B..if I slit my wrists, is there a specific spot to cut down or does it not matter as long as I slice "down the street"

B..if I slit my wrists, is there a specific spot to cut down or does it not matter as long as I slice "down the street"

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Just do it in your house like a normal faggot

Please, this is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You are here for a reason. Stay safe op.

Please don't

I sliced from the inside of my elbow pal the way to the wrist on both arms. Hitting 1 artery and nicking the other one. I was dead and they brought me back when it happens your arms fly open like bat wings and if its to the bone like mine was it'll be all sickish yellowy and it burns. I wish I had pics of my arms to show you.
I had over 130 staples and a Shit ton of sutures. I should have died it began to snow on me as I faded out.

And yes its like the movies when the darkness closes in like youre falling into your own eyes into the back of your hear head.

I remember grinning hard at the end thinking yes its finally over its finally over. At least I tried.

In the end I lived. But im going back row rehab next week so idk I just know i wantto live now even though more fucked up Shit happebedto me after that and the recovery.

Life's a struggle. Struggle confidently.

why do you wanna kill yourself?

>wish I had pics of my arms

Typing with your nose again?

Fake and gay.

I'm fairly skinny, I feel like I can hit arteries fairly easily

post pics of now

Want to see?

Slash the artery, takes not very long plus there's a nice show of red with white clouds.
It's very difficult to hit the artery though so I suggest that you buy a gun and whilst you're on it you could fulfill your bucket list.

Unless you got proof Nah. Because my dad has scars all the way down his legs from having surgery to fix some muscle disorder.. So who's to say your shitty scars aren't from the same reason.

Right arm.

I only show you these ugly arms of mine and lost arteries to show you its not worth it. Don't do it.

A gun is fairly accessable, but I'm just worried about the mess..

Left arm.
This one was first. I used a box cutter. Again don't do it. Its not worth it. I sliced the right once before I lost grip control

Das Legit.

how long ago was this, and how old are you now?
did you attempt again? are you doing better now?

Just know its not worth it. OP needs to call the hotline or listen to some great music.

Go to the forest then. You'll be dead anyway, plus there's people whose job it is to mop up gore.

those things are not the answer always, you of all should know it. You got out on the other side and still you're here, at midnight, alone, thinking what the fuck am I doing here

Tbh its like being struck by lighting.

The chemical in your brain just waiting to be triggered by the perfect storm of precieved Shit luck and maybe a cocktail of drugs push you over the edge.

I guess I called my gf at the time she said i didn't make sense and was talking about random Shit franticly and yelling before she could hear me cutting.

Almost got Chris cornelled.

I blame zoloft. Plus I was always depressed as a kid growing up. Just a little push and wham. Lightning hits.

Best thing you can do is call some one before you get too drunk or high or chemically unbalanced to remember to call a professional. You can prevent it.

I have no desires these days to hurt myself.


Gonna delete the arm pics from the thread now. But yeah don't do it. Call the hotline.

Artery in the wrist, I already told you.
You'll know you've hit it when you feel a sharp pain and blood starts gushing out. If it looks like seaweed you hit a vein instead of an artery.

The hotline won't help OP, it's meant to prevent suicides.
Fucking newfag.

please dont do this...


Here is a good song OP. Dance to it. This is the arm guy btw.

Also my ex gf who i broke up with today told me she's gonna smoke and drink our baby out until she gets an abortion. It would have been my first born. So yeah if im not on the edge of killing myself you shouldn't b either.

Also all my friends are dead. Mostly suicide or killed by cops.

Why are you being a moralfag? OP came here for assistance instead of being talked out. Maybe OP is in some serious life ruining inbound permashitstorm that will cause him to be a menace and/or detriment to society you don't know his issue.

you keep saying don't do it, but unlike others you aren't saying it gets better. You just said it's not worth it.

Is living worth it? I'm a quadriplegic potato who cannot even move his fingers. I'm a physical burden on my family, who takes care of me. I do have a job but there's nothing I want to do with that money except maybe get drunk every now and then.

Is living worth it?

>You are here for a reason.
On what grounds?

thought I'll clarify, I'm not the OP


Just shut up and listen to this.

i asked why he wanted to kill himself and he didn't respond (not the guy you replied to btw)

OP seems pretty goal oriented tbh

I did listen to it. nothing changed, also think the song was stupid. now what

A beer. A burger and a cig. Create your own casino at home and just wallow for a minute and you'll unwind.

Did you call?


All my friends are dead! Push me to the edge!

Why do you think old fucks is so salty? Survivors guilt. Maybe you got it early on in life for some reason. But that's all it is. A trick of the brain.

OP died. Or is currently talking to the hotline hopefully.

If youre not meant to go you wont be taken no matter what. I slipped and peeked on the other side and it is peaceful but now that im back in the game i want to take the world on or die trying I justhate thatim scared for life

And any girl I date from now on will look at me like a freak when I finally show them my scars.

Why do you care so much?

Tbh I don't I just usually wear long sleeves now or arm warmers for golfers when I wear my shirt sleeves. My arms give people the willies and then they idk probably will treat me oddly. I wouldn't know I just now broke up with my ex an hour ago.

on the ground of someone needs to fuck your mama

See OP? Now you gotta live long enough to see yo momma don't get fugged

cut vertically down your arm, live stream it faggot


More blue whale bullshittery

Fucking idiot, you'll die slowly and painfully and literally suffocate in the end.

I thought you just pass out although Wikipedia did mention organ failure.