America hate thread

American blood is filthy

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Fuck off Paki scum


Even poo in the loos are better than paki scum.

I have this pic of your prophet


I like the India posters better than you.

westerners are filthy and disrepectful
india is weak country

Why does your flag have a huge white bar to the left,is it unfinished?

>a muslim


Why don't you do what you sandniggers do best, and die in drone strike.

Go back to fucking little kids ahmed

Fuck off Terrorist. I cant wait until you awaken the White Giant. You will beg for forgiveness before the end.

>westerners are filthy and disrepectful

This coming from a mudhut dweller who fucks little boys

we burn your country and we can burn your smal l country again
whites are hungry for paki arab cock

> paki shitposting

heres another one

Sure you do mr poo-in-durka-loo.

what's the difference between a pig and a american?

This is now a dank Mohammed (pigs be unto him) Memes thread.

In that picture, they are interchangeable.

Please explain to me how your country manages to have worse living conditions and HDI than India even though they have fucking one billion people more than you and no toilets

Fucking Congo has a higher HDI than you

One is your prophet the other is from america.


>destroy the black box
>all Muslims shut down like the battle droids in star wars episode 1


>india is weak country

I can't fight with you there.

Kill yourself you bloody pig.

And they earned it. Fucking injuns.

They're getting reparations they get loans free school they get everything we can give them as a sorry I don't know what else they want, if whites leave who will get them those things?

Even fucking Brazil knows.



LOL do you hear a drone outside right now?


Lmao a disease epidemic isnt a "slaughter"
The natives were far gone well before the first colonies were founded

Est. 200,000 at most

Bait for the bait god!




>also fuck muslims thread

Almost every one on this thread is a fucking anarchist faggot who needs to jump off a fucking building

This. Answer the question, OP. What do Pajeets do differently? Is it simply because your 'people' are degenerate, inbred sandniggers?

Remember when osama was under house arrest, hidden away by your government and we violated your airspace harder than muhammad violated aisha's 5 year old ass? Your shit country complained like children to the world.

Hell dude,we rank low in HDI lists because of literally one region in the country,the northeast,other regions have cities with Finland's HDI,but the entirety of Pakistan is shit and we have the same amount of people



>100 million
nice try

Someone post webm of mudslimes getting killed by the Murrica crane in mecca

No one's hungry for your aids-ridden, scared, shit-colored dick. I've seen a few of you manlets in Zagreb, literally worse than gypsies.

>French helicopter
>German fighter
>French carrier
>Israeli tank
>German troops

Hey Italy, is this how you cope with being the niggers of Europe?

How does the bait taste

back to your containment thread irrelevant

Cant these pictures being send to some Pakistani hate beard or an other way so a group of extreme muslim can see it? and start burning flags like the good old days?

I don't know if I'd consider triggering my /k/ autism a form a bait.

Why are our uniforms so gay these days?
>Desert environment
>Woodland vest

>all these Americans bringing democracy to this thread

Lol how about some dead hajis?

Any haji removers in here? I'd like to thank you for your service to not just your countries but to the betterment of this world, one dead haji at a time


you guys are so mean.
westerners are ruthless killers


>100 million
Good one. Also complete bullshit, I'm Native American and it wasn't 100 million and most was from disease Europeans brought over.

Nah, those are Mercenaries or Niggers under some drugs.

>you call us mean, ruthless killers
>literally posts gore and hate speech towards americans
>on an american board

Fuck off Ahmed.

ill help you their dear

>a roach by any other name is still a roach

Depends on who's posting it
also, Pakistan should be mad at Brittanistan not us considering they are the ones that caused the rivalry between India and Pakistan

Good times to be alive, minus the air conditioning.


Brazil pls
Talk shit, get hit. You are allowed to exist by the grace of the US.

>westerners are filthy and disrepectful
Muslims literally live in dirt, have no concept of hygiene, and all of them are thieves or worse.



You misspelled "Full of liberty, justice freedom and kick-ass spirit"

Reminds me of the negros back in school when there was free shiiiiiiet. But even they had a sort of etiquette because they wanted to continue receiving free shit. These assholes should be burnt and harvested for minerals and metal.


I agree with OP. America is full of fat greedy fucks who's country will be collapsing within the next 10 years. Have fun whilst it lasts faggots and retards

>all dat projection

Glad Trump is building a wall to keep future UK refugees out.


Nice try Ahmed.


>american """"army""""

Think you hate us now, just wait. For now you will just have to imagine the fire.

Everything you say is irrelevant... We got the guns and the bombs

drone strike incomming

an american life is equal to a british one in my eyes

you paki bastards though...i would gun you down and have a boner while doing so.

fucking vermin

Nice proxy roleplaying faggot.

>few hundred

Gas yourself, kike.

ayy lmao