Hofer vs. Van der Cuck in 10min
Lets get comfy and watch Van der Bellen saying “Hofer is a Nazi, the FPÖ is bad, if you vote Hofer, everyone will die!” over and over again.
Hofer vs. Van der Cuck in 10min
Lets get comfy and watch Van der Bellen saying “Hofer is a Nazi, the FPÖ is bad, if you vote Hofer, everyone will die!” over and over again.
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Fellow Austrians, i summon you!
I have arrived.
Was just about to make a thread
what the fuck. Why does the Austrian eagle have a hammer and sickle?
Can a German speaker translate some of what's going on in the thread?
best of luck to you sógor
Gotta get Südtirol back. One way or the other.
why is the austrian eagle a communist
Can do my eternal anglo friend, but usually these threads stay in english.
I would gladly give it back. It's a money sink
true story. not like they bought 500 million more in taxes each year than they get back.
>buy taxes
I guess we will talk english in this thread.
But nothing interesting will happen — they will just talk about the same shit they always talk about.
Hofer: “EU is bad”
VdB: “Hofer is a Nazi”
Yeah, I just want to see what Hofer and the cuck are talking about. Good luck on the 22nd of May, my Austrian friend.
Good, let's get things rolling.
Hoping for an Austrian master to give me a (you)
if they talk about something unexpected, we will translate it.
But i will not translate the usual “you will destroy the country!” stuff.
Italian secret service gonna kill its own policemen again and say it was dem evil people from tyrol. And spaghettis gonna wave with their hands and not stop talking for years. Gonna be exhausting.
Could the french plane finally be the turning point for nationalists in europe, or we see the cuckfest prolong its self?
Voted today for Hofer with Briefwahl.
I did my part, don't be lazy guys. Go and vote for our new god emperor.
That's fine. I just want the juicy bits.
>Van der Bellen
why hasn't he given up yet? doesn't he have lung problems or something yet? fucking hell, man.
Come back into the Reich, Südsteiermark.
Let's just send all of our Ausländer south, they'll either give it back or it'll become so bad that we won't want it anymore :^)
Here's a (You), Neighbour.
Haha, no.
Hey otzis what happened to Strache the zahntechniker?
Did I talk with you about moving to Slovenia in an Austria Thread weeks ago?
he will become next Reichskanzler soon. Then he will go full pesticide.
He's still around. Will most likely become our chancellor next year. Why?
I would not be surprised if Van der Cuck gets a stroke and dies live in TV.
The old senile chainsmoker will die soon.
He is still the head of the FPÖ, it's abou the president election not about chancellors or parties really, Dönermann.
Also kick that faggot Erdogan out of office.
Reich or Austro-Hungarian empire? My great grandfather was what we call a "Domobranec" or Home defender if you know what that is
Yeah you have. I am on here a lot.
Heimwehr? From the party of Dollfuß.
>Reich or Austro-Hungarian empire?
Semantics. We'll have to blanda up to make leaving the EUSSR feasible.
I hate watching these because they try their hardest to go against Hofer but stroke VdB cock all the fucking time.
Yes Home Guard! But it was a thing in my country even during ww2 and in 1944 i think a Home Guard swore an oath to fight under SS and Hitler
Home Guard here were nazi collaborators and my great grandfather was killed for it. Commies ambushed him and his friends, he was wounded but faked death. He then apparently executed several people and was caught after the war was over.
They sent him to some camp and he was executed without a trial
Haha this thurnher bitch is so fucking stupid... tryharding to construct contradictions.
>Commies ambushed him and his friends, he was wounded but faked death. He then apparently executed several people
Pretty badass.
What do you think austria bros
Hofer win or vdb win?
Hofer is talking slower then usual, i guess he tries to be more sympathic for older people.
Thurnher likes Van der Bellen, everyone knows that.
Just googled our Home Guard. It worked between 1943 and 1945 and was supplied by German forces.
Danke Brudi
Its not impossible, but it is very unlikely that Van der Bellen will win.
V5 when?
Danubian Confederation when?
Intermarum when?
Just arrived.
Beer is cracked open.
Damn gramps VdB is talking slow as fuck.
Will be a close call because of all the shilling that went on the past few weeks. Luckily people just fucking hate the green party and noticed Van der Bellen is a liar for pretty much everything and they wouldn't vote for him in a million years.
I have just asked just for curiosity. He was an interesting figure had an issue with Turkish Consulate in Vienna as far as I could remember back in the day.
But him becoming Kanzler I think that's delusional.
Also, I should probably repost this from the earlier thread:
Get this out there.
The price to pay was high. My great grandmother had to marry some cuck because their farm was taken away from commies and she was homeless with two children.
Turnher just asks harmless question to Van der Bellen.
And this is the 4rd time that Van der Bellen is directly attacking Hofer. “You are bed, you want to do stuff no president did before”
Would gladley join
reporting in
Awesome image, Hungary
I would like to throw out our stupid cucks ans start Austria-Hungary again.
"Das ist eine unwarheit"
Hofer's face didn't look serious/angry enough.
I also think that Hofer will win. It will be an interesting change for the country. We truly live in exciting times.
The problem with Strache is that he constantly makes a fool out of himself, especially on social media. Cringy rap videos, falling over and over again for satire articles from the same site and other statements that are just laughable. I often wish the FPÖ would dismiss him but it's highly unlikely that they will.
I like that he is honest and not shady though.
Hofer is attacking the media, yay :D
He says that the media is alwasy talking about “beer tent rhetoric” when they talk about him — but never use any negative words when they talk about other parties.
Cucks should be refugees in the Islamic world so they see compassion of their arabic brothers and sisters.
Still observing. Excitement starts when they ban mosloids from pursuing their degenerate death cult and the deportations begin.
>"Far-Right" candidate leading polls for election
The next harmless question for Van der Bellen!
Turnher is such a Van der Bellen shill -.-
The woman mod is a massive leftist cuck.
Now they're attacking Hofer's social media presence.
This burnt out slut is annoying.
What are they saying?
Yes, most of the EU will follow far right, Then shit is going to happen.
basically just this
The whore is throwing real easy basic questions at the green cuck, and its too difficult to live translate the conversation Hofer and the moderator are having.
He is constantly forced to defend himself in longwinded constructions.
WHY isn't she asking interesting questions to Van der Bellen? She is just asking shit and VdB is just talking about “Hofer is bad”
It's the ORF what do you expect, Van der Bellen probably finances their shit.
what do you expect? Its ORF - they are trying to maintain their outdated allegiance and status quo.
Hofer will hopefully bring a breath of fresh air.
Do they think that our people are THAT stupid?
It's obvious for everyone that the whore tries to help Van der Bellen.
He probably already knows the questions.
Van der Bellen did not understand the question…
The old guy can't remember more then 3 words.
Hofer is answering like a pro.
anyone on twitter? @ronaldopaulus
Hofer just let some energy slip, I can tell this cunt is angering him.
Do you think he might just open up full broadside and start sinking these cucks?
Hofer thinks Austria is special because it's comfy
Yall seeing this shit?
VdB is saying right now that he wants women to be raped in Vienna.
Left mod: Do you agree?
VdB: (Didn't pick up on the hint) *spouts bs*
Haha, Turnher:
“Say 3 words to describe our country and our goals”
“What was the question?”
Hofer answers like a pro and is talking presidentially
“But thats not a vision for the future”
“But you did not ask for a vision”
“Of course i did”
They are talking about that....
Now she asks Van der Bellen if he agrees.
VdB is talking slowly about shit
Does he literally get called a Nazi, or is it implied?
Damn Hofer is holding back hard.
I want him to force a hard redpill on live TV about nigger crime.
Turnher even helped him and asked him again, but the old man didn't get the point!
Wow..... if that senile old guy wins, i will kill myself.
They call him right wing and right wing is automatically Nazi for them. Beats me how they come to that conclusion.
The Austrians are not ready yet. There is only so much red pills you can swallow in 40 mins.
Its over in 10 minutes?
You sure it isn't going until 2150?
1. go to diepresse.com
2. copy to google translate
3. profit
...or not: this is what you get
Ob Hofer ein "Häferl" sei, dem es öfter passiere, dass er entgleise? "Ich bin kein Häferl", betont er. "Entscheidungen, die ein Politiker trifft, betreffen die Menschen. Jede Entscheidung ist extrem wichtig. Daher müssen auch die Politiker ein Feuer in sich tragen."
Whether Hofer a "Mugs" is, the more often it passing that he entgleise? "I'm not a Mugs" he stresses. "Decisions made by a politician that affect people. Every decision is extremely important. Therefore, politicians must carry a fire in him."
Austria was de facto socialist until 2000.
>Hofer: Our most precious value is our law
>Turnher: That's some trivial shit. What about you?
>VdB: Our most precious value is our law
>Turnher: Next Question.
Aaaalrighty then.
youknowhat I mean
The moderator whore just threw out a convoluted question about "what being Austrian is".
Now comes Van der Cuck with "but rapefugees are Austrians tooo they're just undocumented!!"
>in Österreich
Usual they talk like that:
right wing, extreme right, “talking like politicians in 1930”, “wants to do things no politician did in the last 70 years”
Obvious implications.
Yeah. Can't make this up.