52% of Italians want to welcome illegals in their country

Italy is now a fucked up country, they are slowly going to be a Sweden tier country.


And it's even worse with italian youth because nearly 70% of Italians youngsters want to welcome the illegals instead of rejecting them...

It seam France is in a much better state at least only a minority of spinless faggots want immigrants in.

Other urls found in this thread:


Italian are now dick suckers while they used to conquer the world...

Yeah, I don't think you're any better lad.

M8, last polls showed that at least 60% of the french don't want these "refugees" at all, even in Germany there is a majority against that while in Italy people are welcoming this shit...

Just drop nukes on Europe for fuck sake. Can't you damn westerners show at least some mercy while killing Europe? Just do it quickly, instead of this islamic replacement.

Let Italy have them then. I was planning on sending them ours anyway.

I also think that way, let we give them all if they want to keep them...

M8 even in germany or France there are no majority in favor of immigration, in Sweden the tide is turning against it while in Italy...

We'll send you our fuggies and you'll send them to Italy.

Italy was a mistake - Garibaldi

Let's flood them until they give back Südtirol.

Why is everyone so fucking cucked.

I thought Italians were supposed to be racist.

Free Padania from this shit

Turkey has done the same, refugees rape our women, and sell drugs and prostitutes in every corner of the streets. Don't do it Italy, let the shitskins die.

Don't worry Özkan. When you become member of EU, all your gypsies and rapefugees flood Europe and leave your country.

I thought that too but in the end Italy is the big disappointement as it has always been.

Actually even the swedes are more aware than italians

Thank you Viktor. I'm happy to know that.

>sondaggio Demos & Pi - Pragma per Fondazione Unipolis

That's an organization linked to the center left coalition that's now running the show writing how "anonymous polls" agree with them.

Lol OP this is definitely bullshit
Exactly this

Italy has always been the shame among the heirs of romance culture. Even poortugal managed to do something before becoming shit.



>Turkey has done the same, refugees rape our women, and sell drugs and prostitutes in every corner of the streets. Don't do it Italy, let the shitskins die

Who are they pimping their own refugee women or turkish women?

Romance culture is basically Italy+France.

how was the polling done?

the thing is even a polls by Ipsos for La Republica prouved that italians are in favor of immigration a few months ago...

They are pimping their own refugee women. They are raping Turkish women.



I thought the Salvini party was quite popular amongst youth

>They are raping Turkish women
Arabs are above turks in kebab hierarchy.

>acting as if Poortugal wasn't extremely based
They had a great fucking Empire and left a fair amount of influence in fucking Japan of all places due to trading ports. They also destroyed the Spanish and French on multiple occasions although with British help.

op, italy was never white!

I ask myself that question every day. At the end of the day, all you can do is make sure that you yourself are not cucked. You can't control other people but you can provide a good example for them to follow.

Well the nationalistic parties are quite popular among european youth, this is the case in France, Austria, all of eastern Europe, in Sweden and Noraway and even in Belgium, I heard that NVA and Vlaams Belang were quite popular among youngsters.

lol, notorious for being a propaganda website

>for La Republica

That's the main newspaper for italian centerleft, it's in the group Espresso, president is Carlo de Benedetti which was the first to be registered in the PD party which is the center left coalition now in power.


OP was debunked, nothing to see here move on.

>let me tell you how cucked you are *sucking on muslim cock*
haha go away faggot we will never be like you

>Congolombian shithole thinks he has the right to bash Italy
Juan pls.

Arabs were jokes before, now our pussy president and his cocksucker sidekick prime minister worships arabs, that's why we are where we are today. Islam, as it always does, has turned this country into a shithole. The same will happen to Italy if they ever let these sandniggers flood in their countries.

Same shit. Repubblica is also intertwined with the left.

Let me explain it to you:

Repubblica / L'Unità - full blown left and center-left cocksucking

Il Giornale / Corriere della Sera - right cocksucking

Il Fatto Quotidiano - Movement 5 stars cocksucking and justice porn

>La Republica
>most popular newspaper of Italy

In France the most popular newspaper would be the right wing Le Figaro...

And there are no french polls showing that a majority would welcome immigration, I'm sensing some bad shit happening in Italy from a few months. Basically no polls show that people are against this shit.

How ? It's one of the sources on Wikipédia.

La Repubblica

literally the propaganda machine of the globalist left

non leftist survey from last Novermber:

77% thinks immigrants are a danger
73% wants special controls on arabs and revoking citizenship if they do not integrate


only 16% wants to welcome refugees

so yeah,that new one is probably fabricated

Italy pls no.

>56% of italians agree with Merkel in this polls for Corriere della Sera

The question of the survey was: let them die in the Sea or save them?
Was not about welcome them or not

>destroyed their own country
Yeah, about that...

Why do people still believe these "polls", they're always held by a group of people that's like 10000 if you're lucky, and it only gets worse when going on extremely biased sites.

Reverse search on google images give 0 results.

>cutting away the context / poll date

Mon dieu! You are a faggot

Shame we can't put them on trains faster into europe, wasn't merkel the one who wanted all of those poor migrants there? Also since right now our country is "A FUCKING BRIDGE" to Shitfrica all of this was inevitable with the Democrats in charge;
Second, i guess that one day this will surely happen: we will be used as scapegoats


Here the datas, this polls even says that most of italians are against Orban policies and that they agree with the pope.

Secondo me è enrico letta.

lel no

it's 1006 people



I studied under the director of Ispi.
-supported intervention in Lybia
-worked for the UN

Literally a propaganda promoter and nothing more.



> operante sotto la vigilanza del ministero degli Affari Esteri e, per quanto concerne la gestione, sotto il controllo del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze e della Corte dei Conti.



Il Rapporto 2015 ‘Global Go to Think Tank Index’, redatto dall’Università di Pennsylvania, ha rafforzato la presenza dell’ISPI tra i migliori Think Tank al mondo. Nella categoria più ampia e prestigiosa (‘Top Think Tanks Worldwide – US and non US’) l’ISPI ha guadagnato 42 posizioni, classificandosi primo tra i sei Istituti italiani in graduatoria. In particolare, l’ISPI:

- si è confermato primo Istituto italiano in ‘Top Defence and National Security’, secondo in ‘Top Foreign Policy and International Affairs’ e ‘Top Western Europe’;
- è terzo al mondo fra i ‘Think Tanks to Watch’ (seguito da Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars e Atlantic Council), quarto al mondo tra i ‘Best Managed Think Tanks’ dopo Brookings Institution, Chatham House e Bruegel e quarto tra i ‘Think Tanks di medie dimensioni’ (bilancio inferiore ai 5 milioni di dollari);
- raggiunge il settimo posto nelle categorie ‘Best Think Tank Conference 2015’ (dopo Munich Security Conference, Brookings Institution e Chatham House) e ‘Best Think Tanks Network’;
- è entrato nel gruppo dei 15 migliori ‘Report/Policy Papers’ pubblicati nel 2015 con il Rapporto ‘Twitter and Jihad’.

Te l'ha buttato nel culo?

crisi Russia-UE

based, we all know Russia is the savior of Europe, not the enemy


Nah he was extremely butthurt over Berlusconi though.

Why do Turks put up with that shit? You seem to be less concerned with the deep concern of the UN and all those other twats. Just kill them and save yourselves and the entire West.

Aren't they basically causing no problems in Italy?

Immigration was only 2% in the last poll made in Spain.

WHY!!!??? WHY!!!????

threats to Italy as of Sept 2015:
-economic crisis 40%
-immigration 38%
-islamic terrorism 13%
-populism 6%
-energy 2%
-eu russia 1%
-lybia 0%

They can't they want to join EU.

Acaliphate making
Enjoy merkel
no, but you can have South Italy if you want
we ARE racist m8, no one tell the truth to the polls.
Just give costantinoples to Greece already
You better vote for Trump, so we can start the kebab removal
tu no es contento que los immigrantes no quiere que ir a tu pais?

Still a poll published by Corriere della Sera, you said yourself that Corriere della Sera was a right wing newspaper

Our pussy president protects them because they are sunnite muslims. They have been killed before in small towns and neighborhoods. Heroes who are absolutely done with this shit and chopped their heads off are being punished to extreme, to discourage others from killing refugees. So yeah, they have been killed, but nothing big.

Plus, we are trying to join EU and EU wants us to deal with these people, so we are. I don't necessarily agree though.

I'm not the other guy. I'm not sure how many Italian guys are on right now.
Also Corriere is rather centrist and globalist. Again, it's one study over 1006 people which compared to all the other studies seems fabricated.

There you go.


Fuck off.

No quieren venir, pero ya hay demasiados aqui. Quiero repatriar a los que estan aqui.

I don't believe that for a second.

More likely organized crime wants this to happen so they doctored the polls.

How about various regions? Italy is a big place with lots of regional variations. From what I heard, the North tends to be a bit more... ...xenophobic against illegals.

where's your leaf ?

In fact it's the third study that has this kind of conclusions...

You are mad because you have no data to prouve that I'm wrong ? For the moment you sent no data, until you prouved me wrong I won't belive this is only leftist propaganda.


>not fucking arabic women and impreganting them in order to let their spinless guys raise the bastards

per esto hecho es muy positivo.

>....xenophobic against illegals.

centre- Italy here, we are the xenophobic ones. at Nord they are Hitler tier. The fire rises.

>Corriere della Sera was a right wing newspaper
it really isn't m8. The only moderate right wing paper is Il Giornale, and a slightly more right wing one is Libero. The others are center left at best

[Legionarii - Europa Nazione plays in the background]

>In fact it's the third study that has this kind of conclusions

I literally just posted 3 studies saying the opposite.
>not fucking arabic women and impreganting them in order to let their spinless guys raise the bastards
No thanks.
I don't even want that Maha girl and she's good looking.
Also hi Mohammed, fuck off please.

Nah you just posted one study from last year it only said that italians said immigration was a problem not that they didn't wanted immigrants to come...

Anyway who is Maha ?

>not fucking arabic women and impreganting them in order to let their spinless guys raise the bastards

no thanks i only like white wymminz

Nobody wants to go to a shithole like russia.

Where the fuck do these people get the materials to make those signs?

>only 16% wants to welcome refugees

>73% wants special controls on arabs and revoking citizenship if they do not integrate

>only 16% wants to welcome refugees

I like you, Italy.

google learn arabic with maha

don't fap it's haram

also she's married to an Italian afak

i'll be honest even if they integrate i wouldn't want them near me

Why didn't the Turks just convert to Christianity? Did you really need to rape children that much?


Italians should breed with Italians or other Europeans

this. Tbh the only 3 interracial couples I saw in my life where Italian guy + shitskin lady.
It still triggered me to see good genes go to waste

>destoryed their own country

Wrong. Neo con jews and white good goys invaded and destroyed their country. Look at Libya

french Mohammed disappeared, he's probably touching himself

I told you it's haram

>is now
kek, where have you been since the 60's?

shit we have the genes of the romans we are ruler when i see a multiracial couple i'm so triggered

just saying
we have the genes of:
-native italic populations
-germanic ostrogoths and lombards

we are fairly mixed


I can barely handle the sorry state the the UK is in, please don't cuck the shit out of my beautiful motherland. Please Italians, please fucking fight this plague

Ataturk's plan was converting Turks to Atheism altogether, and make them secularist, he died too early. Still, raping children is a new trend that came with Radical Islamic government. It has never been a thing before, until 2003.

Bullshit, only liberals want refugees.

>-germanic ostrogoths and lombards

Those are memes. There's barely any admixture in Italy from those populations in the least 2k years.

Italians are all muslim rape babies already anyway

nothing of value was lost