Why do Muslims dislike dogs?
They are brave and loyal beings.
And they are cute. :3
Why do Muslims dislike dogs?
Mohammad hated them and ordered them only to be kept if they had a use not as pets.
Moslems hate everything that is more intelligent than them
Because Muslims are soulless monsters, like the Chinese.
>brave, loyal, cute
Dogs are the diametric opposite of Muslims, then. No wonder they dislike them.
They're not even allowed to play chess.
They just love to ban stuff I guess.
Because dogs don't fall for their deception and lies.
>They're not even allowed to play chess.
What? Why?
Mohammad sucked at it and banned it.
Muslim reporting in, its not hate, you're just not allowed to keep them as pets because they poop anywhere and their saliva is considered dirty. A prostitute was granted paradise for giving water to a thirsty dog.
Train them then you lazy shits
Because they have an average IQ of 80
>poop anywhere
>dirty saliva
Sounds like a poo in loo
is that a kuvasz? :3
They believe keeping a dog in the house means no angels protect them or something along those lines
Playing chess isn't haram, not praying because you were playing chess is haram.
Dogs shall march with us during the European civil war in 20 years.
Pls make it a crusade, I want in
There's a Hadith (Koran fan fiction) that said an angel wouldn't talk to Muhammad if there was a dog under his bed
It's a Great Pyrenese.
>own an almost 9 week old Labrador Retriever puppy
>she already knows to go to the back door and scratch at it when she needs to shit
Yeah, you'll have a couple poo and piss accidents at the beginning, but they're easily trainable if you know what you're doing. They're called "man's best friend" for a reason, Yusuf.
>Why do Muslims dislike dogs?
Only whites really bonded with dogs, other races just mimic the behavior or reject it.
Because ancient Egyptians liked cats and muslims think WE WUZ PHARAOHZ
Same here and I tip my Fedora. I just fucking hate muzzies.
Dogs are shit and so are the people who like them.
Anyone have that webm of the Muslim planting a bomb for the dog, blowing it up?
Because they are Jews in disguise.
Dogs have pack mentality and obey what they consider to be the alpha male, muslims are all Elliot Roger tier betas.
Wanting to get cucked by your pet.
You know just because some famous author has an opinion doesn't make them right.
That post reads like it was written by a neckbeard.
Was HP Lovecraft a neckbeard?
Labs are smart dogs. Take it from me senpai, I owned a pitbull before getting a black lab. Family dog to my own dog, would never want another dumb dog again.
>applying human logic to literal non-humans
You're part of the problem, you cuck.
Sandniggers are NOT people.
Subhumans with subhuman IQ.
Also, banning things with no apparent reason is a great way to train mindless drones.
i love dogs with a passion
they have been with my people and the european man i might add since when we were pagans
"Hung. Pony" Lovecraft was the original edgy neckband /tg/ fedora.
Just like Edward Poe was the original goth *
* as stated in southpark
yeah right
theres videos all over of western muslims as well as in their respective shithole countries hanging dogs and straight up shooting and stoning them.
That is hate, fanatical hate
I have a half lab half dachshund (male dachshund was a real stud who didn't give a fuck about size difference).
Literally the best dog on earth. Temperament and intelligence of a lab, with the bravery and size of a mammoth dachshund. Considering cloning and selling her
Dogs can smell evil
Because dogs are man's best friend
not to mention the author is a dumbass in this regard, cats dont go about their lives, homecats re totally dependent on their humans. At the end of the day both are inferior lives as he put it, cats are just ungrateful and assholes
They know evil
t. virgin until death
Get out.
They are bitter that 99% of non-muslims when given the choice would save all dogs of the world instead of all muslims.
He was just plain right.
>Not only do dogs seem to love us back, they actually see us as their family. It turns out that dogs rely on humans more than they do their own kind for affection, protection and everything in between.
>The scientists found that dog owners' aroma actually sparked activation in the "reward center" of their brains, called the caudate nucleus. Of all the wafting smells to take in, dogs actually prioritized the hint of humans over anything or anyone else.
>According to Andics, dogs interact with their human caregivers in the same way babies do their parents. When dogs are scared or worried, they run to their owners, just as distressed toddlers make a beeline for their parents. This is in stark contrast to other domesticated animals: Petrified cats, as well as horses, will run away.
>"Bonding with owners is much more important for dogs than other pets," said Andics.
Reminder that dogs have been at our side helping us out since the dawn of human civilisation, and have earned their monicker as man's best friend.
Oh I know they're smart. My family's been training them for duck hunting for generations. Watching my dad, he has some serious voodoo I hope I pick up eventually.
>use a utensil that is covered with dirt
>but dogs are the unclean ones
>Feline intellectuals
Pack mentality
The dog knows hes part of you pack and your the alpha
People think cats are mysterious and aloof, but they are actually just really dumb and inattentive.
Sand niggers and niggers hate dogs because dogs are good judges of character.
Doge hates pedo.
Cats are tiny tigers you let into your house, they tolerate you because you provide them with shelter.
- You've just been jewed into believing that. I have one and I trust it more than most humans.
The thing is that it is not recommended to have it eat in your plate, sleep in your bed or shit on your prayer place. It's just a basic hygienic thing.
And it applies to all animals, not just dogs. Since, unlike homo sapiens, they have not evolved enough to have truly reliable control over their urethral and rectal sphincters.
- Also, in Islam, taking care of animals and planting trees gets you to heaven. True story here
Says the culture that wipes their ass with their own hand.
Fucking kill yourself you waste of oxygen.
Because dogs can sense that they are evil.
Enjoy your monkey butt.
The original fedora tipper.