I don't hate the show, I just don't think understand the hype, 100% on rotten tomatoes and 9.3 on imdb...

I don't hate the show, I just don't think understand the hype, 100% on rotten tomatoes and 9.3 on imdb, doesn't really deserve those ratings tbh, It's seems like the funniest part of the show is the characters voices but I just get used to them after a while, what am I missing?

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I've finished season 1 and the only really good episode was Rixty Minutes

I don't get it either.

I'm the opposite. Love the show but haaaate the voices.

That's the best part, retards don't get it. The band wagoners look stupid when all they care about is saying "tiny Rick!" The show makes fun of the assholes and they praise them for it. Consider yourselves smart for relizing that your not in on the joke and not trying to force it.


return the futurama instead

Here is the scene that got me into the show.
Keep summer safe.

It's all about that there is no meaning to like and rick is a depressed scientist. He is depressed because he knows there is no god and no meaning to life. The only truth is the gain for knowledge. He only goes on these adventures to further his tech. His intelligence is from the mega seeds in episode 1. You will see when he is drinking he doesn't has green slobber. But when he drinks from his flask he gains super intelligence and has the green slobber. Go understand dementions you will understand. Season three is more about his family.

I don't really watch cartoons or anime, I can't stand them usually.

I like rick and morty season 1 the most so far, although the episodes I liked the most seem to be what everyone else didn't like as much.

Regardless it was good as a whole, which propelled it to stardom and a big following at the start/during season 2 happened.

People later on loved episodes such as 'get shwifty' which I thought was the worst episode of the season.

Onto the current season, so far it is pretty bad. With the latest episode being the seasons best by quite a bit.

I feel like they made something amazing, but will not be able to keep up to that level of creative writing. You can already see it with the shitty divorce plot. Like why the fuck are we even doing this, who gives a fuck. It wastes so much air time and isn't funny, or interesting.

They should have killed off Jerry and Beth at the end of season 1 and traveled the fucking universe with rick and his kids. I see this show being mediocre at best in another 2 seasons and fall into memory of what could have been.

Futurama is still fucking good.

Rick is Morty sent from the future back to his younger self.

get high first

I love the show. Think it's great. Every ounce of discussion surrounding it is revolting, though. It's reached a level of popularity where the general public is actively trying to ruin it for you and online cynicism cesspools like Sup Forums are acting like it's irredeemable garbage. Basically it's being sabotaged by anybody ironically or unironically abusing Pickle Rick as a meme.

Because the current generation of retard posers haven't got a clue.

Ya true season 3 is shit. Although they are trying to fill in a lot of plot about the family problem. Seems like they are trying to build into something. But they should stick to the one episode on adventure concept.

saged and hidden

Ya the truth is it is a really great original show. Derived from millions of hour of old movies.

The show is boring garbage, but it was carefully designed for clueless people like yourself. Enjoy.

this is for you OP

Your post is bad. If you're going to spend this much time making unimpressive observations about a cartoon allegedly not even worth your time, you better make sure your whole point isn't based off your creepy boggeyman complex about a basic bitch website.

since when is toilet humor, wacky babbling, and irreverent violence not shitposted into every single thread that isn't about porn
also tl;dr

Just a bunch of penises drawn Everywhere.
Can't get past the burping.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Arrested development is one of thr most intelligent well thought out comedies I've ever watched and the fact that this show is rated higher than it makes me sad

Part of it is the lack of good cartoons aimed at adults in recent years. Yes, we have Simpsons and Futurama and South Park. Even the ones that are still going are over a decade old now.
They aren't too bad after the first episode where Rick can't say a damn thing without burping.

Bojack Horseman is better.

Eh. You served this pasta the other day.

It is a fast-pasted anime, for the non-dumb. Thing is, it's all about ratings. If 20% of the viewers "get it", that's not enough for the network.

>you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty
Rofl, Rick and Morty is light entertainment.

Hit the nail

Remember all imagry in the are balls. Rick and morty put balls in you face. No suck them or the universe is doomed.

>he knows there is no god and no meaning to life.
*tips menorah*

it's copy pasta. eat up.

Lol u can't be serious


Nobody wanted it until adult swim did.

Rick was hyper intelligent from day one. How could he have invented interdimensional travel to get the seeds if he wasn't already that smart? Spelled dimensions... Nice try tard sauce!

Think about it why did he need the mega seeds so bad. He never said what they where for. It's what keeps him at the tippy top of his game. Having to out smart the counsel of ricks constantly. He's has hyper intelligence, although he used it for a boost. It's how he instantly comes up with an idea the second he drinks. His hyper intelligence gave him the power of the mega seeds for more great work. Like he said in the first episode. Think deeper boy.

Rick and morty is not just a tv show. It built a world for imagination. Just one example. Thinking about the theory of demention s and what they would be like or how to get there.

>what am I missing?

The Skylark of Space aspect.

this show is brilliant. A perfect combination of light entertainment with dark heavy themes. It's kind of dark at times and has somewhat compelling story telling, but the main thing is the joke writing is on point because dan harmon is an insane person and takes a ton of time on his work.

He wanted them for research. He even says it. You're over thinking or trying to hard.. You are fucking stupid.

He comes up with ideas without drinking from the flask. You are one of those hunts for easter eggs or deeper meaning to things when in most cases there aren't any. What a dip shit!

Maybe you are under thinking?

Watch the droul. Almost everyone has coming up with an idea he has green droul.

No, I just know what i'm talking about. Some tard on /B isn't going to change that and your theory is just that. A theory. I bet you tell this crap to people and only the idiots believe you.

Ha I'm drunk typing. Wubbalubbadubdub

The jokes are the same done to death "gags" with facebook depression memes. Pic related is the entire sense of humor from that show.


I love Rick and Morty


It's top tier normie bullshit. It's "dark" lmaoo ok. It tries too hard with pseudointellectual garbage.


Drool is how it's spelled. Also it's spit up so it's an off color. You're a try hard fan that is too dumb to realize it. DROUL! LOL!

Maybe but it does make sense.

Are you really gonna pull that reddit card user?

Just because "you" don't like something does not mean that something doesn't deserve what it is given.

Sure you are... trying to cover up the fact you can't fucking spell.

you could watch his show drunk or high and come out with two totally different experiences. Not many shows like that.

Watch it but don't pay attention to the rest of the audience. They're tumblr-tier and ruining everything. They're the only reason "picke rick" was a thing.

Nope four 740ml Budweiser in.

Don't fucking watch it then - don't feel like you have to chime in with your shitbird opinion because every cunt is flapping their lips about the show at the moment.
I like it, there's great episodes and mediocre like anything else - but if I didn't I wouldn't waste my time discussing WHY, ffs.
Go find something you do enjoy, and watch the fuck out of that instead. Don't get why so many people feel they have to chime in - I hate TWD, so I just don't watch the shit, or discuss it with people who do. Happier life, mang.

This show has more theories around it than there are morty' in the different dimensions. Most make sense but I can say that less than half are actually true. Fun to discuss for a few minutes but then peoples fucking level of stupid goes off the charts. Hence some of the replies in this thread.

I concurr with OP, I think that Western Animation is so starved right now that something that would otherwise be an underground cult show is currently mainstream pop culture because don't have anything better.

The only reason? Yeah, it's not like the main character screamed pickle rick multiple times or anything.

I don't understand the hype either. It's just another shitty American Dad / Family Guy / Futurama tv show for autistic adults who like cartoons.


That what I'm saying why the show is good. It's fun to pick at the theories.

100% agree, the existencial humor is great but the nihilism is boring and got old quick.

So... Because Friends came out when there wasn't a "better" show than Friends out at the time, that's why it lasted more than a season?

Your logic can be placed into any and every show ever conceived. -_-

Why do you think they made the episode? After tiny rick they learned most of their audience are retarded hype bots who would love pickle rick.

Prove man price. Who do you think I am? Escobar

That is true user.

I think you're overthinking this dude. While there are some threads that remain throughout, every episode has some shit in it that is never fully explained and never appears again.

I like it.
I don't think it's particularly deep or intellectual, the suicidal humor is just dark humor, it's just a scifi comedy show with nihilism and dark humor, and I like that.

The reason the show is so good, at least to me, is the internal struggles of the characters. The unity episode for example had some funny jokes and stuff but the reason I enjoyed it so much was seeing the way that rick feels about his self destructive, dominate personality. I don't know man, it's not the best show ever but I really enjoy. Honestly didn't like the "pickle rick" meme, the episode is okay but again it's not because "lol he's a bad ass pickle" it was all about the way that the obviously outlandish part of the story following rick was a metaphor for how bad he is at being happy or even trying to work towards happiness.

False analogy, next.
> -_-
^this gives you away as a newfag, just fy


The show is like life
you work 5 days to enjoy 2
with the show you watch 23 minutes to enjoy...maybe 2 or 3.
>The rest is just the ride, and while most people need immediate gratification, this show takes it's time and inserts comedy where appropriate. Mostly it tells a story.
>But also it speaks in vague generalizations that a mass population can relate to.
>Like family guy or Futurama, the whole concept of the show leaves the possibilities endless to the point of ridiculousness and that makes for a good watching experience because the creators can pretty much do whatever they want and so long as the story moves in some sort of direction the audience doesn't care because they're being entertained. It's smart comedy written with the same amount of care as a children's show.
The intricate details don't matter so you get shit like "flurbos" or "plumbuses" and even though the name sounds like nonsense and seems improvised with absolutely no second guessing it's authenticity, you still laugh at the joke because the small things don't matter so long as you see the bigger picture.
>and yes, I get it
>It's not making me laugh
>but I get it

Maybe it's not so good? But compare the competition. For me it's the best american show since House, though South Park S19 was close if not for the kind of weak ending.

Best episode they've made so far imo.

Ya I could be. But it is a good theory. and that is what the writers say. they wanted to put stuff in the show. That only a few observant people will notice.

I think you're a tard. With crappy beer and crappy ideas about a show you probably don't actually understand. I'm getting bored of this back and forth. Enjoy your budweiser and poor spelling.

Bullshit fan theory/you missed the point of the show entirely.


How's that?

It's okay if you're too dumb to understand it.
(it's not really okay but we can pretend)

You not saying anything but "no no your wrong and your dumb" okay/b/ro

What the shit., I'll give it a try.
Where is this, Netflix or old fashioned tv?

You could say it's Sup Forums for all the same reasons, get off your fucking high horse, I know it makes you feel good to be a part of counter culture but it doesn't make you right.

Its a dumb show about being smart, think of it as the antithesis of the big bang theory and then you'll understand.

We can tell who's paying attention to the wrong shit. It's not a good theory. You just like the idea that you maybe just maybe for once noticed something someone else didn't and you probably felt pretty good about that. So you spent time thinking about it and telling others to try and solidify this idea of yours. Your best and brightest moment was mediocre and more of a dim moment at best,

I bet this makes you feel really smart, good for you.

bojack horseman is better.

This show is for dipshits who need jokes explained

an emote giving someone away is pretty funny. Been using that silly little ascii since 1991. Try again.

analogy stands. You can fish that into any single Show and it works. I'm not saying R&M is amazing. But the idea it's only good because there isn't anything better on is a joke that spans all of TV.

I watch it for the existencial humour, much like another user said. The nihilism got old a decade ago though.

"Live has no meaning lol" meh. It doesn't even get the multiverse theory right.

lmao, love how you watch one lame fan theory about this show and all of a sudden you have a complete understanding of interdimensional travel XD "Go understand dementions you will understand." 10/10 comment bro

I'd stop typing altogether, your stupid is showing user. YOU'RE not saying anything but.. and YOU'RE dumb. Look if you want to be taken seriously you should try and not sound like you're in the second grade.

Nah. Bojack's still plenty good, but just not as funny.

But I'm in firsts grades

"We can only do this 3 or maybe 4 times, tops."


He has green slime in this pic too! Oh what's he drinking? champagne? WOW user! maybe champagne makes him smart too!