So how does it feel to know that no matter the reason that you dislike this movie, it all boils down to your soft, flacid sexism?
So how does it feel to know that no matter the reason that you dislike this movie, it all boils down to your soft...
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So, i cant dislike a movie just because its shit? There has to be another reason?
These people are fucking stupid man
hmm really makes you think....I am now barking for Hilldog arf arf arf
>you're sexist if you dislike the movie
I think this is actual bigotry by definition, forcing a belief on someone else regardless of content
Its more like fully erect sexism.
Why are women in a blue collar job like ghostbusting anyways? Affirmative action?
They should've shown more tits and they know it.
This modern humor of saying unfunny things really sarcastically is a huge no no for me.
Instant dislike. The "jokes" aren't funny. The characters aren't likeable from what we have seen.
An advert is meant to sell a product. The advert informs me I would not enjoy it.
Bad advert or bad product? The humour might be for some but not for me.
For the record, Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill do the same type of "spoken word comedy", it's not a sex thing.
Yeah why did they pick the ugliest ape they could find, a fat chick, and two basic ass women?
I dislike it specifically because it's a female cast, and I disagree that that's sexist.
No asian woman or towelheads? Do they think niggers are the only minority?
This is racist as fuck!
Grease was a culturally massive movie.
Grease 2 was a gender-swapped piece of shit that nobody liked and had barely a fraction of the original's success.
Maybe I wont like it because no one, male or female, can replace Bill Murray. Oh, and the Ambulance they used for their vehicle is now a hearse in the 'update'. The director couldn't even get such a simple fucking part right.
I hate the Warcraft trailer and I don't plan on seeing it. Am I orcist?
Are they going to re-do Charlie's Angels with a bunch of trannies and faggots next?
There was a Grease 2?
They made a Grease 2?
It's called "Trudeaus cabinet"
What a racist and xenophobic thing to say.
Don't want to watch your shitty women led Ghostbusters film
> plays the woman card
Oh please.
Huh. I've literally never heard of it until now.
You would have missed its release considering its competition at the box office with ET, Rocky, Poltergeist, and Star Trek 2 Wrath of Khan. But it's Michelle Piffiffeefer being an edgy greaser empowered streetsmart womyn wooing a faggy Aussie fuccboi in a sweatervest.
Because today's marketing managers don't know how to create ads, they just know how to push agendas. Like that University of Phoenix commercial that says you'd hire some single mom "only if you had a brain." It's a terrible ad that only aims to make consumers feel guilty, literally the worst type of advertising.
>Devin "Gamergaters are worse than ISIS" Faraci
I should have checked the author first
are you ready for the "what the Ghostbusters flop says about American men" articles?
can't wait.
>boo hoo muh sexism
Im already lubing up for it
I really don't care. Neither should anyone desu.
Good point.
I wanna strangle Paul Feig.
The dude helped make some great television but he has no business trying to make blockbuster movies, especially if he can't defend his work or at least improve and has to continually hide behind his casting choices for any flak he does get.
>Author of that article bums Snarkalien and Zoe Queef
I gave the first trailer a pass thinking maybe it was just a very bad edit and there probably was a good deal of fun shit they didn't show.
The second one (aside from committing the sin of revealing the whole plot) sank my theory like the fucking Lusitania.
I feel like I am watching a SyFy Original Movie written by Seth MacFarlane.
It literally says in the article that you don't have to be sexist to dislike the movie; it just helps.
I began to hate when the blonde one licked the gun.
And is anyone else sick of fat/big chick gets avoided at crowd surfing gag.
Its older than the original film.
If being sexist helps me dislike a shitty movie then I guess sexism must be useful.
Allow me to laugh even harder at such retardation.
>Dane Cook tries to white knight
>Gets BTFO
You cant expect me to read bait articles user
>By Devin Faraci
Name the jew.
When I finally snap and start killing these people in their own homes will any Sup Forumsacks do the same? I don't want to get raped by niggers in prison like Dyllan Roof for absolutely nothing. Kind of like he is...
Checked and savage. Kek.
what a queer, how does he still have 3 million followers
It's only MEDIA JOURNALISTS who like this movie.
It's also only MEDIA JOURNALISTS who like Hillary.
Celebrities pay for followers, so it looks like they're being followed by lots of people.
Maybe 750K organic?
>Devin "Gamergate is worse than ISIS" Faraci
Dylan Roof is an absolute cunt, you never kill church goers. That's the shittest of the shit, fuck him.
>every nigger is a gud boy dat go to church
>dey dindu nuffin
Jesus Christ, poor James
He does not deserve this.
Cause you know nothing with a female lead has ever been popular with geeks ever... it can't be that this is just another shitty hollywood remake and it shits on it's audience.
Well at least they can do a sequel where all these cucks can bust their own careers.
No, because mass shooters like Roof are cowardly lowlifes who are every bit as degenerate as those they kill.
If you really believed violence was an effective solution, you'd go after the people running the country (into the ground) rather than some random nobodies in some random church in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
Murder is a shitty thing to do, but if you're gonna do it, at least target the right people. Whatever you do in life, you should put in the effort to do it right, even if it's something wrong.
No other bad movie has gotten this much hate. Don't be dense
Maybe if didn't use every opportunity to be condescending and shitty to it's audience maybe it wouldn't be, also this is less a movie and more a propaganda film.
I'm sure that that backlash from this remake/reboot/sequel looking like shit is worsened by its association with the neo-feminism currently intruding in every facet of people's lives but it's difficult to say how much difference this really made. Even so, it's a legitimate reason to be put off.
I bet if they made this in the late 90s, there would have been a less negative response, (even with all the original cast still alive) simply because it would be within a different social context.
It would still have been derided a bit as shoehorned feminism but I don't think people would care as much. These days, public vitriol against masculinity is reaching a boiling point.
I fucking love Broad City. Two stoner female girls doing crazy shit, and plenty of rips off of feminism and hipsters and SJWs? Fucking hilarious and based.
The new Ghostbusters is shit.
Fucking nice one dad
First the cuck rumors, now this? James just doesn't get a break.
>Soft Sexism