Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

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Nah, we're "alt-right" now and we love laissez-faire capitalism and/or we are lolbertarians.

We need the stormfags to "reset" us again.

actually i believe the stormfags think capitalism is a jewish lie or scare tactic they use in order to herd people into communism.

jews absolutely invented communism:


whereas free-market capitalism has a very storied history, from netherlands to austria (germany) to spain and now the united states, spotted only occasionally with a jewish scholar (who is usually derided by other jews).

Jews made communism.

>jews invented capitalism

who installed this retardation in your head?

>evil rich jew bankers must be stopped!!
>the 1% did nothing wrong you filthy hippy

Capitalism is human nature you fuckhead.

Da Joos made communism to control the masses to make it easier for them to sit on top.

Clever, and it worked.

>implying communism has ever existed

TRUE communism has never been instilled. There is a final level of communism which no country has ever achieved. It is likely unattainable. Sorry but the jews are gonna be at the top either way, doesn't matter if they're the Bolsheviks or the Rothschilds. Unless we kill them of course.

There's a difference between the two. By Jewish bankers it's usually meant as central banks while people who use 1% mean it as the rich CEOs. One produces, the other leeches and destroys. So the two statements aren't mutually exclusive.

Both systems were created by Jews. Why do you think they could have only created one? Both are disproportionately beneficial to Jews.

>“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.

>This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”


North Italians created capitalism

then it spread to the low countries and England.

Goldman sachs has rich Jewish CEO and they aren't a central bank, and the only thing they do is sell speculative bundles and make money with fees

Invented by Jewish moneylenders in North Italy and Southern Germanic states during the middle ages.

Jews didn't make capitalism, they discovered capitalism is the best possible system and then created communism to sit atop the pile of potential competitors in a way that seems "legal".

Sup Forums btfo

Why not both?

>inb4 Hitler was centrist

That is basic shit
Sup Forums is dying along with the sjw

Goldman Sachs gets trillions from the FED so they can rape the economy

lrn to banking

"too big to fail"

Seems to be one of the jew's lesser evils.

>North Italians
It was invented in Jewish ghettos in North Italy, yeah. But somehow you think it's Italians even though the Pope explicitly banned interest loans.

>we must secure the future of Germany
>by replacing the populations with niggers and arabs

Jews make up nearly half of the 1%.

Shill and SJW detected.

most of the 1% are completely on board with what is going on

From what I've read, his economic policies took pieces from both. The early party members that took the "socialism" part of National Socialism were booted out (or knocked off). They had too much common ground with the communists they had to defeat to rise to power.

So, really you have to ask if Hitler was the voice of the party or not...obviously ultimately he WAS the party.

ur country has a beautiful flag

>Jewish ghettos in North Italy

kek no

It was created under the (more) benevolent Italian rulers of the city states. Jews were scamming usury throughout the entirety of medieval Europe where there was no capitalism

lrn 2 history

Capitalism is a term made up by Karl Marx


Capitalism is not something SJWs shill for.

Why do you think I said "lesser evil"?

Capitalism created an immeasurable amount of wealth even if its current implementation (and presumably the historic implementation) was a jewish money grabbing scheme.

Everybody has such problems with the Jews. 卐卐
But honestly, I see the Muslims as a far greater threat. Also the Jews have similar views to a lot of conservatives.

Capitalism and bolshevism are two sides of the same internation jewish coin

Where'd they get the money to start the banks from? Where'd they get the idea to charge "reasonable" interest from?

Lol, you know Jews made capitalism but somehow you're backpedaling super hard. Where do you think the Rothschilds etc. came from? They made their money by investing wisely and charging interest on their banking.

Yeah, and I guess if someone likes interracial breeding then the jews aren't pushing that, rite?

>there`s only two choices
>Communism on the Left and Capitalism on the Right
>go ahead and pick a side goyim

>Lesser evil
>but the goods outweight the bads
Yeah, okay. You're definitely not defending the Jews at all. Fuck of yurojew.

Jews made capitalism

>Jews want you to smoke marijuana
>Jews control the government
>Marijuana is illegal

Pick 2 Sup Forums.

are you fucking retarded?

the Dutch invented capitalism, the Jews corrupted it

>jews make weed look cool
>weed is illegal
>get plenty of prisoner slaves

its really this easy you fucking redditor

>flinging more adhoms

Whats our other option?

Pseudo socialism under the feudal system where all wealth created is immediately attributed to the local nobility and the only method of wealth acquisition which isn't inherited is going to war?

Just stop.

>implying it can't be both

Early 1900s, the American financial firms including Lee, Higginson & Co. and Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., supplied oil drilling technology and expertise to the nascent Soviet Union. Given (even to this day) Russia's dependence on oil for state revenue, this move helped the USSR survive and thrive into WWII.

Meanwhile, the Union Banking Corporation (owned by Fritz Thyssen, a leading German industrialist and early Nazi supporter) moved money from Wall Street to the Nazis.

Motherfucker, do you not understand how the Hegelian dialectic works?

Introduce the synthesis. Then introduce the antithesis. The tension is eventually resolved by means of a synthesis.

The left-right spectrum is information control imposed on the populace to keep them blind from the real ideological conflict: the gradual stripping of individual of liberty by fostering constant and relentlessness evolution in the evolution and size of the state. And he who controls the state then controls society.

Of course, this begs the question: who controls the state?

Once they realized that religion was becoming less effective to divide and control the population they created ideologies such as Communism vs capitalism to do the same.

>took the "socialism" part of National Socialism *too seriously*

better one, imo

>some jews popularize the term capitalism
>therefore they invented capitalism
terrible bait

Feudalism is the only European system free of Jews. We need an emperor or a king.

False choice fallacy. Bluepill detected. Both were created by Jews and they are not diametrically opposed but are in fact two sides of the same coin.

Read "Economics for Helen" by Hillaire Belloc, he wrote it so that even his niece Helen could grasp it. After that you can graduate to "The Servile State." Or you can troll Sup Forums in ignorance and never learn shit.

>too stupid to believe that Aryans cannot commandeer and perfect capitalism

Well Hitler would've left you behind.

>Where'd they get the money to start the banks from?
>where did the government get money

the government coins money and creates credit you jackass. But that's not really relevant to "capitalism." I'm starting to think you don't even know what "capitalism" means in context. All "capitalism" meant back then was the relaxing of restrictive Feudal practices like high aristocratic taxation, restrictive guilds and serfdom. It has nothing to do with "inventing money" which apparently you think jews did (they didn't). In fact jews were "against" relaxing feudalism and were generally regressive until the 18th century long after "capitalism" was becoming popular.

>Where'd they get the idea to charge "reasonable" interest from?

interest goes all the way back to Mesopotamia, retard again nothing to do with jews.

>Where do you think the Rothschilds etc. came from?

They came from the jews leaving the ghettos and creating their own financial firms during the enlightenment (which the jews were actually far behind the goyim on)


>They made their money by investing wisely and charging interest on their banking.

Originally they made their money as court jews and usurers and supported the feudal monarchy, the exact opposite of capitalism.



I don't like "free market" neoliberal capitalism that the jews push at all so no.


Jews didn't make Capitalism retard, they just hijacked it.

Oh look another thread where OP makes one lazy shitpost then never posts in the thread again. Every time.

>thinking Jews actually believe in the shit they push


The whole point of communism is for Jews to get bigger numbers on their side in their plan to seize a state's bureaucracy. The leaders never actually care about equality and class shit.

The problem is your choice of words. Its not overthrow, its supplant.

Bank control is an element of communism. It's literally a fucking core tennet of communism.

They want direct control over the world's money.

I don't know who invented capitalism but they did invented communism.

>darkening your skin to show how white you are

>he doesn't like free markets
the free market is at the heart of capitalism you fucking cuck

Muslims are just Jew puppets. But I somewhat agree..

Jews didn't make capitalism.

Nobody "invented" capitalism, it's just the natural order of things when left alone.

Saying the Jews invented capitalism is like saying that Newton invented gravity.


"free markets" is a misnomer unless you're a retarded ancap

there will always be some government regulation in a market if there is a government.

I do believe in economic freedom in general, but the government needs to have "some" regulation and management of the economy for the good of the country.

I just don't believe in state ownership of the means of production (communism) or complete abolition of the state (ancap)

jews have always played both sides. its one of the central points of antisemitism
its not that kikes created them its that they worm their way and bind themselves to the top. they are also worming their way and binding themselves to the top of the new movements like milo and shapiro

>It is a rootless international clique that does not want the people to have peace.
>Only through constant strife and division of people can the jews get to work in peace.


There you go OP, literally the national socialists explain it for you.

>Greece 3 spots over repressed

Kike lovers btfo

jews want to be in power in communism over other people, not to be part of the lower classes

>communism still doenst use a central bank
good goy

It depends on the type of capitalism.
Communism a shit though.

Jews made communism and Jews made "capitalism", or rather corporatism/cronyism.

Free market economics is a western civilization invention and a Christian tradition.

I thought the Greeks pioneered capitalism

There both just two mechanisms with the same endgame. Jews profit off of both situations. National Socialism is the only economic structure that can defy both.

They made both. Its like Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars. They manufacture conflict only they benefit from.

Too afraid to quote Hitler? Pussy


Not at all, that's just a nice quote.

They made both. Jews are the true master race though, and we're clearly just angry at them for proving this every day by controlling us.

Capitalism = Bankers, Wall Street, the Stock market, Central banking, Hedge funds etc etc.

The theory is not the same thing as the group

The jew is a shiftless parasite that thrives on destruction, it's preferred tool of destruction varies depending on ones upbringing.

When a bee stings you, you don't call the bee a fascist or anarchist. It's just a bee doing what bees do. So too is it with the jew when he wrecks your nation. It's simply acting out its biological and social upbringing.

Jews made both as a means to create conflict in the world, just one of many methods. They created communism because it would eliminate individuality and breed an uninspired people. They created capitalism so that it would create class conflict and so they could push consumerism to destroy our divinity. They created the two together so that they ideologies could compete against one another, both containing only part of the truth.

But the Jews alone did not come up with this plan on their own. I truly believe that they are God's (or the gods') chosen people, and that they enforce His word on Earth in His absence. I believe our religion is another method of control, and the different races, and our varying beliefs, and the arts that are pushed on us including on the degeneracy. All of the conflict that exists is here because it was created, and I honestly believe all this conflict was created to keep us down, because we already have gods, and we don't need anymore. We don't need any more upper management, we need people to mine the coal, cut stone in the quarries, till the fields, and to be the extras while the heroes and other big players give us something to believe in and help pass the time on this rock that's floating around in space.

Jews made "ism's"

This. One little blurb I like to BTFO liberals with is this (coined by me as far as I know):
>Capitalism was not invented because Capitalism has always existed. Even without any sentient life to populate a given universe; Capitalism will simple automatically come back as soon as it is populated again. Socialism does not do this.

>You know that suuuuper weird and fundamentally different Alien race you sometimes think about? Guess what they practice? Fucking Capitalism.

oy vey

The word you are looking for is Mercantilism


>the world must be run by one jew

>Ireland at number 9
The word must really be going to shit

That's like saying "Did Donnie open up an Italian restaurant in 49th Street, or an Italian restaurant on 3rd Street? Which is it, huh?" Maybe he opened up two restaurants with the same menu and plays a very similar role as the boss of each one.

Jews did not make capitalism. Capitalism is the natural order of things.

jew runs both, the only goal is to preserve israel and the security of jews no matters if it's communism or capitalism, or whatever

Jews suck. Choose any reason why and you're right.

What do you consider capitalism?
Early communities often took care of their own. We're talking about small communities of course, but this could be called proto-socialism according to your logic.
It's dumb to make such statements. Capitalism as we know it today originated in 15th/16th century.

Capitalism isn't an ideology, it's can't be created.

>preserve Israel
>USSR sent shitload of equipment and provided support to Arabs so they could destroy Israel

capitalism is just state sponsored usury you fucks

Capitalism was created by God right after he created light.

Yes it is. And it was pushed and is being pushed on other societies. In past by UK, today by USA.
You're literally a blind idiot if you can't see that.

people are stuck in cold war ussr/usa communist/capitalist dichotomoy

if you arent a dirty godless communist you are a capitalist

Prove it's an ideology.