So I applied for a position as a travel videographer, I made it past the first round, and part of the second round is this "personality" thing they gave me.
Read it over, and pay attention to the last line in specific. What do you think?
So I applied for a position as a travel videographer, I made it past the first round, and part of the second round is this "personality" thing they gave me.
Read it over, and pay attention to the last line in specific. What do you think?
Well, it's legal.
It's actually not. It's a violation of the first amendment, to refuse work based on beliefs
You aren't going to enjoy spending time with these people
it isn't
Wow never mind, only state employees are guaranteed first amendment rights, not anyone else
Sounds like a dope job. Just tell them everything they want to hear. You can lie of you've never been to a music festival. Just say you saw Phish and did drugs.
Bollocks. Otherwise people wouldn't hire muslims.
Yeah, I'm aware. But I just wonder if it would be worth it to suck it up for a couple months to be able to do this. I just can't even believe that they would put this in a job application process.
fake it til you make it
Just say no to the last question. You don't follow politics anyways :^).
There is a clear answer here faggots. Tell them you hate trump and love bernie, then over the course of working with them, talk about issues and facts and slowly change your mind.
"man I thought I was going to vote for Hil-Dog, but when I heard about trumps policy towards X I had to reconsider."
unfortunately yes they can discriminate based upon political beliefs.
>What do you think?
It obviously run by liberals, fill it out like your a typical lefty, e.g where it asks you who you would want to have dinner with write MLK, or, Rosa Parks.
>Well, it's legal.
Good thing it's also legal to lie on these applications.
say no, and ask half salary of their ceo
You need to do way fewever points than 18 to notice they are retards.
Or is this kind of bullshit bingo normal for meme jobs like travel videographer?
>Are you voting for hillary? (If yes fuck off we all here are #bernmissiles #gibsmedat #feelthelackofsuperdelegates) hah
What if it's a fucking test? When you answer yes, they'll see you have guts, you are not affraid to make a stand and you follow your emperor no matter what - like everybody else in the team. Profit.
If im wrong you will evade a shit job with cucks.
Win win situation.
Yeah, I'll probably write I do support Trump, and come up with some create way to frame it, like not following the societal norms. Maybe tell them that it's closed-minded to count somebody out because of their beliefs
The question is phrased ambiguously.
It could mean that the application process is over because they don't want to hire you.
Or the application process is over because they want to hire you on the spot.
Just roll the dice and say "yes."
> Hate Trump
> Music festival
> Hostel
Dude, they are leftist who don't even look like they have money.
Once accepted they'll probably bullshit their selected candidate into being "paid with experience".
Which the lucky sucker will probably accept since only daddy's money cunts have their desired profile.
LOL, pretty sure if these people are going to EDM concerts, experimented with drugs, and stay in hostels, it's safe to say that they aren't going to hire a Trump supporter right off the bat
Here's what you're going to answer for every question, OP.
Food: Trump Steaks
Sport: Baseball
Musician: Rolling Stones, Elton John, Twisted Sister, Puccini
2) Trump Tower
3) No, I don't go to any of that hippie shit.
4) Trump
5) Helping to make America great again.
6) Hillary in office
7) Yes of course. It's very high energy.
8) Yes.
9) NO DRUGS. How are you not getting this?
10) Building walls.
etc. etc.
Then why do you want a job where you have to deal with insufferable faggots like that? You can do better.
Pull a Penn and trash THEM.
>trying to argue with a cult using logic
Why do you bother?
These are people that argue that niggers can't be racist against whites, even when the post on Kikebook how they love to rape and kill white people. It's just a "temporary suspension of white privilege."
These are the people that you can show them the definition of the word "bigotry" and they'll argue that they can't be bigoted against bigots because they're "on the right side of history and you're a rayciss."
The only way you can fix these people is with a gun. Unless you're willing to walk into that interview with a Glock and put some of these mentally ill faggots down for good you're wasting your time trying to justify yourself. They won't care.
You either lie and take their Jewgold for yourself while looking for better employment, kill them, or move on.
LOL, will do this. If they respond I'll post a thread when they do
Because I like traveling, and I'm a videographer. This job sounds great, but the people sound like ass holes
Contact Foxnews with that shit, OP. Call Hannity.
This is the reason ballots are secret, you fucktard.
>write "no"
>vote Trump anyway
>good luck ever finding out which wasy you voted
Liberals will let you cum in their mouth if you placate them with this kind of sappy horse-shit.
I would write that each persons vote is confidential and they're very narrow minded if they only hire based on political bias - this is very troubling, it's the same type of mentality racists have and I don't want to work in an environment where mean patriarchists bully and oppress a homosexual/depression/(whatever, make something up) like me.
a. Bacon
b. Whiskey
c. Football
d. Wolfe Tones
2. Ireland
a. No
b. No
c. N
d. No
e. No
4. Michael Collins
5. Freeing Ireland
6. I fear nothing
7. a. Yee
b. Yee
c. Yee
d. Yee
e. Yee
8. Guess senpai
9. No, that's degenerate
10. Getting the Brits out
11. Getting the Brits out, Unifying Ireland, Establishing a Socialist Republic
12. Nothing, I have no weakness
13. Relationship with the Republic
a. dunno senpai
14. To Ireland
15. Brighton Hostel
16. Pipe bombs
17. Nothing
18. I'm voting Sinn Fein