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"Father! Why have you forsaken me?"
And Sup Forums doubts he's black
They don't understand how to use a concordance to figure how that every time wool is mentioned, its mentioned along side white.
Isaiah 1:18 for example if anyone is curious.
this guy, pope alexander VI wanted jesus to be white since white people were mostly christian and its easy to kill muslims when they dont look like jesus
If blacks can't even manage their own towns, countries or welfare checks how could they start a major religious movement?
Without whites, black would be extinct by now.
I must have overlooked the verses where it states Jesus had black skin and an Afro.
Clearly this is a more accurate depiction.
Are you fucking retarded or something?
Byzantines already had images of the Jesus we know today by the time of Borgia's era. Borgia was just a try hard who tried to make himself look like Christ as propaganda.
>implying Christianity started as a "major religious movement"
>implying Constantine wasn't a KEKk and God Emperor "666" Nero wasn't the true saviour of Europe
sudo apt get install american_education
command sudo apt get install american_education failed
Rebuilding library...
>just cut and paste isreal over africa
Revelation 1:15
His feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters
underrated post
what are those zombie things in the background?
Daniel 10:5
I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, a man clothed in linen, with a belt of fine gold from Uphaz around his waist. His body was like beryl, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a multitude.
Ezekiel 40:3
When he brought me there, behold, there was a man whose appearance was like bronze, with a linen cord and a measuring reed in his hand. And he was standing in the gateway
Straya killing it as always
Jesus is depicted differently in different parts of the world. It's a mistake to anthropise the Christ in the first place.
I like it how they show a picture of israel but super impose it over a picture of africa
top kek
Bethlehem is in the West Bank
fuck this shit argument. black people are not native to israel REEEEEEEEEEEE
Holy kek
He wasn't white but definitely not black
It makes no difference whatsoever. The new covenant opened God's grace and mercy to all races, that was one of the major points. How do you not get this? Probably a result of your shit IQ.
Pic related are the original jews, for anyone wondering.
From that, you can take a guess at Jesus' real ethnicity.
Rarely come to this board but I stumbled upon a gift that you guys will love
>using the samurai champloo intro as proof of black samurais
have fun
False, the original Jews look like modern Yemenis
we are #woke
your lies don't matter no more, yellow man
>hurr so original
hang on if jesus was black, that means he did not exist, why would a black man ever visit his children .
Nigguh, shiiiiiiiiieeeeeeettttt, dass dope 4 reel do nigga
What is it that drives black people to think arabians and moors are black?
I actually have that issue of nat geo.
If you read the article.
Egypt becomes great empire, envious blacks from the south keep trying to invade for many year until they manage. Blacks rule a collapsing/stagnating egypt for 200 years. It goes to shit. Soon becomes arab/north african again.
Upvoted! Be sure to crosspost this great /r/ImGoingToHellForThis joke to /r/Sup Forums for extra karma!
Since when is bronze black?
It can vary from "light tan" to the darker side of half caste.
let this be a lesson to you yanks