struggled for is what is important.

Those of the species that continue on are those that struggled. The rest just became nihilists and were forgotten.


I don't think people are generally honest to themselves.

Hey, say transcendent one more time. You might actually sound like you aren't talking out of your ass.

Okay. But that doesn't change anything. Trying to feel better than some group is just a petty motive little different from being hungry or angry. The question is about purpose.

The goal being "transcendent" is actually very important. It literally is transcendent goals and things that resulted from persuing them, regardless of whether the ultimate goal was achieved, that brought about the most change in human history and animates people to be something more than just animals ruled by instinct and momentary desires.

Literally everyone is forgotten. It doesn't matter how much you struggle.Countless billions who overcame terrible odds are lost to history

progress. if you're not working towards making life for global population better somehow, you're wasting it.

Who needs to be remembered? You take only your own experiences, why care about what you've left behind?

And yet you exist, because all of your ancestors were survivors who struggled. Embrace the struggle and have a chance of your progeny going on to be the survivors of their time, or just give up and die now.

You are pushing an agenda with this view though.

While I agree that, within the society that I was born in and continue to choose to live as a part of, it is in my best interests to strive to be better for myself and others, I am under no delusion that thiss the MEANING of life.

Life, inherantly, has no meaning. The moment that YOUR brain... your particular arrangement of molecules, synapses etc, places value in something, that becomes a goal, a reason to obtain or hold onto that value. Until that moment, there isn't meaning in the base sense of the word. You could just as easily not exist and the Universe continues on without you, the tiny ripples in probability you may have accounted for wiped out, but this changes absolutely zero on even the most average of time scales.

The previous post was correct in some way. Give life meaning, whether that is taking part in society so you can obtain your xboxs and internet connections and drive-through hot coffees, or don't. Live in a hole in the ground. But don't try imply life inherantly contains meaning.

That question presupposes unconscious intentionality, which is logically impossible. You might as well ask what color is gravity.

You realize how egocentric that view is. All your ancestors fought, struggle, sacrificed, endured and continued so that you could some day just wrap yourself in a cocoon self indulgence and end it. I guess you could decide to interpret it that way.

You're view is ultimately self filtering since those with it are unlikely to have descendants.

It takes having a sense of transcendental purpose to see the connection of yourself to all those before you and all those who may come after you. People with this sense will continue in life, those who don't will eventually fail at it.

consciousness is the same thing with self-reference (higher order).
like i said biosemiotics are general property of living systems that supervene on all particulars in the set. Im not being reductionist at all, stop pretending that you understand what you are talking about lol

Being happy.

Individuals using certain psychedelic drugs have reported sensations of being able to see sound and taste colors. Seeing something as a color is just a process in your brain. One could argue that under the right circumstances that sensing the weight of an object could be made to yield an experience of color in the mind. So in a way you could associate a color with gravity.

underrated post

to live as long as possible, then die

gotta make your own, nigga

To serve others?
To serve yourself?
To have people serve you?

Self reference is not the same thing as consciousness you idiot. Certain plants are aware of where their various parts are and can move them to better positions but no one ever mistook a plant for thinking let alone considering the question of "who am I".

You are being as reductionist as fuck, you just choose to due it through a biological lenz because you read some highschool biology text.

How many fucking species do you actually believe looked up at the sky, pondered their place in the universe, built telescopes to study the universe and created entire systems of thought to help them interpret what was real from what was not? Seriously... are you going to pretend that doesn't add something to the mix there bioboy?

You're not even trying.
Again with this same new age bullshit.
You seem rather focused on servitude.

isn't that what people do though?
they serve their base human needs, food, sleep, fucking, ect.
then they serve someone/something in exchange of money so that they can continue the cycle of serving themselves.
And they have others to serve them, employees, family, friends, coworkers.

I don't know. Maybe I am fixated on servitude at the minute, could just be where I am in my life right now.

I don't disagree that this is probably the best for humanity as a whole, but it still doesn't imply meaning, just that if you are going to give life meaning, the best paths always tend to meander along that train of thought.

I have a wife, I hope to have kids and teach them to be the best they can be, help society, be kind, all that nonsense, but I still don't take that as a meaning to life, just that it's the best way to live it if you want to maximize happiness... usually.

Get money...
Fuck bitches.

But the gravity still wouldn't have a color, it would simply be assigned color by the experiencer.

For the record, color does not exist materially speaking. All color assignment is subjective. Wavelength is a material phenomenon, but it only strongly correlates to color.

doesn't that mean that your life doesn't belong to you? as you are owed it by your ancestors as repayment for their sacrifices and struggles? doesn't it also mean that your life is only for the creation of descendants?

doesn't that seem a bit shit?

It's way too complicated to get into here, but you should really research different perceptions on what it meant to be "free" at different times in history.

Serving all your base desires and letting whatever you want in the moment direct you is actually a very modern concept of freedom. Ancient writers all the way up to about a hundred years ago would describe finding freedom in a greater purpose since it made them no longer slaves to the momentary passions. While I know you weren't commenting on "freedom" per se, it is very relevant to freeing you from a worldview that sees chasing pleasures as a purpose to life.

The meaning of continuing your line has more real life benefit than any self indulgent false meaning ever has. I think the real world consequences make a good argument if you are not inclined to perceive the deeper psychological benefits of thinking beyond just your own temporary existence.

What would you say is being 'free'?

I would say that it is having all of your desires fulfilled as to not be bound to them. The richest person is the person who has the least wants; not having the most money/possessions?

The meaning of life is pain and suffering, and therefore the meaning you can derive from the meaning is to make your best effort to reduce the suffering. You could say this line of reasoning leads to suicide as the ultimate way to end suffering, but only if you don't consider the suffering of others. As an individual you have the potential to do suffering itself a greater blow by reducing in others, if you kill yourself you destroy that potential and cause greater suffering for those who cared about you.

You could also rationalize that exterminating all life is the solution to this problem but that'd be much more difficult to achieve than just mitigating the problems of others to the best degree you can, no?


>Certain plants are aware of where their various parts are and can move them to better positions
but they arent aware of this awareness (self-reference)
>How many fucking species do you actually believe looked up at the sky, pondered their place in the universe, built telescopes to study the universe and created entire systems of thought to help them interpret what was real from what was not?
>calls me reductionist,
>hur dur look at all this particular behavior that makes us special
first off you are confusing consciousnesses and sentience. Also it is a symbolic langauge that makes humans this way and that is still biosemiotics with layers of complexity
get it?

what doth life?

If you take the most self indulgent interpretation of things then you could look at it that way.

You could look at it as not being "owned" but being part of something greater and merely accepting that in addition to the freedoms you enjoy in your life that you also have a deeper purpose.

As the old poem was titled "no man is an island" whether we like it or not we are still part of the human race and intricately dependent on other people as they are dependent on you.

It's childish to think of that as some kind of slavery when in reality its just a simple reality of life and accepting it and coming to terms with it in your own way is the major step in being an adult.

my man

I'm certain you have a few ingredients missing there Chef Potate

But to a selfish or inept person, that is indifferent to the pain and suffering of others or themselves; what is the meaning of life for them?

To ask "why?"


Meaning is created, defined and given, in all cases. A being does not do because it is the being's meaning. It does because that is the nature of the being. Purpose and meaning is bestowed upon an object by a creator or observer, or a simultaneous occurrence of the two. You as a conscious observer may look at the actions of another being and think "that is the meaning or purpose of its existence" when in that being's mind there is no purpose and meaning to its nature. You as a conscious observer may create and define meaning for anything. With that said and understood, your meaning is defined as the creator. You can create, and so you can create meaning.

To grow up, procreate, watch your offspring grow up and finally die.
If you fail the "procreate" part, you fail at life.

You will never run out of desires.

Even the richest, most powerful, most attractive person would still find themselves tormented by things they want.

I wouldn't say becoming an ascetic and rejecting all world pleasures is an answer, especially if your only goal is be free of desire. That's ultimately pointless and wasted human potential.

Having a purpose that is greater than yourself and making it a focus is better it seems.

These are very human-brain-specific meanings of life.

If the meaning of your life feels good, it's mostly chemical.

You're still dancing around the point.

Humans aren't simply creatures and their minds seeking to understand themselves and the universe blows your argument out of the water.

Try again bioboy.

Becoming involved in mankind gives us deeper purpose? So that together we can transcend into greater meaning. But, what is the purpose of that? I think there are too many conflicting ideas about that.

Meaning is created and defined in all cases. It is created and observed, or a simultaneous occurrence of both. A being does not act because it is in its meaning, but rather because it is the being's nature. You as a conscious observer may see another being and think "it does because that is its purpose and meaning" when in the being's mind there is no purpose or meaning to the nature of its actions. If meaning cannot exist without an act, and then also an observation of that act, then meaning does not exist beyond the act. Meaning follows the action of the being. It is sort of a what came first the chicken or the egg. But in this case there is no question to what came first because one cannot exist without the other, and one can exist without the other. Action can exist without meaning, and meaning cannot exist without first an action. That being said, and understood, you as an observer are defined as the creator. You can create any meaning you decide is correct OP

This is too stupid to even go into detail on.

Pain in itself isn't always bad. Simply avoiding all pain and suffering is stupid. Countless people embrace suffering in persuit of greater goals and find their greatest fulfillment doing so.

The word agony literally comes the ancient Greek concept of enduring hardship in order to achieve a goal.

That was a terrible show.

to live.


How do I find a purpose that is greater than myself? To make it my soul focus aswell, how can you find something like this outside of religion and family?

Your low IQ nihilism isn't clever. Stop giving millenials a bad name.

You were born with a purpose. You either do well at it or you fail, its up to you from there.

the meaning you give, that's why life and everything is subjective, in this world of shit that is beautiful and horrible at the same time

That is a recipe for self destruction and ignores the fundamental reality of existing itself.

But what was the purpose of my birth? I can't commit to it or fail it, if I don't know what it is.

you just didn't understand it :^)

A movie

Dude, a shit ton of people have asked that question and there are a ton of answers.

If you don't want religion or family (which I think is a bit rash and short sighted view but oh well) maybe find a great talent you have and I don't know, create some great work that will somehow change the world. It's really a you question.

the meaning of life, is to give life meaning


We must follow the Golden Path, user.

It was a shitty low brow social commentary on the destructiveness of mysticism that pretended to be deep while hiding in the form of banality. It wasn't that smart and the "deeper" message was one even the creators didn't have a firm grasp on.

The wave of religious type thinking changes through generations. It is a way of presenting answers to the wandering mind. Science is just another form of religious thought. It seeks to provide answers to things you don't understand. You don't even understand what is presented to you in science. You are given a book and a teacher (or a bible and a priest) and taught to memorize facts (or scripture) and take it as the word of truth (the word of God), though you don't understand it. You can repeat back what you read or were told, but you don't actually fully understand anything. Why? Because the people who make scientific discoveries are much smarter than you and 99% of other people. They understand it because they have the mind to fully observe, create and understand. You don't understand quantum physics concepts and you definitely don't understand the mathematics quantum mechanics behind it. So why are we going into an age where people follow it and accept it as truth and a new path to understand the universe? The same reason people followed God forever. It brings them comfort. Purpose beyond your insignificant life is something you can find yourself. Life itself is a big purpose. Look to other lives beyond yours and maybe you'll find a greater purpose.

Been thinking about this for so long now, still stumped. I just hope it'll come to me sooner rather than later and before it's too late.

What is your purpose, if you have found it?

You know he ended up becoming a grotesque worm creature that fucked humanity and set the stage for enslavement by the descendants of the Benejesuits? Like the Golden Path totally failed.

Clean your room.

Hobbes believed that if you properly defined the terms of a question, the answer would present itself logically.

What do you mean by a purpose greater than yourself?

Define purpose. Define a purpose for your self. Define greater than yourself. Define a purpose for something that is not yourself.

By the simplest terms, working a job for any reason other than to pay for your own life constitutes a purpose greater than yourself. But that is not usually what is meant.